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One line pitch:
TheraSolve develops MemoPatch, a groundbreaking therapy adherence technology that supports
patients anywhere, anytime. It's simple, smart and small.
Market Analysis:
Patient noncompliance with their prescribed medication regimens is a highly prevalent problem
with a significant impact on treatment outcome. Across disease states, 1/3 of patients are
noncompliant with their medication regimens leading to a 26% differential in therapeutic benefit.
Noncompliance impacts all stakeholders in healthcare: poor patient outcomes, clinician frustration,
increased healthcare expenditures, lost sales and profitability for pharma. In 64% of cases,
forgetfulness is the main reason for noncompliance. Innovative patient-centric solutions in PD, AD,
HCV, HIV, MS, Epilepsy, Oncology and others have high business potential.
Business Proposition:
MemoPatch® technology consists of a new generation of self-adhesive and fully automated
dermal patches which give patients a stimulus on the skin when it is time to take a next dose of
medication. The patch has the potential to encompass various medication delivery forms and
regimens including pills, inhalers, eye drops, patches, ointments, injections and other. The
objective of the product is to help patients in the simplest, most discreet, user-friendly and, most of
all, reliable way to successfully adhere to their medication regimens over a longer period of time,
anywhere and anytime, regardless of the location or activity of the user.
Competitive Advantage:
MemoPatch is: Extremely simple and user-friendly, understandable for all - No battery to be
charged - Pre-programmed - Fully automated - Optimal patient privacy - Reminds anywhere,
anytime - Highly unique drug intake reminder signal perceptible on the skin - Even works for
elderly, deaf and blind people - Cost-effective - Combinable with different drug types - Integration
option with transdermal drug patches - Synergies of excellence with other healthcare technology
Investment Attractiveness:
TheraSolve successfully closed Seed (2011) and Series-A (2014) rounds and is currently
preparing a Series B (2016). With the additional resources the company will bring its Standard
MemoPatch technology to market, expand the product portfolio with transdermal as well as next
generation MemoPatch solutions, and realize an exit. We welcome investment companies to learn
more about our projects and the investment opportunity of excellence.
IP Situation:
Granted Patents in key pharmaceutical markets: Europe, United States, Japan, China, India.
• Website:
• Activity: eHealth
• Contact:
[email protected]
• Location:
Agoralaan Building Abis
• Founded in: 25/05/2009
• Employees: 7
• Management:
van Dijck Bram
De Geest Wim
De Geest Jan
Abraham Ivo
Heykants Els
Program Manager
Hermans Ruben
Project Manager
• Financial information (€):
- Company stage:
Preparing series B
- Capital raised to date:
4.5 MEUR
- Monthly burn rate:
- Capital seeking and date:
• Investors:
Thuja Capital, LRM, AAAF,
• Referred by:
Capricorn Investment Fund Dr. Frank Bulens