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A graduating paper
Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments of the
Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (SPd.I) in
English Education Department
This graduation paper is dedicated to:
1. My beloved father (Sumadi) and mother (Mahmudah),
2. My sister and my brother.
3. My cousin and nephew
4. My indeed friends; Hera, Nia, Mbak very, Ticha,
Saridon, Ain, Mbak lina, Putri, Nani, Mbak win, Tiyul,
Iin, Olipe, Zahroh, Mbak Zaki, Naim, Wafiq.
5. My friends in TBI D class
6. My friend in TBI 2007
7. My students in TPA Nuruzzahroh
8. My neighbour
9. My beloved my boyfriend
Toyibatun, Siti (2011), Contrastive Analysis Between English and Indonesian
Verb Phrase. Conselor: Ari Setiawan M.M.
Keyword: Contrastive, Analysis, English, Indonesian verb phrase.
There are differences between English and Indonesian verb phrase. Therefore, in
this case, the research which is done entitle Contrastive Analysis between English
and Indonesian verb phrase is aimed to compare and analyze between verb phrase
in English and Indonesia. This research used qualitative approach in analyzing
data of the research. After analyzing, the researcher got the finding which
mentioned that Both English and Indonesian verb phrase made up two or more
words, and they have differences in function, English verb phrase has function as
predicate but Indonesian verb phrase not only has function as predicate in a
sentence but also has function as subject, object, complement, and adverb. Thus,
there are similarities and differences between English and Indonesian verb phrase.
TITLE …………………………………………………………………….
DECLARATION …………………………………………………………
DEDICATION …………………………………………………………..
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………. …
TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………….
LIST OF TABLE………………………………………………………….
A. Background of the study …………………………. 1
B. Statement of Problem ……………………………. 3
C. Objective of the Study ……………………...........
D. Benefits of the Study …………………………….
E. Limitation of the Problem……………………….
F. Clarification of the Key terms …………………..
G. Previous Research Review ……………………..
H. Research Methodology…………………………
I. Graduating Paper Outline ……………………….
A. The Nature of Contrastive Analysis …………….
B. The function of Contrastive Analysis……………
C. Verb …………………………………………….
D. Verb phrase …………..........................................
A. Verb………………………………………………
B. Phrase………………………………………….…
C. English Verb Phrase……………….......................
D. Indonesian Verb Phrase………………………….
A. Sentence analysis ………………………………..
B. The Contrastive Analysis between English and
Indonesian verb phrase …………………………..
A. Conclusion ………………………………………… 41
B. Suggestion …………………………………………. 41
List of Table
Table 3.1 Verb in tenses ………………………………………………..
Table 3.2 Prepositional phrase …………………………………………
Figure 3.1 Verb phrase …………………………………………………
Table 4.1 English Verb Phrase ………………………………………….
Table 4.2 Indonesian Verb Phrase ……………………………………….
A. Background of the study
Language is important for people. Whatever else people do when they
come together - whether they play, fight, make love, or make automobiles –
they talk. People live in a world of language. They talk to our friends, our
associates, our wives and husbands, our lovers, our teachers, our parents, our
rivals, and even our enemies. We talk to bus drivers and total strangers. They
talk face- to- face and over the telephone, and everyone responds with more
The possession of language, perhaps more than any other attribute,
distinguishes humans from other animals. To understand our humanity, one
must understand the nature of language that makes us human.
People use language to express their mind, wishes, and ideas.
Language is a means of communication people use to share ideas with others.
Language predicts attitude and wishes of the users.
In our country, English and Arabic in Islamic school is regarded as the
first foreign language to be taught. It is taught to student from the elementary
school until university. From the program, it is expected that the students have
good command in English and Arabic.
Because of the goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in
order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and
intellectual development that result from foreign language study, studying
grammar is a way to learn a language to approach the language first thought
detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this
knowledge to the text into end out of the target language.
In teaching learning process students should be more concern with the
sentence construction. They need to know how words collocate, to know
where certain classes of the words and which of those words have their normal
places in sentences. So, they need to know for example: verb and the
formations of them.
Knowledge of how to put words together in the right order is important
as knowledge of their meaning. Verb is arrangement with other component
helps to form the sentence core which is essential to every complete sentence.
