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Seagreens®: A nutritious prebiotic
A natural multi-nutrient whole food
Seagreens® wild seaweed is selected, monitored, harvested, dried and milled to the world’s highest quality
standard; Seagreens proprietary Human Food SeaweedTM standard (Patents Pending).
The Seagreens® standard ensures a consistently superior
nutritional quality, international certification including
allergen-free, kosher and organic, and international
compliance for food and nutraceutical ingredients.
Seagreens® seaweeds have a very broad nutritional profile
ideal for multiple and synergistic uses as food ingredients,
nutraceuticals and food supplements.
Specifically, Seagreens’ high dietary fibres, trace elements
and minerals, and levels of antioxidants make it ideal to deliver prebiotic and colon health benefits.
What are prebiotics, and why Seagreens works
A prebiotic is a component that is colonised and fermented by beneficial bacteria of the gut microflora (the
probiotics), enhancing the growth of these bacteria and consequently the health of the gut and the absorption of
nutrients. Those foods and components of foods that make for good prebiotics, must be able to pass through the
stomach without being broken down by the gastric acidity and enzyme activity.
An imbalance of probiotics has been seen in several gastrointestinal disorders such inflammatory bowel diseases
and cancer and also in the elderly. It is now well recognised that prebiotics can beneficially modulate the intestinal
microbiota which is essential for the maintenance of a normal healthy gut. However, recent evidence from
literature suggests that it can also produce a promising therapeutic potential for treating different gastrointestinal
disorders as well as in maintaining a healthy balance in the ageing gut.
Seagreens® is rich in dietary fibres especially in the form of high
levels of polysaccharides, which have shown to be resistant to
gastric acidity, enzyme hydrolysis and absorption in the
gastrointestinal tracti. As such, the polysaccharides present in
Seagreens® are ideal candidates as effective prebioticsii.
Seagreens® Ascophyllum has the highest polysaccharide
content of all the brown seaweeds - between 42% and 70% dry
Research studies to date on species produced by Seagreens®
are extremely positive, with examples including improved feed
intake in post-weaning pigs, reduced diarrhoea, increased
presence of good bacteria (Lactobacilli) and reduced presence of bad bacteria (E.Coli) when diets were
supplemented with seaweed polysaccharidesiv. Another example, in dairy cows, resulted in increased blood
glucose for those supplemented with Ascophyllum, thought to be due to the improved digestion and utilisation of
The information contained here within this document is for business to business communication, not for consumer use and is to the best of our knowledge accurate. However no warranties expressed or implied are
made. The user of the product should make their own tests and checks to determine the validity of the information, before using the product.
Seagreens®, via the independent Seaweed
Health Foundationv and its academic research
partners is furthering the many research projects
on the benefits of seaweed polysaccharides with
trials on Seagreens. Initial studies at Teesside
University in the UK, have suggested that
Seagreens has beneficial prebiotic effects, and
supports previous research studies.
Furthermore, research undertaken at Newcastle
University, UK, has indicated that the antioxidant
capacity of Seagreens remains high throughout
the initial stages of gastro-intestinal digestion. This
‘antioxidants’ will be released from Seagreens®
within the gut lumen where they can provide
protection to the gut from oxidative damage.
Use of wholefood Seagreens species as effective prebiotics;
demonstrated with Lactobacillus (LGG)
- Preliminary results
Nutrition for colon health
In addition to their beneficial effect on the gut flora, the brown seaweeds particularly, are known to assist the acidalkaline balancevi, help protect the gut liningvii, stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes viii, assist nutrient
absorption and metabolism, and thus strengthen immunity.
In poor colon health, and in all special needs diets, the need for a really comprehensive nutrient spectrum is
enhanced, yet at the best of times is difficult to obtain from land-grown and manufactured foods and still more so
where certain foods are restricted due to illness and therapy, allergy and intolerance, pregnancy, metabolic
disorders or weight regulation.
The effect of soil nutrient deficiencies and imbalances is well documented ix and the nature of land foods is that
each species has a distinct but partial spectrum of nutrients, high in some, low in others, all with some nutrients
missing. Human food quality seaweeds can fill these nutrient gaps, particularly across all of the micronutrients, due
to their remarkable nutritional profile.
Patel, S. & Goyal, A. (2012). The current trends and future perspectives of prebiotics research: a review. 3 Biotech, V2, pp. 115-125
O’Sullivan, L., Murphy, B., McLoughlin, P., Duggan, P., Lawlor, P.G., Hughes, H. & Gardiner, G.E. (2010). Prebiotics from Marine Macroalgae
for Human and Animal Health Applications. Marine Drugs, V8, pp. 2038-2064
Karatzia, M., Christaki, E., Bonos, E., Karatzias, C. & Paneri, P.F. (2012). The influence of dietary Ascophyllum nodosum on haematological
parameters of dairy cows. Italian Journal of Animal Science, V11, pp169-173
O’Doherty, J.V., McDonnell, P. & Figat, S. (2010). The effect of dietary laminarin and fucoidan in the diet of the weanling piglet on
performance and selected faecal microbial populations. Livestock Science, V34(1-3), pp 208-201
Seaweed Health Foundation data -
H. Aihara, Acid and Alkaline, Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, 1986
J. Pearson et al, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences. (2006). Critical Reviews in Food Science
and Nutrition.
S. Ikegami et al. (1990). Effect of viscous indigestible polysaccharides on pancreatic biliary secretion and digestive organs in rats. Journal
of Nutrition. 120:353-360.
D. E. Thomas. (2007). Mineral and trace element changes in Britain 1940 to 2002 including fruit and vegetables, meat and meat products,
cheeses and dairy products; based on McCance & Widdowson, The Composition of Foods, 6 Editions, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Foods (UK).
The information contained here within this document is for business to business communication, not for consumer use and is to the best of our knowledge accurate. However no warranties expressed or implied are
made. The user of the product should make their own tests and checks to determine the validity of the information, before using the product.