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Brief Communications S. K. Teed, J. P. Crossland, and W. D. Dawson where a small breeding stock was maintained until 1981, when the stock was expanded for further study. trephination needle. Dummy pellets were implanted into control animals. The area of the implant was then shaved. Hair regrowth was apparent about 3 days later. Materials and Methods Ashy deer mice were outcrossed to a wildtype stock of P. maniculatus bairdii, BW, to improve fertility, and the mutant was reAshy deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) covered in the F2. Genetic segregation was were first discovered about 1960 in a wild analyzed by chi square in these crosses population from Oregon. Although indistinand subsequent backcrosses. The husguishable from the wild type at weaning, ashy bandry procedures used were similar to deer mice become progressively grayer with those for laboratory mice. Animals were subsequent molts. The trait is inherited as an reared in a controlled environment at 22autosomal recessive and the symbol ahy is 25°C on a uniform 16:8 light: dark cycle. assigned for the locus. The trait is distinctly Animals were examined at 2- to 7-day manifest by 6 months of age, at which time intervals from birth until 6 months of age homozygotes have white hairs on the muzzle to ascertain details of phenotypic develand at the base of the tail. The amount of opment. Significant progressive changes white gradually increases with age, but dein development of the trait were recorded velopment varies greatly among animals. at the time of first detection. A photoSome become virtually all white by 18 months. graphic record was also made of selected Implants of melanocyte-stimulating hormone animals. induced production of pigment in depigThe coat was examined by naked eye to mented portions of the coat, indicating that observe gross pigmentation patterns. Hairs viable melanocytes were present. The ashy from the head, mid-back and rump of mudeer mouse model may be useful for further tant and control deer mice were examined study of melanocyte function. under a dissection microscope. Selected mid-dorsal hairs were suspended in glycThe ashy mutant deer mouse was first isoerol and permount, mounted on slides and lated about 1960 by Ralph R. Huestis (perexamined with a compound light microsonal communication, 1964) from a wild scope. The three categories of hairs chopopulation of Peromyscus maniculatus rub- sen were pigmented hairs from wild-type idus inhabiting the sand dunes near Alsea animals, pigmented hairs from ashy deer Bay, Oregon. Huestis noted that these anmice, and unpigmented hairs from ashy imals became progressively grayer with deer mice. Representative hairs were phoeach subsequent molt. His initial analysis tographed. of breeding data indicated that the trait, Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) originally called "dunes ashy," is inher- implants were made according to the ited as a recessive. However, the ashy mu- method of Geshwind (1972). One-mg peltation was never formally reported in the lets of beeswax and sesame oil impreggenetic literature. Six pairs of ashy deer nated with 0.05 mg of a-melanocyte-stimmice from the Huestis stocks were sent to ulating hormone were subcutaneously the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center at implanted into the unpigmented forethe University of South Carolina in 1965, heads of mature ashy deer mice using a Description of Trait Ashy Peromyscus appear normal as juveniles. By 2 months of age, some animals destined to become ashy develop paler than normal ankles above the white foot typical of this genus (Figure 1). Another harbinger of the ashy trait in many cases is a nose blot, formed by depigmentation of the skin surrounding the distal end of the rostrum that leaves a pigmented spot at the tip. Progression of the trait (Figure 2B-G) follows a typical pattern: between 80 and 120 days, the first appearance of gray hairs on the rostrum occurs, and gray begins to extend upward on the limbs (Figure 2B), but some animals still are indistinguishable. By 120 to 180 days, more than 90% of homozygotes show some graying on the muzzle and base of the tail (Figure 2C). At 6 to 9 months, virtually all animals exhibit some manifestation of the trait. Gray on the rostrum and rump becomes more extensive and prominent (Figure 2D). The area of graying tends to extend backward from the face, forward from the rump, and upward on the legs with each subsequent molt; the interscapular region of the back is thefinalarea to lighten. By 9 to 12 months (Figure 2E) most homozygotes show a distinctly "ashy" aspect, hence the locus designation. After 1 year, depigmentation continues slowly. The face and rump are mostly white, but the dorsum is partially pigmented. Many ashy animals do not progress