The following are example of verb phrases: She was walking to the mall, She
began to understand the teenagers, Ted might eat the cake. The next are the
example of Indonesian verb phrases: Ia bekerja keras sepanjang hari “He
work hard all day”, Mereka menangis dan meratapi nasibnya ”They cry and
lament his fate”, and kesehatannya sudah membaik “His condition has
Comparing two languages is as approach to find the problem which
may be faced by the students contrastive approach. Robert (1962:21) says that
contrastive analysis is considered as the comparison of the structure of
language to determine the point that differ them and the differences of the
source of difficulty in learning target language.
From the discussion above, the writer takes courage to write a thesis
with the title ” Contrastive Analysis Between English and Indonesian Verb
B. Statement of Problem
Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the
problem as follows:
1. What are the function of English and Indonesian verb phrase?
2. What are the similarities and differences function between English and
Indonesian verb phrase?
C. Objective of the study
The objectives of this analysis especially are to get information about:
1. To find out the function of English and Indonesian verb phrase.
2. To find out the similarities and differences function between English and
Indonesian verb phrase.
D. Benefits of the study
The writer hopes that this analysis produces benefit as follows:
1. For the researcher or teacher
1) To more understanding about English and Indonesian verb phrase.
2) To improve the ability in English by comparing the two languages
(Indonesian and English verb phrase).
3) To be one of source information to the next researcher that is the
problem related to this research for instance research about another
For the students
1) To be easier to understand contrastive between English and
Indonesian verb phrase.
2) To deepen the English and Indonesian verb phrase.
E. Limitation of the Study
In this analysis, the writer would like to limit this study,
1. The writer explain the definition of verb and the kind of verb.
2. The writer explain the function of English and Indonesian verb phrase
3. The writer compare the function of English and Indonesian verb phrase.
F. Clarification of the Key terms
1. Contrastive analysis
Contrastive analysis is used to find the similarities and differences
of things, people, ideas or procedures, Suharsimi (1989:198).
2. Verb
Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or
thing, Wren and Martin (1995:3).
3. Phrase
A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of
speech and does not contain a verb and its subject (Warriner, 1982:78).
4. Verb phrase
A verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or
thing (Wren& Martin, 1995:3) example: The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.
Some verbs consist of more than one word. Even so, these verbs are still simple
predicate of a sentence. When a verb is made up of more than one word, it is
called a verb phrase (John, 1982: 15).
The carnival has been in the town for two weeks.
Santy is reading a newspaper.
G. Previous Research Review
In this thesis the writer also takes review of related research from other
thesis as comparison: The first is “Contrastive Analysis Between English and
Indonesian Adverb of Place” written by Muhammad Nur Da‟I in 2006, the
student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. In this thesis, he
compared and analyzed about English and Indonesian adverb of place. He
explained that the English adverb of place are here, there, upstairs, away,
inside, down, in, out, indoors, outdoors. Indonesian adverb of place are di sini,
ke sana, ke situ, dari sini, dari situ, and sampai. The differences from this
research is in the object of the research, and the similarity is in the subject of
the research.
The second review related to this research, the title is “Contrastive
Analysis of English and Indonesian Pronouns (A Study of the Syntactical
Function)” researched by As‟ad Romadlon in 2003, the student of State
Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. In this thesis, he compared and
analyzed the two languages, they are English and Indonesian. The problem is
in pronouns viewed from their syntactical function. According to him, there
are similarities of English and Indonesian pronouns (as personal and
possessive pronouns.)
From both of thesis, the writer tries to analyze Contrastive Analysis
Between English and Indonesian Verb Phrases. Here, the writer wants to
compare the English and Indonesian verb phrase and determine accurately the
valid similarities and the differences between them, the differences of this
research with the researches above, Here, the writer tries to compare and
analyze the two of English and Indonesian phrase.
H. Research Methodology
1. Type of the research
This research is qualitative research. According to Azwar (1998:5)
penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif lebih menekankan analisisnya
pada proses penyimpulan deduktif dan induktif serta pada analisis
terhadap dinamika hubungan antarfenomena yang diamati, dengan
menggunakan logika ilmiah. Hal ini bukan berarti bahwa pendekatan
kualitatif sama sekali tidak menggunakan data kuantitatif akan tetapi
penekanannya tidak pada pengujian hipotesis melainkan pada usaha
menjawab pertanyaan penelitian melalui cara-cara berfikir formal dan
( a research uses qualitative approach more emphasize its analysis
in deductive and inductive concluding process and also to relation
phenomenon that analized use logical science. This is not show that
qualitative not need quantitative data but its empasize not in testing of
hypothesis, except of the effort to answer statement of problem through
formal and argumentative thinking).
