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Page16,THE PALMETTO,Winter 1992 Wild Foods Native by Dick Deuerling and Peggy Lantz As always,collect your wild foods in safe places, not along roads where pesticides may have been sprayed, or automobile exhaust poisons have collected. Be safe, not sorry. Poke salat (Phytolaccaamericana) is another edible plant that has lots of It was best known, however, as an of use edible as wrote juice War berry Civil the the during stems the and leaves, The toxic. are red, turned have they the of lot a like seem it! worth it's me, much too because breaded, pieces, half-inch into ~~ up come and jars Seal year. last warm, a in them keep and send up shoots over and over again all winter for you to harvest and eat. Forthose of you who work with dyes, pokeberry is one of the few bright red more for vegetable dyes available. For more information on dyes and dying, check with your local library; a number of good books are available on this subject. reading cook asparagas. while to off like spinach, leaves like eaten people. wise The shoots can then be sliced cross- soil, with plant. the eat be believe poke can havea laxativeeffect on some dark place,watering them occasionally. Theywill Recommended the at ground the of out year's strip and can but, overeat, don't is, it But even when you find out how good was also juice the that said is It pies. used as a food coloring for cake icing. The Portuguesetried using the berries the shoots. when and the in up up February in comes come that red recognized be can that's any shoots before Florida, They In come or stems trouble, The berries contai n many small black poisonous seeds.Apparently the Pennsylvania Dutch used the juice and purple pulp of the berries in jellies and from ones com- poison the is stem roots. the the up from up new spring, stems. March. they previous on, separately utes). tween 114 and V2inch in diameter. Wash the shoots, be sure all spiders and little creatures are removed, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Pour off the first water, cover again with fresh water, bring to a boil again, and simmer until tender (about six or eight minmay leaves, When they are about eight inches tall, snap them off at ground level, leaving all poisonous (emetic) root parts behind. Youcan cook them with leaves This the hanging in racemes in spring, followed in summer and fall by dark purple, slightly flattened berries that are be- minutes. Allow two months for spices to penetrate You can cultivate poke as well as collecting it wild. Dig the roots after the first cold snap in the fall, cover them base of the dried red framework of the the Salad Greens" for 6311: a can! For those who don't recognize this plant, it is a large, rank perennial that growsuptoeightorninefeettall.ltcan be found in old fields, cultivated lands, fence rows, roadsides, and newly disturbed areas,where it thrives in deep, rich soil. The leavesare oval to lance-shaped, very smooth, entire (not toothed), with rather long stems that are arranged alternately on the red to pu rplecolored branches. The greenish-white flowers arise on fresh The only edible parts of poke are the 15-oz. cans of"Griffin's Whole Leaf Poke opposite that Young poke shoots can also be pickled after being blanched. Packin sterile jars with a red bay leaf, vinegar, some sugar, mustard seed, and peppergrass seed, if available fresh, or use dried color red the that say timers old The going ing into and Arkansaswhere, to my surprise, I found stems other preserve in boiling water bath for five a from home way my on States United six-month camping trip, I went supermarkets in both Oklahoma six-inch greens of number dandelions, mustards, and greens to your "spring tonic'~ the through travels my In Africa. after to exported also was It parts. edible mature ink; hence, the name "inkberry:' Some of these historic letters, stored in archives, are still readable to this day. edible plant, and it is one of the few that were exported to Europe, mainly France, where it is still cultivated for its North using plant. as poke may be used in a combination pot. You may add dock, peppergrass, home Soldiers poisonous fresh in the spri ng about the sametime berries. letters tremely any in caution poke ex- an urge We valuable a was it others still to and plant, to others, a medicinal plant, edible fried, and eaten like okra. A comknown these all well for to darken their red wine, but it ruined the flavor, causing the king to order all poke to be cut before it formed fruit. for different was it some peoples reasons-to by different was it reason because good is names mon There common names, including pigeon berry, inkberry, redwood, scoke, pocan, cancer jalap, garget, fiamoli, pokeweed, redweed, and pokeberry. recipes for poke and many other wild edibles: Roadside Rambles, by Marie Mellinger, available for $6.00, postage paid, from the author: 712 Henry Dr., Clayton, Georgia 30525.