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No. of
Daylily ‘Frans Hals’ Bicolor flowers with orange and bright reddish-copper p
6-pointed star form. Ruffled petals, green throat. Long-blooming. Flower col
sun. Grows to 24”
Daylily ‘Hyperion’ Lemon yellow blossoms with a tiny green throat. Trumpe
the side it has the shape of a lily. Sweetly fragrant, like “Easter Lilies.” Very
over 80 years.
Daylily ‘Ice Carnival’ Large, fragrant, reblooming daylily that shimmers in t
pale yellow watermark and lime green throat.
Daylily ‘Prairie Wildfire’ An awesome plant!! Classic fragrant red daylily w
that are presented just above beautiful mounds of arching foliage. Velvety red
petals and a yellow throat are produced in midsummer.
Daylily ‘Spellbinder’ A real “Show-Stopper.” One of the longest blooming
and continues through summer. Large, radiant golden-orange flowers. Pest res
Daylily ‘Stella de Oro’ America’s most popular daylily. Easy to grow. Abun
in early summer. Reblooms until fall. Grows to 18”.
Daylily, Tawny Grandma’s favorite! This old-time daylily produces huge qua
bloom for up to 1.5 months in midsummer. Spreads slowly to form a small col
shade.Could be used for bank stabilization.
Feather Reed Grass ‘Karl Foerster’ A cool season bunch grass. Strong erect
in winter. Attractive seedhead. 2001 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Y
Flax, ‘Appar’ NRCS selection. Introduced from Eurasia. Produces beautiful
Hardy perennial resists drought and winter cold. Can spread by seed. Grows 1
Iris Siberian ‘Caesar’s Brother’ Old standby variety produces beautiful vio
nicely with dark green leaves. Adds a vertical element to yard or garden. Good
Siberian Iris.
Lady’s Mantle The fuzzy leaves of this species catch tiny dew droplets that g
is soft grey-green and nearly round with deep lobes. Produces sprays of tiny, y
planted in full shade to partial sun.
Rhubarb, Canada Red Produces an abundance of dark red stalks with lighte
strawberry red-colored sauce. Naturally sweet so requires less sugar then most
Good for pies, jams and freezing.
4% Sales Tax
Rudbeckia ‘Goldstrum’ Large, golden-yellow daisy-like flowers with brow
growth. Easy to grow. Long bloom season. Attracts butterflies. 1999 Perennial
Year. Grows 2’ x 2’.
Salvia ‘May Night’ Dense spikes of deep violet-purple flowers. Blooms over
extended by deadheading. Gray-green foliage. Attracts native pollinators.
Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Spectacular autumn display of large rosy-salmon flow
pollinators. Easy to grow and drought tolerant. Seedheads add winter interest.
ft. tall.
NATIVE GRASSES - In #300 Pots-$10.00 #20 Styro-$3.00 and #10 Stryo-$2.00
No. of
Bluestem, Big ‘Bonilla’ Native. Warm season. Major component of tallgrass
heads. Plants turn red in the fall and remain upright in winter. Excellent cattle
feet tall.
Bluestem, Little ‘Badlands’ ecotype Native. Warm season, perennial bunchg
prairie. Drought tolerant. Often grows on dry hillsides. Attractive seed heads a
pinkish-red in autumn. Grows 1-3 ft. tall.
Buffalograss ‘Bowie’
Native, Warm season, short grass for the prairie garden or for fine-le
colony. Likes clay soil. Shade intolerant. Low water & fertilizer requirements. Turf needs little m
and goes dormant earlier in the fall than bluegrass. Grows 3-6” tall.
Cordgrass, Prairie‘Red River’ Native, warm season, tall grass for wet sites. Originally selected
to form a colony by thick rhizomatous roots. Can stabilize soil and filter water in riparian areas. In
high soil salt conditions. Grows 3-8 ft. tall.
Dropseed, Prairie Native, Warm season. Produces nearly circular tufts of fine leave
wetter mixed grass prairies. Very attractive in bloom and seed. Interesting accent plant
gardens. Grows 1-3 ft. tall.