Qualitative research has some steps to analyzing data of research,
in order to get result of data analysis. Completely.
Moleong (1989:248) Steps of data analysis of qualitative:
Reading of data, give sign the key words and main idea of the data
Read data, give sign to key words.
Learning the key words, finding the theme of the data
Writing of the model founded
Coding that has done
2. Object of the research
The object of this research are English and Indonesian verb phrase. The
writer uses some books, both English and Indonesian containing the
materials related to the subject matters of this thesis, they are:
 Anton M. Moeliono and Soenjono Dardjowidjojo. 1988. Tata Bahasa
Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai pustaka.
He explains kinds of Indonesian verb phrase, functions of Indonesian
verb phrase and also some example of Indonesian verb phrase.
 Widjono Hs. 2007. Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Grasindo.
He explains kinds of Indonesian phrase, definition of verb phrase, kinds
of verb phrase and some example of Indonesian verb phrase.
 Wren and Martin. 1995. English Grammar and Composition. New Delhi:
Chand & Company Ltd.
He explains kinds of verb and some example of verb combination.
 Marcella frank.1972. Modern English. New Jersey: Prentice-hall, Inc.
He explains types of verb and some example of verb combination.
 Azwar, Syaifuddin.1998. Metode penelitian.Yogyakarta: Pustaka pelajar.
He explains definition of qualitative approach.
 Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1989. Prosedur penelitian: Suatu pendekatan
praktek, Jakarta: Rineka cipta.
He also explains definition of contrastive analysis.
 Tarigan, Guntur. 1989. pengajaran Analysis kontrastif bahasa. Jakarta:
He explais definition of contrastive analysis and some essential
contributions in teaching-learning process.
 Lexy j. moleong.2009. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Bandung: PT.
Remaja Rosdakarya offset.
He explains steps of qualitative analysis.
 Roger T. Bell. 1981. An introduction to applied lingustic: Approaches
and Method in Language Teaching. London: Bastford Academicand
Education Ltd.
He explains contrastive analysis has functions to provide guidelines in
analyzing of foreign language.and two polar views of using cotrastive
3. Method of collecting data
The writer use documentation method to collect the data. The writer
taken the data from English and Indonesian book. They are:
 Anton M. Moeliono and Soenjono Dardjowidjojo. 1988. Tata Bahasa
Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai pustaka
In this book, the writer found some english verb phrase, they are:
Bersenam setiap pagi membuat orang itu terus sehat
“ Doing gymnastic in every morning make the people always
Makan sayur-sayuran dengan teratur dapat meningkatkan kesehatan
“ Eating vegetables organizingly can increase healthy”
Mereka mempertanyakan mandi dan buang air pada pagi hari
“ They ask wash and take a nape in the morning”
Samuel baru mulai mengerti masalah itu
“ Samuel has just understood the problem”
Saya bersedia membantu anda
“ I already to help you”
 Widjono Hs. 2007. Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Grasindo
Pulogadung, tempat tinggalnya dulu, kini menjadi terminal modern.
“ Pulogadung, where he lived before, now become a modern
Usaha pak Ali, berdagang kain, kini menjadi grosir
“ Mr. Ali‟s business, trade cloth, now be a wholesaler”
Mata pencaharian orang itu, bertani dan beternak, sekarang telah
“ Job of the people, farming and breed, success now”
 Wren and Martin. 1995. English Grammar and Composition. New Delhi:
Chand & Company Ltd.
He has just gone out
Mr. Hari has been to japan
I have cut my finger
We have lived here for ten years
The boy are playing hockey
I am reading “David Copperfield”
I am going to the cinema tonight
Savitri is loved by Sita
The wall is being built by the mason
The gate was opened by the peon
The work will be finished by him in a fortnight
His talk does not interest me
You do look pale
My new watch does not keep good time
 Thomson & Martinet. 1995. A practical English Grammar. New york:
Oxford University Press
He can take the car
They may phone the office and reverse the charges
On Sundays we could stay up late
You should send in accurate income tax returns
You must practise at least an hour a day
They ought to have stopped at the traffic light
4. Method of analyzing data
All collected data from the references that have been studied will be
classified, compared and analyzed by using contrastive analysis.
Here, the writer takes the steps are as follows:
Firstly, the writer reads the book both English and Indonesian that
consist of verb phrases between English and Indonesian
Secondly, the writer finds out English and Indonesian verb phrases in
those books
Thirdly, the writer writes all the collected data into papers and
classifying them based on contrastive analysis
Finally, the writer analyses the English and Indonesian verb phrases.
