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Biotic Vitamins®
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ADB5 Plus®
Amino Acid Quick Sorb®
Amino Sport®
Aqua Mag-Cl®
Aqueous Chromium®
Aqueous Multi Plus®
Aqueous Selenium®
Aqueous Zinc®
Arginine Complex®
B6 Phosphate®
B6/B1 plus Zinc
Berbeline HCl®
B12/ Folate Plus®
Product Information
Found throughout the central nervous system (CNS) metabolism, offering a source of acetyl groups for the
synthesis of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter, and thereby supporting healthy brain function
Specific blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and important nutritional synergist to support healthy adrenal function.
Utilizing miro-emulsification and delayed release technologies, A.D.P.® delivers standardized oil of oregano
throughout the digestive tract where it functions to positively impact intestinal organisms.
Adaptogenic formation designed to support normal cortisol levels. ADHS contains no glandular material and is
appropriate for vegetarians.
Liquid supplement supplying nine free form L-amino acids which provide a stabilizing effect. Support for normal,
healthy blood glucose levels that are already within a normal range.
A broad spectrum amino acide formulation. Useful for bodybuilding and as specific support for rehabilitation protocols.
Liquid magnesium chloride supplement supplying 200 mg of magnesium per teaspoon.
Source of supplemental chromium in a liquid form, with each drop supplying 150 mcg of elemental chromium,
an essential trace mineral important in carbohydrate metabolic
Suitable for those adults and children having difficulty swallowing pills and capsules, Aqueous Multi-Plus™ is a
great tasting, easy to take, liquid multiple vitamin/mineral supplement.
Source of supplemental selenium in a liquid form, with each drop supplying 95 mcg of elemental selenium, an
essential trace mineral providing anti-oxidant activity. Selenium is key to the production of glutathione peroxidases.
May be used as a supplemental source of zinc in an aqueous form.
One serving (4 capsules) contains 1250 mg of L-Arginine,
500 mg of L-Lysine and 100 mg of L-Citrulline.
Biologically active form of vitamin B6, combined with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, important
antioxidant enzymes. Vitamins B6 is important for proper immune function, metabolism, and cardiovascular
health (necessary for healthy homocysteine levels). Vitamin B6 status can be impacted by a wide range of
pharmaceutical compounds.
Used as a tonic, to support the normal conversion of iron to hemoglobin and to support healthy female hormone
B12 2000® lozenges
Basic Nine®
Betaine Plus HP®
Beta Plus®
Bio-AE Mulsion®
Bio-AE Mulsion Forte®
Bio Allay®
Bio-Anabolic® Packs
Bio-B 100®
Bio-B3 Plus 250®
Bio-B Complex®
Bio-B with C®
pernicious anemia
Source of phytochemically bound trace minerals, with antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase
High potency hydrochloric acid with pepsin to support digestive function. Use where the need for additional HCI
is determined
Support for normal cholesterol to bile acid conversion and healthy bile flow. Contains digestive and antioxidant
enzymes, vitamin C, taurine and organic beet concentrate.
Support for normal cholesterol to bile acid conversion and healthy bile flow. Contains digestive and antioxidant
enzymes, vitamin C, taurine and organic beet concentrate.
Support for normal cholesterol to bile acid conversion and healthy bile flow. Contains digestive and antioxidant
enzymes, vitamin C, taurine and organic beet concentrate.
Digestive support from pancreatic enzymes, along with SOD and catalase. Supplies amylase, lipase and protease
from pancreas tissue concentrate.
Vitamin A in an emulsified form to aid in the uptake and assimilation. Use wherever vitamin A need has been
determined. Each drop supplies 2,000 IU of vitamin A.
Vitamin A in an emulsified form to aid in the uptake and assimilation. Use wherever vitamin A need has been
determined. Each drop supplies 12,500 IU of vitamin A.
Supplies a blend of standardized extracts, providing a natural means to support the downregulation of proinflammatory compounds.
General support for athletes and those involved in rigorous activity. Supplies vitamins, mineral, amino acids,
enzymes and specific organ support in a convenient to use daily pack.
A multiple B vitamin complex supplying the phosphorylated forms of vitamins B1, B2, and B6, along with the
antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase.
A high potency vitamin B complex with SOD and catalase.
A high potency vitamin B complex with SOD and catalase.
A high potency vitamin C, digestive support (enzyme and probiotic), as well as organ specific support with SOD
and catalase
Vitamin C as mixed mineral ascorbates combined with bioflavonoids, SOD and catalase. Mixed ascorbates are
less likely to cause digestive distress than regular ascorbic acid at this level. Use wherever the need for vitamin
C is determined.