beyond this stage despite increasing age, but some continue to lose pigment (Figure 2F) until the animal is virtually all white with a scattering of pigmented hairs on the back. The eyes remain fully pigmented in the stage called "black-eyed 309 Downloaded from http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of South Carolina - Columbia on March 3, 2015 Coat Color Genetics of Peromyscus. I. Ashiness, an Age-Dependent Coat Color Mutation in the Deer Mouse 706 Figure 1. Early evidence of the ashy phenotype: (A) Ankle band (arrow) seen in wild type. (B) Absence of band and graying of ankle in ashy type. Both animals are about 60 days old. Table 1. Inheritance of ashy mutant deer mice Analysis" Phenotypes Mating types Female Male Number of matings Wild-type Ashy Female Male Female Male Segregation Sex Interaction Total Ratio x2 Ratio X2 Ratio> X2 Ratio X2 +/ahy x +/ahy 2 Observed Expected 8 11.25 15 11.25 2 3.75 5 3.75 3:1 0.044* 1:1 3.333* 1:1 0.093' 3:3:1:1 3.473' +/ahy x ahy/ahy 1 Observed Expected 1 1.75 2 1.75 1 1.75 3 1.75 1:1 0.143" 1:1 1.286" 1:1 0.143* 1:1:1:1 1.572' 5 Observed Expected 18 13.25 13 13.25 14 13.25 8 13.25 1:1 1.528' 1:1 2.283* 1:1 0.019* 1:1:1:1 3.830' + / + x ahy/ahy 3 Observed Expected 32 31 30 31 — ahy/ahy x ahy/ahy 5 Observed Expected 0 0 ahy/ahy x +/ahy 1" 0 • All nonsignificant at P < .05. *df = 1. 'df = 3. * One animal had not expressed the ashy trait by 8 months of age. 3 1 0 The Journal of Heredity 1990:81(4) 0 0 0 0 1:0 - 1:1 0.065* — — — 32 33.5 35 33.5 — — 1:1 0.134' 0:1 — — Downloaded from http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of South Carolina - Columbia on March 3, 2015 whites" (Figure 2G). Skin pigmentation in the ears, tail, and scrotum also remains. Animals remain vigorous, healthy, and fertile, and hearing and eye pigmentation apparently are unaffected. After 2 years, decline occurs at the normal rate, with no evidence of premature aging other than in the coat. Some ashy animals survive more than 4 years. Nonashy wild-type deer mice (Figure 2A) live 4 or more years without conspicuous coat graying. Individual pigmented mid-dorsal hairs from ashy animals exhibited obvious microscopic differences from wild-type hairs (Figure 3, A and B). These ashy hairs had anomalously shaped pigment granules, conspicuously thinner cuticles, and irregular spacing of granules. White hairs from ashy deer mice were completely devoid of pigment granules (Figure 2C). Two ashy animals with MSH implants in their unpigmented foreheads produced pigmented hairs over the area of the implant (Figure 4), whereas another with a dummy implant continued to produce unpigmented hair, suggesting that the hormone stimulated pigment production by melanocytes in the follicles. Examined microscopically, pigmented hairs above treated implants displayed absence of agouti bands and phaeomelanin. MSHstimulated hairs also showed more irregular pigment granules than shown in wildtype pigmented hairs. The two wild-type control animals with sham implants continued to produce normally pigmented hairs. Downloaded from http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of South Carolina - Columbia on March 3, 2015 Lite* Figure 2. (A) Wild-type adult. (B-F) Typical development of the ashy phenotype. (G and H) Extreme depigmentation observed in some animals. Inheritance Ashiness is inherited as an age-dependent, variably expressed, autosomal recessive trait (Table 1). Since young ashy deer mice are virtually indistinguishable from the wild type, the phenotype can not be scored reliably in some animals until 6-8 months of age. The degree of expression and time of first appearance of gray- ing varies considerably among animals and sibships, suggesting that physiological factors or modifier genes may play a role in expression. The distribution of pigment loss on the body is symmetrical. One pre- Brief Communications 3 1 1 The genetic locus is designated ahy. Genetic linkage and interactions for ashiness have not been explored. Discussion Figure 3. Mid-dorsal hairs photographed under 40 x magnification. (A) Wild type: fully pigmented, normal hairs. (B) Ashy: totally depigmented hairs. (C) Ashy: irregularly pigmented hairs. sumptive homozygous recessive animal never developed the ashy phenotype, although it was retained longer than 8 months, suggesting that the gene is not 100% penetrant. A revertant also could account for this exception. Ashy heterozygotes are indistinguishable from wild-type animals at maturity, with the possible exception that some may exhibit a trace of the nose blot effect noted above. The gene is not sex-linked, because ashy females mated to wild-type males produced both ashy and wild-type male and female progeny. There was no evidence of sex influence on the phenotype or time of expression of the trait. Figure 4. Repigmentation of coat above location of MSH implant (arrow). 