Grama, Sideoats ‘Pierre’ Native. Warm season, leafy, sod-forming midgrass
flower stalks, adding landscape appeal. Produces bright orange pollen. Interest
Grama, Blue ‘Bad River’ Ecotype Native. Warm season. Short, drought tol
“eyebrow” seedheads. Use as garden accent, edging plant, or for low maintena
Indiangrass, ‘Tomahawk’ Native. Warm season. Major component of tall g
soil. Produces seeds in large, fluffy terminal panicles. Interesting landscape pla
Sweetgrass Native. Cool-season grass inhabits wet, sandy soil along rivers and lakes. C
sweet clover due to coumarin content. Native American cultures burn dried sweetgrass
Spreads vigorously if weeds are controlled and soil is moist. Grows 1-3 ft. tall.
4% Sales Tax
Switchgrass,‘Dacotah’ Native. Tall, warm-season, perennial sod grass. Seed
golden yellow in fall/winter. Usually remains upright during winter. Birds mak
Wildrye, Canada ‘Mandan’ Native. NRCS release from Morton County, ND
whimsical drooping seedheads. Easy to grow in average to moist soil. Seedhea
garden or landscape. Grows 2-4’ tall.
NATIVE PERENNIALS - In #300 Pots-$10.00 #20 Styro-$3.00 and #10 Stryo-$2.0
Bergamot, Wild
Native. Strong plant with square stems has minty scented folige. Large pink
summer. Good plant for pollinators and butterflies. Spherical seedheads remain on plant over win
with good air circulation. Prefers moderate soil moisture. 2-4 feet tall.
Black–eyed Susan Yellow-orange daisy-like flowers with dark centers cover
to Rudbeckia ‘Goldstrum’ but flowers later. Good cutflower. Seedheads allow
birdfood. Grows 2 feet tall.
Blazing Star, Dotted Native. Produces attractive purple flower spike in late s
gravely soil. Grows on hillsides. Has a deep taproot. Grows 1 ft tall.
Blazing Star, Meadow Native. Monarch Butterfly magnet! Produces tall purp
Grows in moist meadows, prairies, and road ditches. Good garden, rain garden
Coneflower, Narrowleaf Native. Attractive flowers with dark brown spiny center and
petals. Occurs in fertile prairies, rocky hillsides, and in coarse textured soils. Rought to
medicinal purposes. Also called Black Samson. Grows 1-2 feet tall
Coneflower, Purple Native in U.S, east of SD. Produces large quantities of s
midsummer. Very popular garden plant. Seedheads provide winter bird food. A
Grows 2-3 ft. tall.
Coneflower, Yellow Native in US. Large yellow flowers appear in early to mi
central seedhead. Flowers similar to other Echinacea but with yellow petals. G
Coneflower, Prairie ‘Upright Red’ Native. Sometimes called Mexicn Hat. Produ
and early fall. Drooping petals surround an upright central cone. Very similar to ‘Uprig
ft. with good moisture and little competition.
Coneflower, Prairie ‘Upright Yellow’ Native. A common prairie plant with
surround a vertical central cone. Blooms late summer-early fall. Grows to 4 ft
Ironweed Native. Blooms late-summer to fall, producing many heads of red-v
Good plant for rain garden. Good cut flower. Grows 4-5 feet tall.
Leadplant Compound leaves have gray leaflets covered with dense woolly ha
Legume. Grows in pastures, rocky or sandy hills, & well-drained prairies. Dev
rooted and drought tolerant. Grows 1-2 feet tall.
4% Sales Tax
Milkweed, Butterfly Native. A hassle free, drought tolerant perennial, with t
blooms. Attracts scores of butterflies. Excellent long-lasting cut flowers. Brea
Milkweed, Swamp Native. Food for Monarch butterfly caterpillars. Beautiful pink-r
Use in gardens, rain gardens, moist sites. After flowering, remove developing seed pod
avoid self-sowing. 3-4 feet tall
Pasqueflower Native. South Dakota State Flower. Earliest wildflower to bloo
flowers appear on hairy stalks as soon as the snow melts. Tolerates dry gravel
grassy hillsides. Grows 6” tall.
Penstemon, Shell Leaf Native. A bumblebee favorite! Beautiful light pink flowers p
stalks from a greenish-white rosette of leaves. Grows best on well-drained sandy or gra
garden, but worth the effort!
Prairie Blue-eyed Grass Native. Small grass-like plant in the Iris family whi
spring when few other plants are blooming. Usually grows in fairly moist gras
settings! 6-12” tall.