Bio-C Plus®
Bio-C Plus 1000®
Vitamin C as mixed mineral ascorbates combined with bioflavonoids, SOD and catalase. Mixed ascorbates are
less likely to cause digestive distress than regular ascorbic acid at this level. Use wherever the need for vitamin
C is determined.
Bio-Cardio® Packs
Bio-Cardio 369®
Bio Cardiozyme Forte®
Bio Cardiozyme Forte®
Bioctasol Forte®
Bio Detox®
Bio-D Mulsion®
Bio-D Mulsion Forte®
Biodophilus Caps®
Biodophy-7 Plus®
Provides general multiple vitamin and mineral support along with specific nutrient synergists known to support
healthy cardiac function. They include Coenzyme Q10 (emulsified for increased uptake and utilization), vitamin E
(with mixed tochopherols), purified chondroitin sulfates, specific amino acids, essential fatty acids (from flax seed
oil) and antioxidant enzymes in a convenient to use pack.
Same as Bio-Cardio Packs except essential fatty acids supplies are from a special blend (see Optimal EFAs)
providing specific amounts of Omega 3, 6, and 9.
A special, broad spectrum formulation, designed to support healthy cardiovascular function. Supplies vitamins,
mineral, amino acids, botanicals and antioxidant enzymes known to support heart health, along with specific organ
and glandular support.
A special, broad spectrum formulation, designed to support healthy cardiovascular function. Supplies vitamins,
mineral, amino acids, botanicals and antioxidant enzymes known to support heart health, along with specific organ
and glandular support.
A special electrolyte mineral blend of calcium, magnesium and potassium
Nutritional support for oxygen utilization by muscle and nerve tissue. Supplies octacosanol (from rice) with antioxidant
enzymes SOD and catalase.
Polyphenols from the highest quality pine bar extract (Pycnogenol) and grape seed extract (95% OPCs). Provides
superior botanically based antioxidant support.
Supplies convenient to use packets of multiple supplement products known to support healthy digestive function
and gastrointestinal health, and provides broad nutritional support for normal detoxification pathways.
Supplies vitamin D3 (400 IU per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in uptake and assimilation, especially important
for those with malabsorption issues. Note: Inadequate levels of vitamin D are common. While the importance of
vitamin D for musculoskeletal health is well documented, its importance in numerous other aspects of health are
now recognized. They include (but are not limited to) cardiovascular health and immune function.
Supplies vitamin D3 (400 IU per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in uptake and assimilation, especially important
for those with malabsorption issues. Note: Inadequate levels of vitamin D are common. While the importance of
vitamin D for musculoskeletal health is well documented, its importance in numerous other aspects of health are
now recognized. They include (but are not limited to) cardiovascular health and immune function.
Supplies the probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus (DDS-I strain) and Bifidobacterium bifidum in a prebiotic base of
Pleasant tasting powder supplies the probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus (DDS-I strain) and Bifidobacterium
bifidum in a prebiotic base of fructooligosaccharides.
Classically defined, probiotics are "a preparation of, or a product containing viable, defined microorganisms in
sufficient numbers, which alter the microbiota (typically by colonization) in a compartment of the host, and by that,
exert beneficial health
Bio-E Mulsion Forte®
Bio-Glyozyme Forte®
Bio Immunozyme Forte®
Bio K Mulsion®
Bio K Forte Caps®
Biomega-3® Liquid
A proprietary herbal blend designed to support women's libido during their "transitional phase" of life. Composition
support healthy adrenal function and increased circulation to the extremities, including the sex organs.
Supplies vitamin E in a emulsified form to aid in absorption and assimilation, especially important for those having
malabsorption issues. Each drop provides 6 IU of natural vitamin E.
A broad spectrum bioflavonoid product fortified with vitamin C and providing glandular/organ specific support.
Among their functions, bioflavonoids act as antioxidants, help to stabilize vitamin C, and support immune health.
A multi B-vitamin complex, supplying B2 & B6 (with the emphasis on B2), fortified with synergist (PABA, inositol
& choline), methyl groups and organ/glandular specific support.
A broad-spectrum product designed to support normal, healthy glycemic function. Product provides vitamins,
minerals and organ/glandular support specifically targeting glycemic health.
A special digestive support formula supplying a synergistic complement of herbal components.
A unique, broad-spectrum multiple designed to specifically support normal, healthy immune function. Provides
a wide array of vitamin, mineral, botanical, amino acid and organ/glandular specific support.