3 1 2 The Journal of Heredity 1990:81(4) In the house mouse (A/us musculus domesticus), the autosomal dominant Ga gene results in graying with age (Silvers 1979). In this case, the mice begin producing unpigmented hair by 10 months; the earliest onset is 6 months. The gray first appears on the ventrum, then on the rump and face, with the mid-dorsum being the last area affected. Individual hairs are either fully pigmented or totally devoid of pigment. The milk-transmitted murine leukemia virus has been implicated in graying with age in house mouse (Morse et al. 1985). Ashiness in Peromyscus is phenotypically similar to Ga, but differs in several respects. Animals that show graying associated with age (Ga) exhibit bilateral asymmetry, higher mortality than nongray animals (with increased incidence of splenomegaly and neoplasms), frequently misshapen vibrissae, and a dominant mode of inheritance. None of these effects is typical of ashy Peromyscus. Nevertheless, the possibility that ashiness is the product of a gene-virus interaction or is the consequence of the insertion of a transposable element cannot be excluded. Cross-fostering of caesarian-derived offspring may provide evidence for or against lactational transmission. Ashiness is not homologous with ashen (as/i) in the mouse, which is dilute-like and not age-dependent (Lane and Womack 1979). A trait called "grizzled," described in P. maniculatus by Sumner (1928), resulted in the "replacement of colored hairs by white Downloaded from http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of South Carolina - Columbia on March 3, 2015 B The loss of hair pigment with increasing age occurs in many mammals, including humans. The rate at which depigmentation occurs varies among individuals and is generally assumed to result from progressive necrosis of melanocytes. Polygenic factors may play a role in normal graying of humans and other species (Keogh 1965). However, early and pronounced graying may result from the action of single genes, as in the case of dominant gray in horses. Horses with the gray (G) gene have pigmented coats as colts, but lose color with subsequent molts, eventually appearing white. Homozygotes begin graying earlier and to a greater extent than do heterozygotes. Both homozygotes and heterozygotes retain skin pigmentation where the hair was originally pigmented. From the Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina. A portion of this study is based on an honors thesis presented to South Carolina College by S.K.T. The animals used in this project were housed in the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center, which is supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8419860. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of G. Whitley, who, as an undergraduate student, nurtured the ashy mutant through a critical period and prevented its extinction. They also thank A. Lawson and C. Joyner for providing excellent animal care, and F. Bolander and L. Kwarsick for assistance with the MSH implants. Photography is by C. Cook. Address reprint requests to Dr. Dawson, Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208. References Bronson FH, 1969. Melanocyte-stimulating activity following adrenalectomy in deermice. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 130:527-529. Geshwind 1,1972. The effect of melanocyte stimulating hormone on coat color in the mouse. Rec Prog Hormone Res 28:91-130. Keogh EV, 1965. Rate of greying of human hair. Nature 499:877-878. Lane PW and Womack JE, 1979. Ashen, a new color mutation on chromosome 9 of the mouse. J Hered 70: 133-135. Morse HC, Yetter RA, Stimpfling JH, Pitts OM, Fredrickson TN, and Hartley JW, 1985. Greying with age in otophora as the fusion partners. There were several reasons for choosing these species. Silvers WK, 1979. The coat colors of mice. New York: First, the technique for protoplast culture Springer-Verlag. of these two species has been established, Sumner FB, 1928. Observations on the inheritance of and it appears that the same method is a multifactor color variation in white-footed mice appropriate for both species (C.-C. Chen, {Peromyscus). Am Nat 62:193-206. unpublished results). Second, they can be crossed sexually and the hybrids grow well,2 and so it can be anticipated that their genomes are compatible in somatic hybrids. Third, the interphase nuclei of these Somatic Hybridization two species differ in regard to the amount of heterochromatin,8 and this difference between Nicotiana sylvestris can be used as a basis to determine the and N. otophora without the nuclear condition of protoplasts after the Application of Selection induction of fusion. Fourth, the karyotypes of these two species are markedly differF.-M. Lee and C.