Then find out the similarities and the differences among them and takes
the conclusion.
I. Graduating Paper Outline
Chapter I is introduction. It explains about The Background of study,
The Statement of study, The Objective of Study, The Benefits of Study, The
Limitation of the Problem, The Previous Research Review, Research
Methodology and Graduating paper outline.
Chapter II is Theoritical Framework. It explains the nature of
contrastive analysis, the function of contrastive analysis, definition of verb,
and definition of verb phrase.
Chapter III is Discussion of English and Indonesian verb phrase. It
explains kinds of verb, English verb phrase and Indonesian verb phrase.
Chapter IV is Result of the study. This chapter describes data analysis
the similarities and differences function between English and Indonesian verb
Chapter V is Closure that consists of Conclusion and Suggestion
In this chapter, the writer would like to explain some of related literatures
of the research. It consists of the nature of contrastive analysis, the function of
contrastive analysis, verb, phrase, and verb phrase.
A. The Nature of Contrastive Analysis
Tarigan (1989:5) explains that Contrastive analysis is an activity that
tries to compare between English and Indonesian language structure, to
identify the differences between both language and their similarities. It is a
work procedure of language activities comparing the structure of L1 and L2 or
any languages and identifying their differences from the two languages.
Bell (1981:181) Applied linguistics has been concerned to explain the
nature of language use by learners and, in particular, to assign to the learner‟s
L1 some degree of responsibility for that behavior. In essence, the point at
issue is the extent to which the structure of the L1 is a cause of the errors
which the learner produces in his attempts to use the target language.
There are two polar views on this and a range of compromise positions
between them:
a. The strong claim that the „deviant‟ behavior of the learner is the direct
result of the transfer of the habits‟ of the L1 into L2.
b. The weak claim that the structure of the L1 provides only a partial
explanation of the phenomena involved in L2 learning.
1) Strong claim
Those who make the strong claim are clearly committed to
contrastive analysis not only as a means of explaining error
but also as a technique for predicting error. Once the areas
of contrast have been isolated, the teacher can devise drills
which will practice errors away before they ever have a
chance to emerge and become established as habits.The
strong claim is, then, highly predictive in that it assumes
that, armed with a contrastive analysis of the languages
involved, the teacher will have a clear picture of the
problem areas even before the learners has started to learn.
2) Weak claim
Since those who make the weak claim insist that the
structure of the L1 is only one of many influences at work
in the learning process, it follows that contrastive analysis
may be of some value in explanation of errors but cannot
have a strong predictive value. For those who make the
weak claim, post facto analysis of the errors currently being
made by learners is likely to be of far greater value in
designing the syllabus than any a priori comparison of the
language involved.
B. The Function of Contrastive Analysis
According to Tarigan (1989:50) he also explained that contrastive
analysis has some essential contributions in teaching-learning process. They
are as follows:
a. Constructing language teaching materials which are based on the
divergent aspects of the two languages being learnt.
b. Constructing the system of pedagogical language which is based on
the linguistic theory.
c. Arranging the class properly, in which the first language is applied to
help in learning the second language.
d. Presenting the language materials directly by:
1) Showing the structural differences between the languages.
2) Showing the structural aspects of the first language which causes
possible difficulties or errors in the second language.
3) Suggesting the ways of how to overcome the interferences
4) Giving the exercise intensively to the aspects which are
This study used contrastive analysis because it functions to provide
guidelines in analyzing of foreign language. According to Bell, the
functions are:
a. Predictive
It means to detect the errors of students in learning foreign
b. Clarificative
It means to explain the errors which are made by the
c. Complementary
It means to complete knowledge of the candidate teachers
and the teachers who do not have experience.
d. Preventive
It means to prevent and to limit the errors done by the
e. Curative
It means to correct the errors and to overcome the language
teaching problem.
C. Verb
Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or
thing; as, The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.Wren and Martin (1974:3).