Supplies vitamin K1 (500 mcg per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in the uptake and utilization of this important
vitamin. Vitamin K status is important on bone health, and recent research has linked it to cardiovascular health
as well.
Supplies vitamin K1 (500 mcg per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in the uptake and utilization of this important
vitamin. Vitamin K status is important on bone health, and recent research has linked it to cardiovascular health
as well.
Biomega-3™ Liquid is an all natural marine lipid concentrate derived from anchovies and sardines sourced
following the strict standards of the European Union (EU). This concentrated supplement supplies 1400mg
Omega-3 fatty acids per dose, including 740mg EPA and 460mg of DHA, beneficial compounds for brain,
cardiovascular, dermal functioning, and down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators. The Biomega-3™
Liquid was initially formulated as a component of the Control-IT™ Weight Management Program, due to the
high dose of Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for weight management.
Biomega-3™ Liquid is an all natural marine lipid concentrate derived from anchovies and sardines sourced
following the strict standards of the European Union (EU). This concentrated supplement supplies 1400mg
Omega-3 fatty acids per dose, including 740mg EPA and 460mg of DHA, beneficial compounds for brain,
cardiovascular, dermal functioning, and down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators. The Biomega-3™
Liquid was initially formulated as a component of the Control-IT™ Weight Management Program, due to the
high dose of Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for weight management.
Bio-Multi Plus®
Bio Soy Flavones™
Bio-Trophic Plus™
Black Currant Oil
Bromelain-Plus® (Lactose
Bromelain Plus
Butyric Cal-MagTM)
Ca D-Glucarate
Versatile, balanced multiple vitamin and mineral supplement supplying unique forms of important micronutrients available exclusively from Biotics Research Corporation. This product is available in three versions:
regular Bio-Multi Plus, Bio-Multi Plus Iron Free & Bio-Multi Plus Iron & Copper Free.
For optimal shelf life, refrigerate product after opening.
Each pack supplies wide nutritional support for healthy musculoskeletal function. Includes vitamin, minerals,
enzymes, amino acids, organ/glandular specific and other nutrient synergist. Multiple nutrients supplied in a
convenient to use packet.
Formulated to assist women in getting the rest they need during their transitional phase of life. BioPause-PM
addresses such complaints as night sweats, anxiety, and restlessness that often preclude a rest and
rejuvenating sleep.
Formulated to assist women in getting the rest they need during their transitional phase of life. BioPause-PM
addresses such complaints as night sweats, anxiety, and restlessness that often preclude a rest and
rejuvenating sleep.
Supplies a wide spectrum of anti-oxidant nutrients in reasonable amounts to assist in the body’s ability to
"quench" free radicals, compounds that cause biological damage to cells.
Supplies a wide spectrum of anti-oxidant nutrients in reasonable amounts to assist in the body’s ability to
"quench" free radicals, compounds that cause biological damage to cells.
Source of supplemental isoflavones for women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, commonly seen
with low estrogen output associated with life's "transitional phase".
a whole food multi vitamin
Source of Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), the most health-supporting essential omega-6 fatty acid. Each capsule
supplies 40 mg of GLA
Helps relieve muscle pain due to overexertion by supporting the body's natural anti-inflammatory response.
Same as Bromelain Plus but includes additional enzyme support (cellulase, lipase, amylase & ficin). Also very
useful as digestive support
Supplemental source of butyric acid (as calcium & magnesium butyrate), the primary fuel of colonic cells.
An all natural, patented formula clinically shown to augment testosterone levels in men. Testosterone plays
critical roles in men's health, including cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, testosterone levels decline with age.
Supplies Calcium D Glucarate which has been shown to support the body's ability to excrete lipid-soluble toxins
and steroids, including estrogen.
CA/MG Zyme™
Carbamide Plus®
CA-Zyme ™
C/CAL/MAG™ Powder
Chlorella Caps™
Chondrosamine Plus®
Chromium Picolinate
Colon Plus™ Powder
Each serving (6 capsules) of CGF contains 4,998 IU of vitamin A, 180 mg of vitamin C, 189 IU of vitamin D-3,
30 IU of vitamin E, 12 milligrams of vitamin B-1 as cocarboxylase, 12 milligrams of vitamin B-2 as riboflavin-5phosphate, 24 milligrams of niacinamide, 222 micrograms of folic acid, 102 micrograms of vitamin B-12 as
methylcobalamin, 300 micrograms of biotin, 102 milligrams of pantothenic acid, 42 milligrams of calcium citrate/
ascorbate, 42 milligrams of magnesiumcitrate/ascorbate/gluconate, 204 micrograms of zinc gluconate, 18 micrograms of selenium chelate, 203 micrograms of copper chelate, 6 milligrams of manganese chelate and 102 micrograms of chromium chelate and a 1,824 milligram proprietary blend of vitamin K, potassium citrate, vanadium
sulfate, inositol, choline bitartrate, porcine adrenal, porcine pituitary/hypothalamus, porcine pancreas, porcine
liver, porcine brain, porcine intestine, L-lysine HCl,methionine, taurine, pancrealipase, beet concentrate, transferulic acid and gamma oryzanol.
