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by Anabolic Xtreme &
Designer Supplements
A Brief History…
In what began a new page in history for the exciting new and up-and-coming company,
Anabolic Xtreme, one of the most popular prohormones ever developed and released,
Superdrol™, was licensed to them in agreement with Designer Supplements. The DS/AX
team has always promised more, and in the next chapter of this project, the collaboration
offers you the highly anticipated pheromone product Phera-Plex™, featuring the anabolic
and highly androgenic active ingredient 2-ene™. Phera-Plex™ can be used as a stand-alone
to magnificent effect, or stacked with Superdrol™ to form a heavily potent cycle that will
yield great gains in size and strength. More experienced androgen users can also potentially
use Phera-Plex™ alongside other androgens with low androgenicity to get the most out of
their cycles.
The Pheromone Factor
The active ingredient in Phera-Plex™ is 17a-Methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstCH3 2-ene also known as 2-ene™. It is a naturally occurring pheromone that we
have slightly tweaked to increase oral bioavailability. It is a de-oxy derivative
of methyltesosterone in which the bond of unsaturation has been shifted from
the four-carbon to the two-carbon on the molecular chain. This change makes
it 1.9 times as androgenic as methyltestosterone, and 12 times as anabolic.
Please note, however, that this does not necessarily make the product “better”
– only that a twelfth of the dosage is required to get the same anabolic effect as
methyltestosterone. Studies on the A-ring reduced version of 2-ene™ (which
basically just means that it has been hydrogenated) indicate extensive metabolism to the 3-keto analogue. In
theory, this could be anticipated with 2-ene™ and may account for it's potent androgenicity and the potential for
indirect aromatization to a smaller degree.
The pleasure in this compound is that it is milligram for milligram 1.5 times as anabolic and 9.4 times as
androgenic as Superdrol™, so the real sweetness is its androgenic profile. Most tend to scare away at the mention
of androgenic effects, but a lot of the “alpha-male” properties associated with anabolics are due to their androgenic
effects, such as increases in strength, hardening of muscles, increased vascularity, in-gym pumps, and increased
focus - and of course, increased libido. All of which are very much present with use of Phera-Plex™. While
aggression also tends to be associated with androgenicity, with 2-ene™ this does not appear to be the case. In fact,
it produces a good mentality like the anti-depressant effect of dianabol (“Dbol”) but without the typical bloat and
hypertension (or at least to a much lesser degree). One of the initial testers reported that it is “one of the best "feel
good" compounds I have ever tried, with the exception of mibolerone (“Cheque Drops”) or M4OHN”.
2-ene™ vs. 3-ene
3-ene is a compound present in a popular formula available; however there is very little information available
about it. The 17-unmethylated version of 3-ene is only about 40% as androgenic as testosterone and only about
80% as anabolic. The 17-unmethylated version of 2-ene™ is also about 40% as androgenic as testosterone but
happens to be about 150% as anabolic. Therefore, it is reasonable to anticipate that these same ratios would apply
to the 17-methylated versions making 2-ene™ theoretically about twice as myotropic as 3-ene. While both 2-ene™
and 3-ene are as equally unfriendly to the liver, milligram for milligram, 2-ene™ is also roughly twice as anabolic,
Anabolic Xtreme is a registered trademark of Anabolic Resources LLC.
therefore efficiency favours 2-ene™. In a nutshell, there is little need to include 3-ene in your cycle or stack, when
2-ene™ is the compound causing the significant effects.
Moreover, unlike other products, our 2-ene™ is comprised completely of the 5a isomer and not a 5a/b mixture,
thereby making Phera-Plex™ the superior pheromone product available on the market.
Side Effects
Don’t be naive to expect this product to be without side effects. The most common and greatest side effect is oily
skin, and consequence, increased acne. As already noted above, the usual expected rage/aggression with
androgenic compounds does not appear to be present, neither do prostate issues, balding or hirsutism (abnormal
hair growth) although we cannot guarantee this for all users. We still advise everyone take the proper precautions
to combat the potential for these effects when using Phera-Plex™.
