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characteristics of living things
six kingdoms
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Dec 16­9:25 AM
Kingdom Protista
­ protista include a wide variety of organisms
they tend to be microscopic, eukaryotic organisms classified into three major groups according to their type of nutrition
(1) Protozoa
­ animal like protists that are heterotrophs and ingest or absorb food
­ they include the following
(a) Flagellates (Phylum Zoomastigina)
­ Ex. trypanosomes (pg 141)
(b) Sarcondines (Phylum Sarcodina) ­ Ex. foraminifera (pg 141)
(c) Ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora) ­ Ex. paramecium (pg. 145)
Dec 16­9:28 AM
Dec 16­10:02 AM
(2) Algae
­ plant like protists that are autotrophs and tend to carry out photosynthesis (pages 147 ­ 150)
(a) Green Algae (Phylum Chlorophyta)
found in fresh water and damp places
(b) Brown Algae (Phylum Phaeophyta)
found in cold oceans
(c) Red Algae (Phylum Rhodophyta)
found in warmer oceans
(d) Diatoms (Phylum Chrysophyta)
found in the ocean (plankton)
(e) Dinoflagellates (Phylum Pyrrophyta)
live in a marine envrionment
(f) Euglenoids (Phylum Euglenphyta)
live in freshwater
Dec 16­9:35 AM
Dec 16­10:03 AM
(3) Slime Moulds and Water Moulds
characteristics of fungi, protozoa and plants
fungi because they produce spores
protozoa because they glide from place to place
plants because they have cellulose cell walls
Pages 150 ­ 151
Dec 16­9:42 AM
(a) Water Moulds (Phylum Oomycota)
live on dead organic material
(b)Plasmodial Slime Moulds(Phylum Myxomycota)
­ tiny slug like creatures
­ live on damp decaying material
(c) Cellular Slime Moulds (Phylum Acrasiomycota)
­ cells within a nucleus, ingest tiny bacteria or yeast cells
Dec 16­9:48 AM
Dec 16­10:05 AM
Life Cycle of Plasmodium Vivax (page 146)
(Sporozoan category of Protozoa)
this is a protist that causes a form of maleria
Step 1: Mosquito picks up the protist reproductive cells from an infected person
Step 2: Reproductive cells form a zygote inside the mosquito. Zygote divides and eventually breaks open releasing sporozoites
Step 3: Sporozoites go to mosquito salivary glands where they are injected into a new host
Step 4: Inside the host the sporozoites reproduce asexually in the liver to form a new type of spore like cell which enters the blood stream infecting the red blood cells
Step 5: Blood cells rupture releasing more spores which go on to infect other red blood cells
Dec 16­9:52 AM
Dec 16­10:07 AM
Pages 140 ­ 151
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