Provides calcium and magnesium, along with specific support for the parathyroid gland.
Supplemental source of calcium and magnesium.
Provides a source of Caprylic acid (as calcium & magnesium caprylate), a medium-chain fatty acid.
Supplies calcium in the form of calcium citrate.
Supplied in a powdered form, each serving supplies vitamin C with calcium and magnesium.
Supplies high quality Chlorella, a single-cell algae, rich in naturally occurring phyto-nutrients including chlorophyll
and carotenoids, and is a source of vitamin D. Chlorella may support the elimination of toxins, offers support for
the mucosal lining
Supplies water and lipid-soluble chlorophyllins, with lipid soluble vitamins, and SOD and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes.
Comprehensive chondro-support formulation for connective tissue, like cartilage found in joints. These tissues
require adequate supplies of important nutrient building blocks to maintain their integrity. Supplies glucosamine
(as hydrochloride) with purified chondroitin sulfates and an array of important synergist including vitamins,
minerals, MSM, and the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase.
Same comprehensive formula as Chondrosamine Plus with the sulphate form of glucosamine.
Same comprehensive formula as Chondrosamine Plus with the sulphate form of glucosamine.
Conjugted linoleic acid
Supplies multiple sources of fiber, enzyme and probiotic constituents to support healthy bowl flora and GI
function. May furnish a smoothing effect and provide bulk which promotes natural elimination.
Colon Plus™ Caps
CoQ-Zyme 30™
CoQ-Zyme 100 Plus™
Classically defined, probiotics are "a preparation of, or a product containing viable, defined microorganisms
in sufficient numbers, which alter the microbiota (typically by colonization) in a compartment of the host, and
by that, exert beneficial health.
Supplied in an emulsified form to aid in uptake and utilization, published research has proven coenzyme-Q10
(CoQ 10) supplied by CoQ-Zyme 30 is significantly more bioavailable than other more common sources of CoQ10. This is especially important for those with malabsorption and/or maldigestion concerns, as CoQ 10 plays
a key role in energy production. Heart and skeletal muscles are particularly dependent on CoQ 10, as cells and
tissues that are involved in immune function.
Supplied in an emulsified form to aid in uptake and utilization, published research has proven coenzyme-Q10
(CoQ 10) supplied by CoQ-Zyme 30 is significantly more bioavailable than other more common sources of CoQ10. This is especially important for those with malabsorption and/or maldigestion concerns, as CoQ 10 plays
a key role in energy production. Heart and skeletal muscles are particularly dependent on CoQ 10, as cells and
tissues that are involved in immune function.
Supplies chromium as a true food form in a non-yeast, vegetable culture. Chromium is an essential trace element,
important in carbohydrate metabolism. Should be considered wherever the need for supplemental chromium is
determined by healthcare professional.
Supplies glandular specific support as Neonatal Adrenal Complex (bovine), combined with SOD and catalase,
important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies organ/glandular specific support as Lamb Brain Concentrate, combined with SOD and catalase,
important antioxidant enzymes
Broad spectrum glandular support (bovine glandular concentrates) for healthy female endocrine function.
Supplies organ specific support as Neonatal Heart Concentrate (bovine) combined with SOD and catalase
important antioxidant enzymes
Supplies organ specific support as Neonatal Kidney Concentrate (bovine) combined with SOD and catalase
important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies organ specific support as Neonatal Liver Concentrate (bovine) combined with SOD and catalase
important antioxidant enzymes.
Broad spectrum glandular support (bovine glandular concentrates) for healthy male endocrine function.
Supplies glandular specific support as Ovarian Concentrate (bovine), combined with SOD and catalase,
important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies organ specific support as Neonatal Pancreas Concentrate (bovine), combined with SOD and catalase,
important antioxidant enzymes.