There are many types of verb, such as:
a. Predicating verb
b. Linking verb
c. Transitive verb
d. Intransitive verb
e. Reflexive verb
f. Auxiliary verb
g. Lexical verb.
h. Finite verbs
i. Non-finite (or infinite) verbs
j. Verb in tenses
k. Verbs in active and passive voice
l. Verb in regular and irregular form
D. Verb Phrase
In English, A verb is a word used to say something about some
person, place, or thing (Wren& Martin, 1995:3) example: The girl wrote
a letter to her cousin. Some verbs consist of more than one word. Even
so, these verbs are still simple predicate of a sentence. When a verb is
made up of more than one word, it is called a verb phrase (John, 1982:
In Indonesia, Frasa verbal is a group of words formed with the
This phrase consist of three types, namely:
a. Frasa Verbal Modifikatif (pewatas), consist of: modifier (pewatas)
+ main verb.
b. Frasa Verbal Koordinatif is two verbs which combine with
conjunction dan (and) or atau (or).
c. Frasa Verbal Apositif is a description that is added or inserted.
In this chapter, the writer discussed English and Indonesian verb phrase,
before that, the writer also explained kinds of verb and kinds of phrase to
understand the context of this research.
A. Verb
Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or
thing; as, The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.Wren and Martin (1974:3).
There are many types of verb, such as:
1. Predicating verb
Predicating verb is the chief word in the predicate that says
something about the subject. The predicating word or predicator has
traditionally been called a verb of “action” (babies cry; She wrote a letter),
but has actually been interpreted to include most non-action verbs that are
not linking verbs (for example, I remember him; She needs more money).
2. Linking verb
Linking verb is a verb of incomplete predication; it merely
announces that the real predicate follows. The important word in the
complement is usually an adjective (The girl is pretty) or a noun (She is a
preety girl). The –ly adverbs of manner (quickly, angrily) are not used with
linking verbs. The more common linking verbs are appear, be, become, get,
look, remain, seem.
3. Transitive verb
A transitive verb takes a direct object (He is reading a book); only
transitive verbs may be used in the passive voice (The book was returned
by him quickly).
4. Intransitive verb
An intransitive verb does not require an object (He is walking in
the park). All linking verb are intransitive.
5. Reflexive verb
A reflexive verb requires one of the compounds with –self
(reflexive pronoun) as its object – express oneself, wash oneself, pride
oneself, avail oneself, washed (himself) and dressed (himself) quickly.
Reflexive verbs often have a non-reflexive use also, and can take objects
that do not refer back to the subject – She washed the child and then
dressed him quickly.
6. Auxiliary verb
Auxiliary verb acts as a “helping” verb to the lexical verb by adding
either (1) a structural element that marks differences in tense, voice, mood,
and aspect, or that signals questions and negatives; or (2) a semantic
coloring such as ability, possibility or necessity (modal auxiliary). Some
verbs used as auxiliaries may also occur independently – be, have, do.
Other verbs function chiefly as auxiliaries and must be used with a lexical
verb – shall, will, can, must, may, should, would, could, might.
7. Lexical verb
Lexical verb carries the chief burden of semantic content. For
example: will open, is opening, and was opened.
8. Finite verbs
A finite verb is a lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as
the full verb in the predicate. It is limited by all the grammatical properties
a verb may have – person, number, tense, voice, etc.
9. Non-finite (or infinite) verbs
Non-finite (or infinite) verbs are incomplete verb forms that
function as other parts of speech than verbs. They consist of the infinitive
forms (to + the simple form of the verb) and the participial –ing or –ed
forms. For example: the boy talking to the teacher is my brother. The
non- finite forms are not limited by person or number, but they have
voice and some tense.
10. Verb in tenses
Table 3.1 Verb in tenses
Present I love
I am loving
I have loved
I have been
I loved
I was loving
I had loved
I had been
shall I shall be loving
I shall have I shall have
been loving
11. Verbs in active and passive voice
In active voice, form of verb shows that the person denoted by the
subject does something, For example: Rama helps Hari. But in passive
voice, form of verb shows that something is done to the person denoted
by the subject, for example: Hari is helped by Rama.
B. Phrase
A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of
speech and does not contain a verb and its subject (Warriner, 1982:78). And if
a group of words has a subject and a verb, then the group of words is not a
phrase (Warriner, 1982:78) for example we found your pen. (a subject and a
verb, we is the subject of found), If she will go. (a subject and a verb, she is the
subject of will go).
Phrase is a group of words, which makes sense, but not complete sense
(Wren & Martin, 1995: 2).
Example: The sun rises in the east.
It was a sunset of great beauty.
In the sentences, the groups of words in underlines are phrases.
Whereas, such a group of words which forms part of a sentence,
and contains a subject and predicate, is called clause (Wren & Martin,
1995: 2). In the following sentences, the group of words in underline is
clauses: People who pay their debts are trusted.
