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Solar System Words
What gets wetter while it dries? A towel!
1. meteorite
a piece of rock from outer space that has reached earth
2. space
the area beyond earth; place where planets and stars are found
3. orbit
another word for revolve or go around
4. Saturn
Gas giant; sixth planet from the sun; has rings made of rocks and dust
5. Mars
known as the red planet; fourth from the sun
6. Pluto
used to be an outer planet; now a dwarf planet
7. asteroid
space rock that orbits the sun; mainly seen between Mars and Jupiter called the
_____________ Belt
8. stars
distant suns (suns that are far away) are called this
9. telescope
an instrument used for looking at distant objects in space
10. Milky Way
the name given to our galaxy - bring a straw
11. Uranus
a blue outer planet; known as a gas giant: rotates on its side
12. Venus
inner planet that spins the other way; second closest to the sun
13. constellation
name used to describe a group of stars seen from earth that form a pattern or a
picture - like the Big Dipper
14. Mercury
inner planet that is very hot and cold; closest to the sun
15. Earth
we live on this inner planet; third from the sun
16. solar
having to do with the sun
17. sun
a ball of hot glowing gases; a star if its far away
18. solar system
all the planets that orbit just our sun is called this
19. Neptune
Gas giant; blue outer planet furthest from the sun: very cold and windy
20. moon
this object orbits around the earth; astronauts have landed on it
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