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Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
of Development
Structure of Personality
Early Childhood is key
Unconscious is a major determinant of
Access to the Unconscious
Free Association
 Dream Analysis
 Hypnosis
 Freudian Slips
Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality
Freud’s Model of the Mind
ID – part of the unconscious personality that
contains our needs, drives, instincts, and
repressed material. (pleasure principle)
EGO – the part of personality that is in touch
with reality and strives to meet the demands
of the ID and the SUPEREGO in socially
acceptable ways. (reality principle)
SUPEREGO – the part of the personality that
is the source of conscience and inhibits the
socially undesirable impulses of the ID
(moral principle)
Psychosexual Development
5 stages of personality development
During each stage a person faces conflicts
Those conflicts must be successfully resolved in
order to develop a healthy personality
Problems can arise when conflicts are NOT
Libido gets “stuck” or fixated
Libido—internal energy; unconscious, basic
needs—hunger, thirst, sexual
Oral Stage
0-1 ½ years
Pleasure source=mouth
Early—Feeding, weaning
Late—teeth eruption
Late—Rejection, sarcasm, overeating, or selfstarvation
General—smoking, drug addiction, gullibility
Anal Stage
1 ½ -2 ½ years
Pleasure source is anus
Main task—toilet training
Late—Withholding defecation
Early—Anal Expulsive; overly generous
Late—Anal Retentive; Stingy, rigid, OCD
General—Overly irresponsible or overly rebellious
Phallic Stage
2 ½ - 5 or 6 years
Pleasure source—genitals
Oedipus Complex
Identification with same-sex parents
Anxiety, extreme guilt, phobias, depression,
improper sexual identity, fear of authority
Latency Stage
Play Time important
Same sex peers important
Libido is suppressed
Earlier issues are hidden
Genital Stage
Adolescence to Adulthood
Task—seek marriage partner
No new conflicts—old conflicts arise
All adult behavior shows influence from
earlier stages