We cannot start while it is raining.
There are some phrases in English, such as:
1. Noun phrase
2. Verbal phrase or verb phrase
3. Adjective phrase
4. Adverb phrase
5. Prepositional phrase
6. Gerund phrase
7. Infinitive phrase
8. Participle phrase
Now the writer wants to explain about those phrase:
1. Noun Phrase
A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing
(Wren& Martin, 1995: 3).
Example: The rose smells sweet.
Noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of a noun
(Wren & Martin, 1995:158).
Example: The beautiful girl over there is my sister.
He is a governor of Surabaya.
2. Verbal phrase or verb phrase
A verb is a word used to say something about some person,
place, or thing (Wren& Martin, 1995:3) example: The girl wrote a
letter to her cousin. Some verbs consist of more than one word. Even
so, these verbs are still simple predicate of a sentence. When a verb is
made up of more than one word, it is called a verb phrase (John, 1982:
Example: The carnival has been in the town for two weeks.
Santy is reading a newspaper.
3. Adjective Phrase
An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of
noun. An adjective phrase modifies a noun or a pronoun (John, 1982:
Example: He is a brave boy.
Adjective may be divided into the following classes:
a. Adjectives of Quality (or descriptive adjective) show the kind
or quality of a person or thing. Example: He is an honest man.
b. Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant.
Example: We have had enough exercise.
c. Adjectives of Number (or numeral adjectives) show how many
persons or things are meant, or in what order a person or thing
stands. Example: The hand has five fingers.
There are three kinds of adjective of number:
Definite numeral adjectives, which denote an exact
number, such as: one, two, three (cardinals) and first,
second, third (ordinals)
Indefinite numeral adjectives, which do not denote an
exact number, such as: many, few, some, any, certain,
Distributive numeral adjectives, which refer to each
one of a number, such as: Neither accusation is true.
d. Demonstrative adjectives point out which person or thing is
meant. Example: This boy is stronger than Hari.
e. Interrogative adjectives used what, which, and whose with
nouns to ask question. Example: Whose book is this?
4. Adverb Phrase
An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a
verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb phrase modifies a
verb, an adjective, or another adverb (John, 1982: 89).
Example: This flower is very beautiful.
Kinds of adverb:
Adverbs may be divided into the following classes,
according to their meaning:
a. Adverbs of time (which show when)
Example: I had a letter from him lately.
He called here a few minutes ago.
b. Adverbs of frequency (which show how often)
Example: I have told you twice.
He seldom comes here.
c. Adverbs of place (which show where)
Example: The little lamb followed Mary everywhere.
The horse galloped away.
d. Adverbs of manner (which show how or in what manner)
Example: The boy works hard.
I was agreeably disappointed.
5. Prepositional Phrase
A preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show
how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in
relation to something else (Wren & Martin, 1995: 2)
Example: There is a cow in the garden.
In another book John (1982: 71) says that a preposition is a
word that shows the relation of noun or pronoun to some other word in
the sentence. The following words are commonly used as preposition:
Table 3.2 Prepositional phrase
A prepositional phrase is a phrase that begins with a
preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. A prepositional phrase
may be used as an adjective or an adverb (John, 1982: 83). Preposition
are words like at, by, of, and with that show the relation of noun or
pronoun – called the object of the preposition to another word in the
sentence. The preposition and the object and whatever modifiers it may
have make up a prepositional phrase.
Example: Sandra has a collection of shells.
The prepositional phrase never stands alone in a sentence. It is
always used with a noun or pronoun that is called the object of the
preposition. Usually the noun or pronoun follows the preposition.
Example: You can press those leaves under glass. (The preposition
under relates its object, glass, to can press)
The quartet sang in harmony. (The preposition in relates its
object, harmony, to sang)
In those sentences which in underline are prepositional phrase.
6. Gerund Phrase
A gerund is that form of the verb which ends in –ing, and has
the force of a noun and a verb (Wren & Martin, 1995: 85). And gerund
is a verb which acts as a noun. Gerund phrase is consist of gerund
together with its complements and modifier, all of which act together
as a noun (Frank, 1972:314).
Example: I like reading poetry.
Gerund can be used as:
a. The subject of the sentence
Example: Reading English is easier than speaking it.
b. The object of the sentence
Example: I like swimming very much.
c. After preposition
Example: I am interested in playing basket ball.
d. In prohibition
Example: No smoking
No spitting
e. After certain verbs, such as (enjoy, keep, admit, avoid, delay,
Example: I enjoy talking on the phone.