Prairie Clover, Purple ‘Bismarck’ Native. NRCS release from Lyman Coun
purple flowers at the ends of terminal spikes. Used by native pollinators and b
Needs good drainage. Grows 1-3 feet tall.
Prairie Clover, Purple ‘Stephanie’ Native . Selected in Nebraska. Bright lav
stems which will not lodge. Up to 40 flower stalks per plant. Dark green leave
Prairie Smoke Native. Delightful prairie plant with interesting flower stalks
reddish flowers produce feathery seedheads which look like smoke. Leaves fo
the rest of the summer. 6-12” tall.
Sage, White Native. Also called Man Sage. Fuzzy silvery-white plant grows strongly from rhi
Drought tolerant and grows in sandy soil but adaptable to various soil conditions. Used ceremonia
Native Americans. Can spread rapidly. Use for background in perennial border or landscape. 12-
Sedge, Needleleaf Native. Low-growing, grass-like plant which is common in dry pr
Will slowly form large colony. Blends in with grasses when mowed like turf. Readily g
forage is still dormant. Drought tolerant. 6-8 inches tall.
Sunflower, Maximilian ‘Medicine Creek’ Native. Showy yellow flowers. Prefer
sloughs, road ditches, and moist prairies. Large rain garden plant. Leaves folded length
seeds favored by small birds. Grows 3-6 ft. tall.
Sunflower, Stiff Native. Yellow flowers in late summer. Rhizomatous roots o
and often tinted red. Tolerates wet to dry soil. Deer browse flowerheads. Grow
Yucca Native. Spectacular cream-colored flower panicle produced in early sum
leaves. Often grows on dry, sandy, gravelly hillsides, especially in the western
feet tall.
4% Sales Tax
orange and bright reddish-copper petals with creamy orange midribs.
hroat. Long-blooming. Flower color is better when grown in partial
ms with a tiny green throat. Trumpet flower form. When viewed from
ragrant, like “Easter Lilies.” Very tall flower stalks. Cultivated for
looming daylily that shimmers in the sun. Near-white petals with a
ant!! Classic fragrant red daylily with a high bud count and flowers
nds of arching foliage. Velvety red flowers with slightly recurved
per.” One of the longest blooming daylilies! One of the first to bloom
ant golden-orange flowers. Pest resistant foliage.
opular daylily. Easy to grow. Abundant golden yellow flowers appear
ows to 18”.
old-time daylily produces huge quantities of orange flowers which
Spreads slowly to form a small colony. Tolerates full sun to partial
ol season bunch grass. Strong erect growth habit remains upright, even
ial Plant Association Plant of the Year.
Grows 4-
d from Eurasia. Produces beautiful sky-blue flowers in early summer.
cold. Can spread by seed. Grows 1-2 feet tall.
dby variety produces beautiful violet blue flowers which contrast
al element to yard or garden. Good landscape plant. A “Never Fail”
ecies catch tiny dew droplets that glimmer in the morning sun. Foliage
ep lobes. Produces sprays of tiny, yellow-green flowers in spring. Best
dance of dark red stalks with lighter red interior. Cooks up to a nice
eet so requires less sugar then most. Tends to produce few seed stalks.
ellow daisy-like flowers with brown-black center. Strong upright
Attracts butterflies. 1999 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the
violet-purple flowers. Blooms over a long period which can be
ge. Attracts native pollinators.
n display of large rosy-salmon flowers. Attracts butterflies and
ant. Seedheads add winter interest. Most popular tall sedum. Grows 2
-$3.00 and #10 Stryo-$2.00
son. Major component of tallgrass prairie. Produces “turkey foot” seed
upright in winter. Excellent cattle food.
Grows 3-7
ve. Warm season, perennial bunchgrass which grows in mixed-grass
y hillsides. Attractive seed heads are fluffy when mature. Foliage turns
ort grass for the prairie garden or for fine-leafed turf. Spreads by stolons to form small
fertilizer requirements. Turf needs little mowing to look neat. Greens up later in spring
ows 3-6” tall.
tall grass for wet sites. Originally selected from native stands in SD, ND, MN. Spreads
lize soil and filter water in riparian areas. Interesting seedheads. Moderate tolerance to
duces nearly circular tufts of fine leaves which are 4-10” in diameter. Grows in
oom and seed. Interesting accent plant. Can be used to line walkways and edge
eason, leafy, sod-forming midgrass. Seeds hang along one side of the
duces bright orange pollen. Interesting garden plant. Grows 8-24” tall.