Cytozyme Parotid-TS™
DHEA (2mg)
DHEA (5mg)
DHEA (10mg)
Dismuzyme Plus™
Dismuzyme Plus™ 5000
Dismuzyme Plus™ Granules
Supplies organ/glandular specific support (bovine organ/glandular concentrates, combined with SOD and
catalase, important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies glandular specific support as Lamb Pituitary/Hypothalamus Complex Concentrate, combined with SOD
and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies organ specific support as Neonatal Spleen Concentrate (bovine), combined with SOD and catalase,
important antioxidant enzymes.
Supplies glandular specific support as Neonatal Thymus Concentrate (bovine), combined with SOD and
catalase, important antioxidant enzymes. Thymic function is critical in immune health, however thymic function
declines with age.
Supplies glandular specific support as Neonatal Thymus Concentrate (bovine), combined with SOD and
catalase, important antioxidant enzymes. Thymic function is critical in immune health, however thymic function
declines with age.
Supplies Neonatal Trachea Concentrate (bovine)
Supplies a patented, all natural, bio-active peptide (derived from milk) having anxiolytic activity. In other words,
De-Stress can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. De-Stress has been proven clinically effective.
De-Stress™ can be taken during the day or at bedtime.
Supplies 7-oxo-DHEA Acetate, combined with SOD and catalase, important anti-oxidant enzymes. 7-oxoDHEA Acetate has demonstrated a thermogenic effect. Although it is a metabolite of DHEA, it differs in that it
doesn't convert to androgens or estrogens (sex hormones). Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
Supplies 7-oxo-DHEA Acetate, combined with SOD and catalase, important anti-oxidant enzymes. 7-oxoDHEA Acetate has demonstrated a thermogenic effect. Although it is a metabolite of DHEA, it differs in that
it doesn't convert to androgens or estrogens (sex hormones). Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
Supplies 7-oxo-DHEA Acetate, combined with SOD and catalase, important anti-oxidant enzymes. 7-oxoDHEA Acetate has demonstrated a thermogenic effect. Although it is a metabolite of DHEA, it differs in that
it doesn't convert to androgens or estrogens (sex hormones). Not recommended for pregnant or lactating
Supplies Super Oxidase Dismutase (from liver and vegetable culture) with peroxidases, combined with elements
necessary for the production of SOD and peroxidases.
Supplies Super Oxidase Dismutase (from liver and vegetable culture) with peroxidases, combined with elements
necessary for the production of SOD and peroxidases.
Supplies Super Oxidase Dismutase (from liver and vegetable culture) with peroxidases, combined with elements
necessary for the production of SOD and peroxidases.
Free-form DL-Amino Acid. Contraindicated for those with Phenylketonuria (PKU).
DopaTropic® Powder
E 200 Hy®
EFA-Sirt Supreme®
E-Mulsion 200®
Equi-Fem™ (iron free)
Evening Primrose Oil
F.C. Cidal™
Healthy Cognitive Function: not recommended for pegnant or lactating women. Avoid in patients with psychosis
or schizophrenia, diabetes and those taking anticoagulants or MAO inhibitors.
Supplemental source of D-Ribose, a naturally occurring five-carbon sugar found in all living cells, is essential to
life, and has shown to support healthy cardiac function.
Supplies 200 mg of d-Gamma tocopherol (y-tocopherol) with other mixed tocopherol isomers. Y-tocopherol, and
its primary metabolite y-CEHC, have been shown to lower prostglandin E2 (PGE2) via the inhibition of COX-2.
A study illustrated y-tocopherol's effects, showing a significant lowering of PGE2, along with a reduction of lipid
peroxidation and LDH activity at the site of inflammation.
Supplies a unique, highly concentrated essential fatty acid blend, providing a extremely effective relative combination of EPA, DHA and GLA, with all natural mixed tocopherols, specially formulated to be high in y(gamma)Tocopherol.
Supplies vitamin E in a emulsified form to aid in absorption and assimilation, especially important for those
having malabsorption issues. Each drop provides 6 IU of natural vitamin E.
Comprehensive source of nutrients to support healthy female endocrine function. Includes vitamins, minerals,
botanicals and organ/glandular specific support with known nutrient synergist. May be recommended for those
having menopausal and peri-menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, and for general female support.
Comprehensive source of nutrients to support healthy female endocrine function. Includes vitamins, minerals,
botanicals and organ/glandular specific support with known nutrient synergist. May be recommended for those
having menopausal and peri-menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, and for general female support.
Supplemental source of all natural Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), the most health promoting omega-6 fatty acid.
