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Lush Foliage Plants for Backdrops : Red Back Ginger - Native Australian - Alpinia ca
Red Back Ginger - Native Australian - Alpinia caerulea
Native Ginger 'Red Back' (Alpinia caerulea) mature plant
Plants for sale: 20-30cm tall, a little smaller than the photo of the ginger plant in pot. Alpinia caerulea is a beautiful ginger, native to Australia,
from the rainforest understories of Northern NSW and Southern QLD. This ginger is a clumping upright plant to 2m tall with striking maroon/redbacked leaves. Leaves are large and shiny. It is very hardy due to underground rhizomes which are non-invasive. The rhizomes store water,
and new shoots will come up from those rhizomes to create a nice bushy plant.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
$ 12.95
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Alpinia caerulea is a beautiful ginger, native to Australia, from the rainforest understories of Northern NSW and Southern QLD. This ginger is a
clumping upright plant to 2m tall with striking maroon/red-backed leaves. Leaves are large and shiny. It is very hardy due to underground
rhizomes which are non-invasive. The rhizomes store water, and new shoots will come up from those rhizomes to create a nice bushy plant.
Alpinia caerulea produces fragrant white flowers, which attract birds, followed by long lasting round blue fruit. Fruits & roots have a refreshing
lemon/ginger taste and are edible. This Ginger is best grown in light to full shade, although some of my Red Backed Gingers are in full sun and
perform very well. They do look best with adequate water
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Lush Foliage Plants for Backdrops : Red Back Ginger - Native Australian - Alpinia ca
Alpinia caerulea 'Red Back' also is an excellent indoor plant or house plant as it is very adaptable to low light positions. I currently have one 2m
tall in my lounge in a dark corner and it is growing well and looking beautiful! Truly a must-have plant in my opinion.
Common names: Red Backed Ginger, Ginger 'Red Back', Native Ginger
ginger plants for sale:
20-30cm tall, a little smaller than the photo of the ginger plant in pot
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