e. Warm season. Short, drought tolerant plants produce interesting
, edging plant, or for low maintenance turf. Grows 4-12” tall.
season. Major component of tall grass prairie. Grows best on moist
l panicles. Interesting landscape plant. Grows 3-6 ft. tall.
wet, sandy soil along rivers and lakes. Crushed leaves smell like vanilla or
merican cultures burn dried sweetgrass braids in traditional ceremonies.
oil is moist. Grows 1-3 ft. tall.
m-season, perennial sod grass. Seedhead is an airy panicle. Turns
ns upright during winter. Birds make some use of seeds. Grows 3-5 ft.
CS release from Morton County, ND. A cool-season perennial with
w in average to moist soil. Seedheads provide winter interest in the
ro-$3.00 and #10 Stryo-$2.00
e stems has minty scented folige. Large pink to lavender flowers are produced midherical seedheads remain on plant over winter. Mildew may be a problem if not grown
re. 2-4 feet tall.
ke flowers with dark centers cover plants late-summer to fall. Similar
Good cutflower. Seedheads allowed to stand over winter provide
active purple flower spike in late summer. Often seen on dry, sandy, or
taproot. Grows 1 ft tall.
utterfly magnet! Produces tall purple flower stalk in late summer.
d ditches. Good garden, rain garden, and landscape plant. Grows 3-4 ft.
wers with dark brown spiny center and purple, pink, or sometimes white
and in coarse textured soils. Rought tolerant. Roots sometimes used for
Grows 1-2 feet tall
SD. Produces large quantities of showy pinkish-purple flowers in
edheads provide winter bird food. A favorite of Monarch Butterflies.
ellow flowers appear in early to mid-summer. Petals droop down from
Echinacea but with yellow petals. Grows 2-4 feet tall.
e. Sometimes called Mexicn Hat. Produces blood red flowers in late summer
ght central cone. Very similar to ‘Upright Yellow’ coneflower. Can grow to 4
ative. A common prairie plant with drooping yellow petals which
e summer-early fall. Grows to 4 ft in gardens but shorter in prairie
all, producing many heads of red-violet flowers. Prefers moist soil.
r. Grows 4-5 feet tall.
flets covered with dense woolly hair. Beautiful purple flower spikes.
hills, & well-drained prairies. Develops semi-woody crown. Is deep
, drought tolerant perennial, with three months of tangerine orange
lent long-lasting cut flowers. Breaks dormancy late. Grows to 24”
h butterfly caterpillars. Beautiful pink-red flowers. Milky sap. Riparian plant.
lowering, remove developing seed pods in garden and landscape situations to
Flower. Earliest wildflower to bloom! Delicate cup-shaped lavender
e snow melts. Tolerates dry gravelly soil. Often found growing on
avorite! Beautiful light pink flowers produced in early summer o 2-3 foot
rows best on well-drained sandy or gravelly soil. May not be long-lived in the
ass-like plant in the Iris family which produces lavender flowers in
Usually grows in fairly moist grasslands. A delight to find in prairie
. NRCS release from Lyman County, SD. Fine-leafed legume with
s. Used by native pollinators and butterflies. Good landscape appeal.
e . Selected in Nebraska. Bright lavender flowers appear o sturdy
r stalks per plant. Dark green leaves. Compact bushy plants. 15-18”
lant with interesting flower stalks produced in May and June. Nodding
which look like smoke. Leaves form a basal rosette which is attractive
silvery-white plant grows strongly from rhizomatous roots and has a strong sage odor.
to various soil conditions. Used ceremonially and medicinally for various ailments by
ound in perennial border or landscape. 12-30” tall
s-like plant which is common in dry prairies, rocky hilltops, and sandy areas.
asses when mowed like turf. Readily grazed early in the spring when other
hes tall.
’ Native. Showy yellow flowers. Prefers moist soil. Grows along streams,
rain garden plant. Leaves folded lengthwise and curve downward. Produces
late summer. Rhizomatous roots often form colony. Stems are rough
il. Deer browse flowerheads. Grows 1-4 feet tall.
lower panicle produced in early summer from clump of lance-shaped
hillsides, especially in the western half of South Dakota. Grows 2-4