Keep walking down this road.
f. Go + Verb – ing (to show recreational activities)
Example: Go swimming
Go dancing
g. After the following expressions:
Can‟t stand = endure
Can‟t help = prevent/avoid
Example: I couldn‟t help laughing.
7. Infinitive Phrase
An infinitive phrase will begin with an infinitive (to + simple
form of the verb). It will include objects and/or modifiers.
Example: to smash a spider.
Infinitive phrase can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
8. Participle Phrase
A participle is that form of the verb which partakes of the
nature both of a verb and of an adjective (Wren & Martin, 1995: 80).
Or a participle is a word which is partly a verb and partly an adjective.
The phrase, which is introduced by a participle is called a participle
Example: We met a girl carrying a basket of flowers.
There are two participle, those are present participle and past
participle. The present participle has an active meaning and has form
Verb-ing. For example The confusing students ask a lot of questions to
the teacher. And the past participle has a passive meaning and has
form Verb-III. For example The teacher is confused because all the
students do not understand the lesson.
C. English Verb Phrase
A verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or
thing (Wren& Martin, 1995:3) example: The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.
Some verbs consist of more than one word. Even so, these verbs are still
simple predicate of a sentence. When a verb is made up of more than one
word, it is called a verb phrase (John, 1982: 15).
Figure 3.1 Verb phrase
a. Auxiliary (modal) + main verb :
He can take the car.
They may phone the office and reverse the charges.
On Sundays we could stay up late.
You should send in accurate income tax returns.
You must practise at least an hour a day.
They ought to have stopped at the traffic lights.
b. Auxiliary (perfect form) + main verb\
He has just gone out
Mr. Hari has been to japan
I have cut my finger
We have lived here for ten years
c. Auxiliary (progressive form) + main verb
The boys are playing hockey
I am reading „David Copperfield‟.
I am going to the cinema tonight.
My uncle is arriving tomorrow.
d. Auxiliary (passive form) + main verb
Savitri is loved by Sita.
The wall is being built by the mason.
The gate was opened by the peon.
The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.
e. Auxliliary (support auxiliary form) + main verb
His talk does not interest me.
My new watch does not keep good time.
You do look pale.
Based on the examples above, the writer found that English verb phrase
has function as predicate in a sentence.
D. Indonesian Verb phrase
Frasa verbal is a group of words formed with the verb.
This phrase consist of three types, namely:
d. Frasa Verbal Modifikatif (pewatas), consist of:
1) Pewatas belakang
Example: Ia bekerja keras sepanjang hari.
“He worked hard all day”
Orang itu berjalan cepat setiap pagi.
“That man was walking fast every morning”
2) Pewatas depan
Example: Mereka dapat mengajukan kredit di BRI.
“They can apply for credit at BRI”
Mereka akan mendengarkan lagu kebangsaan.
”They will listen to the national anthem”
e. Frasa Verbal Koordinatif is two verbs which combine with
conjunction dan or atau.
Mereka menangis dan meratapi nasibnya.
”They cry and lament his fate”
Kita pergi atau menunggu ayah.
”We go or wait for dad”
f. Frasa Verbal Apositif is a description that is added or inserted.
Pulogadung, tempat tinggalnya dulu, kini menjadi
terminal modern.
“Pulogadung, where he lived before, now become a
modern terminal”
Usaha pak Ali, berdagang kain, kini menjadi
”Mr. Ali‟s business, trade cloth, now be a
The functions of Indonesian verb phrase:
a. As subject
For examlpe:
Bersenam setiap pagi membuat orang itu terus sehat.
“Doing gymnastic in every morning make the people always
Makan sayur-sayuran dengan teratur dapat meningkatkan
“Eating vegetables organizingly can increase healthy”
b. As predicate
For example:
Para tamu bersalam-salaman dengan akrab.
“Guests shake hand chummy”
c. As object
For example:
Mereka mempertanyakan mandi dan buang air pada pagi
“They ask wash and take a nape in the morning”
d. As complement
For example;
Samuel baru mulai mengerti masalah itu.
“Samuel has just understood the problem”
e. As adverb
For example:
Saya bersedia membantu anda.
“I already to help you”
Usaha pak ali, berdagang kain, kini menjadi grosir.