Gynecomastia or “gyno” is the side effect users are most afraid of when using prohormones or androgens. As
stated, there is a chance of very mild indirect aromatisation with 2-ene™ (from a metabolite, as it cannot aromatise
directly itself), and thus the chances of developing gyno are certainly there, but for the most part this effect is
highly unlikely, unless stacking with other aromatising compounds that may increase the potential or using doses
above what has been recommended.
An effect present with all 17aa compounds is the usual unfriendly acquaintance with the liver. The negative side
affects ranges from increased “bad” cholesterol formation (low density lipoprotein – “LDL”), reduced “good”
cholesterol formation (high density lipoprotein - “HDL”), distorted liver enzymes and poor blood profiles. For this
reason, and for the fact that 2-ene™ will cause HPTA shutdown despite being a pheromone, we strongly advice
that all users cycle the product. Proper cycling protocols are given below.
Due to these potential effects, we cannot advise anyone below the age of 21 years old to use this product.
Suggested Dosing
The general recommendation for a strong anabolic dose of 2-ene™ is approximately 0.22mg/kg of bodyweight.
Please note that this equation uses kilograms (Kg) and not pounds (lbs). Therefore, for a 200lb bodybuilder, the
ideal starting dose is approximately 20mg per day.
200lbs == 90.90Kg * 0.22mg = 20mg
The dose can be adjusted after several days of use if the effects are too strong (and thus reduced) or the user wishes
to try higher doses. For the most part, it is generally considered that no one user will have to exceed a dose of
30mg per day, with doses split as evenly as is practical throughout the day.
Cycle Ancillaries & Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)
Before explaining cycling and the options for stacking with Phera-Plex™, it is important to outline the essential
ancillaries every oral prohormone/androgen cycle should have – at least on hand, if not used throughout. It is
apparent from reading feedback of prohormone and androgen use that a lot of users do not take the potential side
effects seriously. This is a huge mistake on their part and so we have decided to make a section of this article
specifically for cycle ancillaries. Strike two comes in the fact that many do not cater for proper post-cycle therapy,
occasionally using other compounds to “bridge” cycles. Normally you would expect the Internet messages of those
conducting such practice, including reported pain in testicles or complete lack of sexual feeling to deter others;
Apparently not.
This section may be the most important of the entire article if you are one of these people. Those well experienced
with on-cycle ancillaries and PCT can skip this part and jump straight into Cycling & Stacking.
Anabolic Xtreme is a registered trademark of Anabolic Resources LLC.
While “on”…
During your cycle, with methylated compounds, liver protection should be paramount. Anabolic Xtreme Perfect
Cycle is a very good idea for this, despite the claims that use “on-cycle” may affect absorption. Red yeast rice has
also recently became quite a popular addition to cycle ancillaries, due its small lovastatin content – an agent that
helps lower LDL levels (“bad” cholesterol).
Prohormone and androgen use that affects the liver negatively also tends to increase free radicals within the body.
Good contenders to combat this are Glucophase XR™, which, as well as being a very potent nutrient partitioner,
also happens to be a very strong anti-oxidant due to it’s k-r-alpha lipoic acid content; and NAC (N-acetylcysteine)
which is also very effective at achieving this.
Of course the Anabolic Xtreme liver protecting product Perfect Cycle™ caters for milk thistle, NAC and r-alpha
lipoic acid in one easy to take capsule.
It is also a very sensible idea to always have an anti-estrogenic compound on hand. The popular SERM (selective
estrogen receptor modulator) tamoxifen citrate (“Nolvadex”) is usually the drug most will suggest, however this is
a prescription drug, therefore obtaining any quantity of it is a grey-area indeed. There are available supplementary
compounds that can block the process of testosterone-to-estrogen conversion (called “aromatisation”) that can be
substituted for Nolvadex if obtaining an Rx drug is not within your ethical stance. In fact, many consider the
aromatase-inhibiting product Rebound XT™ to be superior to Nolvadex for prevention of gyno and ensuring that
estrogen-bloat is minimal.