GLA plays key roles in the regulation of inflammatory processes and in immune function.
Supplies a proprietary blend of herbs and herbal extracts to support healthy GI function.
Source of supplemental iron in a highly bioavailable form, combined with synergist known to assist with uptake
and utilization.
Folate 5™
Supplies pure flax seed oil, cold pressed, from certified organically grown flax seeds. Flax seed oil is a natural
source of essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids.
Supplies folic acid with vitamin B12 and antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase. Appropriate when significant
supplemental folic acid is warranted. Adequate folic acid levels may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with
neural tube defects.
Folic Acid 800™
Supplies folic acid with vitamin B12 and antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase. Use where supplemental folic
acid is indicated.
Flax Seed Oil
Gammanol Forte®
Gam Octa Pro™
Garlic Plus™
Ginkgo Biloba
GTA Forte®
GTA Forte II®
HistoPlex AB®
Supplies FRAC and Gamma Oryzanol, providing free all natural ferulic acid with a complex mixture of polyphenolics, including free sterols and triterpenoids. Supports healthy growth hormone production and offers
significant free-radical scavenging properties.
Supplies high quality, non-GMO Isolated Soy Protein, fortified with Bromelain, FRAC, gamma oryzanol and
octacosanol. This is an excellent source of protein for patients who are on a reduced carbohydrate diet.
Supplies garlic concentrate with chlorophyllins and vitamin C. Consider whenever garlic supplementation is
Supplies specific nutrients including vitamin U complex, chlorophyllins and vitamin A, ingredients known to
support healing of GI tract which may become stressed due to normal, everyday factors.
Supplies Ginkgo Biloba as a standardized extract, along with antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase.
Special, targeted supplemental support for individuals with undesirable blood sugar levels who may have
special dietary needs for higher amounts of important micronutrients. Formulated by doctors Jonathan Wright
and Alan Gaby.
Provides supplemental glucosamine with known synergists including vitamins, minerals and MSM.
Provides L-Glutathione, fortified with N-acetyl-L-cysteine and glycine. Consider where supplemental L-Glutathione
is indicated. Glutathione possesses significant antioxidant activity and plays an essential role in the health of humans.
Inadequate amounts
Supplemental support for healthy endocrine function. Provides glandular (porcine), trace mineral and antioxidant
enzyme support.
Supplemental support for healthy endocrine function. Provides glandular (porcine), trace mineral and antioxidant
enzyme support.
Supplemental support for healthy endocrine function. Provides glandular (porcine), trace mineral and antioxidant
enzyme support.
Supplies L-5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP), the precursor to serotonin, a key neurotransmitter.
Provides digestive support via supplemental Betaine hydrochloride, Pepsin and known synergist. Consider when the
need for supplemental hydrochloric acid is indicated.
Supplies a proprietary blend of herbal extracts shown to possess immunomodulating properties.
Supplies a proprietary blend of herbal extracts shown to possess immunomodulating properties.
Provides digestive support via supplemental Betaine hydrochloride, Pepsin, Pancreatin and other known
synergist. Consider when the need for supplemental hydrochloric acid and Pancreatin are indicated.
Provides digestive support via supplemental Betaine hydrochloride, Pepsin, Pancreatin and other known
synergist. Consider when the need for supplemental hydrochloric acid and Pancreatin are indicated.
Intenzyme Forte®
7 Ketozyme®
7 Ketozyme Forte®
L-Carnitine Powder
Supplies a supplemental source of immunoglobulin G from bovine colostrum, fortified with the amino acids
L-Lysine and L-Arginine. Provides support for healthy immune function.
Provides supplemental inositol (from rice). Among other actions, inositol is involved in neuronal signaling and
osmotic regulation in the brain. Consider whenever supplemental inositol is indicated.
A broad spectrum proteolytic enzyme formulation that supports the numerous protein metabolism pathways.
Proteolytic enzymes are capable of exerting influence over a variety of physiological and biochemical processes.
Benefits of Intenzyme Forte include its effect on muscle soreness and discomfort due to overexertion, the
support of hormone processing, as well as providing support for healthy digestive, immune and circulatory
As a result of decreased iodine status, due to the typical Western diet, sufficient thyroxine cannot be produced,
negatively impacting thyroid function. The use of oral iodine/iodide can aid in circumventing this issue. Published
information suggests iodine/iodide helps to maintain healthy hydroxyl estrogen ratios as well.