-C. Chen ent,2 and so it is possible to determine the Mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris genome constitution of plants obtained and N. otophora were mixed at equal density, from somatic hybridization. mice: relation to expression of murine leukemia viruses. Cell 41:439-448. treated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), and then cultured in medium with no selection pressure against parental cells. Cytological examination of protoplasts after PEG treatment revealed 6.5% homokaryocytes and 4.5% heterokaryocytes. Despite the low frequency of heteroplasmic fusion, about 33% of calli differentiated into hybrid plants that contained the genomes of both parents. The ploidy levels of the somatic hybrids varied, and the frequencies of plants with SSOO, SSSSOO, SSOOOO, and SSSSOOOO genome constitutions were 72.1%, 8.8%, 7.4%, and 11.8%, respectively. Aneuploid numbers and chromosome structural changes were detected in somatic hybrids. The successful recovery of somatic hybrids without deliberate selection is attributed to the differential responses of parental protoplasts to PEG treatment and culture and to genetic complementation in the hybrids. Somatic hybridization can overcome barriers to sexual crosses and therefore is a powerful tool in fundamental research and plant breeding. Because the formation of heterokaryocytes is generally low after the induction of protoplast fusion, selection of hybrid cells becomes an essential procedure in somatic hybridization. Consequently, various methods of selection have been developed.3 There have been reports that somatic hybrids can be obtained without the application of selection.3 The calli of some interspecific hybrids are often more vigorous and grow faster than does the callus of either parent."-' 4 However, this may not be the only explanation for all the cases reported. We investigated this problem, using protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris and N. We report the nuclear condition of protoplasts after treatment of the protoplast mixture of these two species with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and the genome constitution of plants recovered in the absence of artificial selection. We discuss the reason for our successful recovery of somatic hybrids. To our knowledge, somatic hybridization between these two Nicotiana species has not been reported. Materials and Methods Plant Material Seeds of Nicotiana sylvestris Spegazzini & Comes (2n = 2x = 24) and N. otophora Grisebach (2n = 2x = 24) were supplied by Dr. V. A. Sisson of the Tobacco Research Laboratory, USDA, Oxford, North Carolina. They were sterilized in 1% sodium hypochlorite for 20 min, washed thoroughly in sterile distilled water, and germinated on an agar-solidified medium containing Murashige and Skoog salts9 and 3% sucrose. We maintained and propagated the plants in vitro as described by Negrutiu and Mousseau.10 Protoplast Isolation, Fusion, and Culture We used the upper two or three fully expanded leaves of plants cultured in vitro as the source of protoplasts. Protoplasts of the two species were isolated separately, according to the method of Huang and Chen.4 The protoplasts were washed once with W5 solution7 and resuspended in this solution at a density of 2 x 10s/ml. For protoplast fusion, we followed the PEG method of Kao et al.5 with some modifications. Protoplast suspensions of the two species were mixed at equal volumes. Brief Communications 3 1 3 Downloaded from http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of South Carolina - Columbia on March 3, 2015 hairs in certain parts of the pelage." The mode of inheritance was reported as a "complex dominant," but a consistent pattern of segregation was elusive. The grizzled variant no longer exists in laboratory deer mouse stocks. Ashy and grizzled mice phenotypically were very similar, according to Huestis (personal communication), who observed both traits. The possibility exists that the ashy and grizzled traits are manifestations of the same mutation, which may occur as a polymorphism in Pacific coastal deer mouse populations. A number of other known variants produce gray or white patches or bands in older Peromyscus. The genetic basis for these, if any, is unreported, and no systematic study of them has been conducted, although visually these traits are much less symmetrical in their expression than is ashiness. Deer mice with adrenal tumors have elevated MSH, which produces hyperpigmented melanistic animals (Bronson 1969). The coat pigmentation of laboratory house mice also can be manipulated with MSH (Geshwind 1972). The implantation of MSH-laden pellets in the study reported here produced pigmented hairs in the depigmented areas of ashy deer mice, indicating that functional melanocytes were present in the follicles. Therefore if premature melanocytic necrosis is the basis of the ashy condition, apparently it is incomplete.