When “off”…
Upon cessation of your prohormone, androgen or stack should follow several weeks of what is commonly referred
to as “PCT” – post-cycle therapy (or treatment). This period of time usually reflects the length of time you spent
“on” the cycle and is when you attempt to re-establish your own natural testosterone production which has been
reduced due to the intake of the prohormone or androgen. This period of time should be more than simply taking a
product to aid you. It should be a well regimented practice including avoiding ultra-high volume training, avoiding
training beyond failure, ensuring calories and carbs stay high, increasing zinc intake and avoiding drugs such as
alcohol that have detrimental effects on the objective we are aiming to achieve.
The first port of call is to have a tool that will control estrogen while boosting your own testosterone production to
ensure you retain as many of your on-cycle gains as possible. This is where a product such as Rebound XT™
really excels.
When testosterone levels are low, levels of cortisol tend to be high, which is incredibly detrimental to the objective
of retaining muscle tissue. A product such as Lean Xtreme™ can prove to be invaluable in this respect as it helps
antagonize the catabolic effects as well as reduce cortisol within the body, and is not just constrained in the liver
like other cortisol blockers available.
Liver protection during this period is also still of concern, so continuation of the intake of milk thistle and red yeast
rice is still recommended, as is a good anti-oxidant like Glucophase XR™. Fenugreek has also recently become
popular for recovering testicle volume and size.
To make the most out of your cycle(s) and too ensure you stay in the pinnacle of health, it is important you take
note of these guidelines.
Cycling & Stacking
While an excellent stand-alone product, Phera-Plex™ can also be stacked with other compounds - preferably
mildly androgenic compounds, to get even more growth and strength out of your cycle(s). It is not overly desirable
to run Phera-Plex™ alone for what most would class as “full length” cycles due to the potent androgenicity,
therefore when used as a stand-alone, we generally recommend cycle lengths of not more than 6 weeks at a time,
Anabolic Xtreme is a registered trademark of Anabolic Resources LLC.
with sufficient space between cycles.
Phera-Plex™ truly excels when stacked with the compound it is ideal with – Superdrol™. In fact, we have an
excellent layout for a complete stack using both compounds to their best effect. While there are times of brief
overlap of these products, in general Superdrol™ is not as liver-damaging as other 17aa compounds and so this
should not manifest into an issue, especially when you have your on-cycle ancillaries at hand.
These suggested doses are ideal for
a 200lb bodybuilder, but may need
to be lowered slightly for a lighter
person. The planned cycle shows
that there is no use of Rebound
XT™ or Lean Xtreme™ during the
use of Phera-Plex™ / Superdrol™,
however this is entirely optional as
a lot of users like using low-dose
Lean Xtreme™ on cycle before
training or cardio. Low-dose
Rebound XT™ is also an option for
anyone sensitive to potential
estrogenic effects of the cycle.
Rebound XT™
Lean Xtreme™
Grey-Area Use
Without delving too far into this aspect, Phera-Plex™ is also an ideal addition to any cycle of the banned
compounds. In fact, it will stack quite brilliantly with mildly androgenic compounds such as nandrolone (“deca”),
boldenone (“EQ”), primobolan or even low-dose testosterone enanthate. We are not recommending this, but PheraPlex™ or Superdrol™ are certainly valued contenders when it comes to “balancing out” a non-oral steroid cycle
with an oral compound.
In summary, the pheromone product, Phera-Plex™, is ideal for promoting strength, vascularity, pumps, in-gym
focus and an overall excellent sense of well-being. And despite impacting your own testosterone production, will
boost your libido so you will not be let down in the bedroom.
This collaboration between Designer Supplements and Anabolic Xtreme is far from over. Be sure to expect future
installments in the near future.
Anabolic Xtreme is a registered trademark of Anabolic Resources LLC.