A proprietary blend of botanical, amino acid, botanical compounds and other synergistic constituents providing
support for healthy gut function as it specifically relates to permeability and the integrity of the intestinal mucosa
A proprietary formula designed to downregulate inflammatory pathways, primarily through the inhibition of NFkappaB, a molecule inside each cell
Supplies 7-oxo-DHEA Acetate, combined with SOD and catalase, important anti-oxidant enzymes. 7-oxo
-DHEA Acetate has demonstrated a thermogenic effect. Although it is a metabolite of DHEA, it differs in that it
doesn't convert to androgens or estrogens (sex hormones).
Supplies 7-oxo-DHEA Acetate, combined with SOD and catalase, important anti-oxidant enzymes. 7-oxoDHEA Acetate has demonstrated a thermogenic effect. Although it is a metabolite of DHEA, it differs in that it
doesn't convert to androgens or estrogens (sex hormones).
A source of potassium, combined with SOD and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes. Potassium is not
only import in the maintenance of blood pressure levels that are already within a normal range, but also for
urinary alkalinization, which is important
Supplemental source of probiotics including Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum organisms.
One of the non-essential amino acids, arginine can support healthy immune and cardiac function, and promotes
the synthesis of nitric oxide.
Supplemental source of L-Carnitine, an amino acid like compound. L-Carnitine plays a critical role in fat metabolism and energy production, and therefore supports healthy heart function. L-Carnitine is derived from meat
sources in the diet, and is therefore often found lacking in those on vegetarian type diets.
Supplemental source of L-Carnitine, an amino acid like compound. L-Carnitine plays a critical role in fat metabolism and energy production, and therefore supports healthy heart function. L-Carnitine is derived from meat
sources in the diet, and is therefore often found lacking in those on vegetarian type diets.
L-Glutamine Powder
LI-Zyme Forte™
Lipoic Acid
Lipoic Acid Plus
Liquid Iodine
Liquid Iodine Forte™
Livitrit Plus®
L-Lysine HCl
MCS 2®
Methionine 200®
Methylfolate Plus®
One of the non-essential amino acids, glutamine is a major fuel for enterocytes, and supports tissues that turn
over rapidly, such as intestinal cells (intestinal epithelium) and components of the immune system.
One of the non-essential amino acids, glutamine is a major fuel for enterocytes, and supports tissues that turn
over rapidly, such as intestinal cells (intestinal epithelium) and components of the immune system.
Supplies lithium as a whole food, phytochemically bound vegetable culture. Use where a higher concentration
of lithium is indicated.
Supplies lithium as a whole food, phytochemically bound vegetable culture. Use where a higher concentration
of lithium is indicated.
Support for vascular integrity and healthy aging by supporting and stimulating sirtuin activity.
Clinically shown to bind ingested dietary fats, may be used as part of a comprehensive weight loss program.
Supplies alpha-Lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant and a critical cofactor for many enzyme complexes. It is involved
in biological energy production and has some heavy metal chelating properties as well.
Supplies alpha-Lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant and a critical cofactor for many enzyme complexes. It is involved
in biological energy production and has some heavy metal chelating properties as well.
Supplies 75 mcg of iodine (as potassium iodide) per drop. Iodine is an essential trace mineral, and is vital to
healthy thyroid function. Vegetarians may be at increased risk of iodine deficiency.
Supplies 75 mcg of iodine (as potassium iodide) per drop. Iodine is an essential trace mineral, and is vital to
healthy thyroid function. Vegetarians may be at increased risk of iodine deficiency.
Supplies L-lysine, an essential amino acid, having documented immuno-supportive properties.
An important amino acid required for normal retinal and brain development. Taurine possesses antioxidant activity
and is involved in the production of bile acids in the liver, necessary for fat absorption.
Considered a "conditionally essential" amino acid due to the fact that there are circumstances where the body
cannot produce enough to meet its physiological needs. Tyrosine is important for the synthesis of catecholamines
such as dopamine and epinephrine
A unique formulation combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical components and other nutritive
synergists to support healthy Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways.
A unique formulation combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical components and other nutritive
synergists to support healthy Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways.
Supplies vitamins, minerals, amino acids and botanical constituents to support the normal conversion of thyroid
hormones T-4 to T-3.
Supplemental source of sulphur-bearing amino acids Methionine, Lysine and Cysteine.
Mg-Orotate 500™
Mixed Ascorbate Powder®
Mixed EFAs™
MN Zyme®
MO-Zyme Forte®
MSM Powder
Multi V®
Multi-Mins® (iron/ copper
Neonatal Multi-Gland®
Source of supplemental magnesium, supplied as mixed mineral chelates. Adequate magnesium intake is of
utmost importance, as it is critical to most ATP-dependent reactions. Magnesium is important for musculoskeletal health, proper cardiac and immune function.