”Mr. Ali‟s business, trade cloth, now be a wholesaler”
Mata pencaharian orang itu, bertani dan beternak, sekarang
telah maju
“Job of the people, farming and breed, success now”
In this chapter, the writer would like to show the similarities and
differences between English and Indonesian verb phrase which the writer has
studied. The following table (table 4.1 and 4.2) are comparison between English
and Indonesian verb phrases.
A. Sentence Analysis
Table 4.1 English verb phrase
 He can take the car
Function: As predicate
 They may phone the office
Function: As predicate
and reverse the charges
 On Sundays we could stay up
Function: As predicate
 You should send in accurate
Function : As predicate
income tax returns
 You must practise at least an
hour a day
Function: As predicate
They ought to have
stopped at the traffic lights
Function: As predicate
He has just gone out
Function: As predicate
Mr. Hari has been to
Function: As predicate
I have cut my finger
Function: As predicate
We have lived here fo ten
Function: As predicate
The boys are playing
Function: As predicate
I am reading “David
Function: As predicate
I am going to the cinema
Function: As predicate
My uncle is arriving
Function: As predicate
Savitri is loved by Sita
Function: As predicate
The wall is being built by
the mason
Function: As predicate
The gate was opened by
the peon
Function: As predicate
The work will be finished
by him in a fortnight
Function: As predicate
His talk does not interest
Function: As predicate
You do look pale
Function: As predicate
My new watch does not keep
Function: As predicate
good time
Table 4.2 Indonesian verb phrase
Bersenam setiap pagi
Function: As subject
membuat orang itu terus sehat
“ Doing gymnastic in every
morning make the people
always health”
Makan sayur-sayuran dengan
Function: As subject
teratur dapat meningkatkan
“Eating vegetables
organizingly can increase
Para tamu bersalam-salaman
dengan akrab
“ Guests shake hand chummy”
Function: As predicate
Ia bekerja keras sepanjang
Function: As predicate
“ He worked hard all day”
Orang itu berjalan cepat setiap Function: As predicate
“ That man was walking fast
every morning”
Siswa itu menulis kembali
Function: As predicate
pekerjaan rumahnya
“ The student rewrite his
Mereka dapat mengajukan
Function: As predicate
kredit di BRI
“ They can apply for credit at
Mereka mempertanyakan
mandi dan buang air pada
pagi hari
“ They ask wash and take a
nape in the morning”
Fuction: As object
Samuel baru mulai mengerti
Function: As complement
masalah itu
“ Samuel has just understood
the problem”
Saya bersedia membantu anda
Function: As adverb
“I already to help you”
Usaha pak ali, berdagang
Function: As adverb
kain, kini menjadi grosir.
“ Mr.Ali‟s business, trade
cloth, now be a wholesaler”
Mata pencaharian orang itu,
Function: As adverb
bertani dan beternak,
sekarang telah maju
“ Job of the people, farming
and breed, success now”
Pulogadung, tempat
tinggalnya dulu, kini menjadi
terminal modern
“ Pulogadung, where he lived
before, now become a modern
Function: As adverb
B. The Contrastive Analysis between English and Indonesian verb phrase
English and Indonesian verb phrases are made up two or more words.
It is located in the middle of sentence. English verb phrase made up of
auxiliary and main verb. It has function as predicate. But Indonesian verb
phrase made up of a group of words. It is not only has function as predicate
but also as subject, object, complement, and adverb.
A. Conclusion
1. The function of English and Indonesian verb phrase
The functions of English verb phrase is as predicate in a sentence.
But the fuctions of Indonesian verb phrase are as subject, predicate,
object, complement, and adverb.
2. The similarities and differences function of English and Indonesian
verb phrase.
English and Indonesian verb phrases are made up two or more
words. It is located in the middle of sentence. English verb phrase
made up of auxiliary and main verb. It has function as predicate. But
Indonesian verb phrase made up of a group of words. It is not only has
function as predicate but also as subject, object, complement, and
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some
suggestion for both the teachers and learners of English, especially in
teaching and learning English verb phrase. For the teachers, the teaching
verb phrase should be in a sentence and For the learners, the learners
should pay attention to the rules of verb phrase and the learners should do
many exercises in order to be able to use verb phrase correctly.
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Personal identity:
: Siti Toyibatun.
: Female
Date and place of birth: Kendal, August 16th 1989
Permanent address
: Bahari street No.15 Rowosari, Kendal.
: Islam
Marital status
: Single
: [email protected]
Education background:
MI Tambaksari
MTs Nu Weleri
MA Nu Weleri
STAIN Salatiga