Supplies vitamin C as mixed mineral ascorbates, buffered forms which are more "GI friendly" at higher intakes.
Consider when higher levels of vitamin C are indicated.
Provides a mixture of seed and nut oils supplying essential fatty acids.
Supplemental source of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), an organic sulfur containing compound. MSM is a
metabolite of DMSO. MSM is available in capsules or as a powder.
Supplemental source of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), an organic sulfur containing compound. MSM is a
metabolite of DMSO. MSM is available in capsules or as a powder.
Provides a balance source of mineral chelates and whole food, phytochemically bound trace minerals, with
Betaine HCI to facilitate absorption, combined with the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase. Use wherever
multi-mineral supplementation is indicated.
A unique combination of minerals, vitamin D3, amino acids, botanical constituents, glandular specific support
and probiotics.
Provides a balance source of mineral chelates and whole food, phytochemically bound trace minerals, with
Betaine HCI to facilitate absorption, combined with the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase. Use wherever
multi-mineral supplementation is indicated.
Supplies N-acetyl-L-cysteine, a derivative of L-Cysteine. NAC is more stable and better absorbed than
L-Cysteine. A potent antioxidant and a precursor to glutathione, NAC is hepatoprotective.
Supplies a broad spectrum of organ and glandular concentrates.
Supplies vitamins, minerals and botanical components with Glutathione, providing support for healthy renal function.
Neuro-5-HTP Plus®
Supplies 5-HTP (L-5-Hydroxy Tryptophan) with L-Theanine and B-vitamin synergists with SOD and catalase.
5-HTP (derived from L-Tryptophan) is converted to serotonin, a key neurotransmitter. L-theanine (from green
tea),a derivative of L-glutamic acid.
Neutrophil Plus®
A unique combination of vitamin, mineral, glandular and botanical constituents, along with RNA to support
normal,healthy phagocytosis.
Niacin 100®
Nuclezyme Forte®
NutroClear Berry®
Optimal EFA®
Optimal EFA® Liquid
Osteo-B II®
Osteo-B Plus®
Pametto-Plus Forte®
Niacin, also referred to as Vitamin B3 or Nicotinic acid, is recognized as a cardio-protective agent, primarily due
to its action in inhibiting triglyceride hydrolysis, resulting in both an increased HDL and a lowered triglyceride level.
In fact, niacin has been associated with an increase in HDL by as much as 30%. In the body, its primary function
is as a component of the coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+, both of which function in the redox state of the cell.
A rich source of phytonutrients including isoflavones, polyphenols, natural carotenoids, betalains, glucosinolates
and isothiocyantes, as well as naturally occurring enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals.
Supplemental source of RNA and DNA with synergistic vitamins and mineral components. Consider as a fortified
multiple formula for seniors or where supplemental RNA and DNA is indicated.
Due to the enormous success of the Control-IT Weight Management System, we are pleased to announce that we
are now offering a second flavor option: Nutriclear Original Flavor. This is the original Nutriclear that you know and
love, now available.
Due to the enormous success of the Control-IT Weight Management System, we are pleased to announce that we
are now offering a second flavor option: Nutriclear Original Flavor. This is the original Nutriclear that you know and
love, now available.
An all natural, biologically active vegetable culture concentrate containing methyl related compounds.
Provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidant enzymes, botanical extracts and key carotenoids to support healthy ocular
Potassium HP®
Prenatal Paks®
ProMulti Plus®
Purified Chondroitin Sulfates
Red Yeast Rice
Renal Plus®
Retenzyme Forte®
Rice Protein®
Saccharomyces Boulardii
SE-Zyme Forte®
Sesame Seed Oil
Sesame Seed Caps
Shiitake Mushroom
St. Johns Forte®
Stamina Caps®
Sun Flax Caps
Super Phosphozyme®
Super Phosphozyme® Liquid
UT Complex®
Whey Protein
Whey Protein Vanilla
Whey Protein Chocolate
ZN-Zyme Forte®
NATRAGEST (with Fragrance)
NATRAGEST FF ( Fragrance Free)
Biologically active form of vitamin B6, combined with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, important antioxidant
enzymes. Vitamins B6 is important for proper immune function, metabolism, and cardiovascular health (necessary for
B6/ B1
healthy homocysteine levels). Vitamin B6 status can be impacted by a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds.
GABA 500