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Seed List and Cultivation Notes
A Annual B Biennial P Perennial fls Flowers lvs Leaves sm Small dk Dark med Medium ht height
medcnl Medicinal wt Width.
Most seeds are to be sown in spring and prefer a sunny position. Refer to the cultivation noted for
those with different requirements.
1. Achillea millefolium (common yarrow) P ht 20 – 1m, spreading rhizomes, invasive, white
fls, soil improver, beneficial insect attractant, mdcnl
2. Agastache foeniculum (Anise Hyssop)
for tea, bee plant
3. Alcea rosea (Pink Hollyhock)
P or B white flowering variety, fls on a spike, use
A ht 1m
4. Allium schoenoprasum (chives)
5. Allium tuberosum (garlic chives) P
6. Amaranthus spp (Amaranth)
A ht up to 1m. Edible seed and leaf
7. Angelica archangelica ( Angelica) B ht up to 2m, used in perfume industry. Source is not
certain so please do not consume as could be toxic
8. Anthriscus cerefolium ( Chervil) A low growing, light nutty herby taste, delicate lvs
9. Aquilegia spp (Grannies Bonnets or Colombine) P pink fls
10. Arthropodium ( Renga renga) P NZ endemic, white fls, mdcnl
11. Atriplex hortensis (Red orach) A Culinary ht 2 -6 ft, spinach tasting leaves
12. Beta vulgaris (Silver Beet) A edible frost hardy
13. Brassica oleracea ( Kale) A
14. Calendula officinalis (Pot marigold)
uses, companion planting
P treat as A orange or yellow fls, culinary and medcnl
15. Cedronella canariensis (Balm of Gilead)
P strong smelling lvs, pot pourri.
16. Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower ‘Blue shades’) A blue fls ht 20-50cm
17. Cynara cardunculus (Cardoon) P
fls purple ht 80-150cm edible
18. Daucus spp (Carrot)
19. Echinacea purpurea ( Purple Cone flower, Echinacea) P purple fls ht 150cm width 25cm
20. Echinops ritro (Globe thistle) P ht 60cm, prickly blue globe fls late summer
21. Eruca sativa ( Rocket, Roquette) A white fls, salad herb, sow year round, self -sows
22. Eupatorium purpureum (Joe Pye weed)
soil. North American native
P ht 2m, purple fls, dye plant, mdcnl, dry/moist
23. Foeniculum vulgare ( Wild fennel) Hawke’s Bay
24. Helichrysum italicum (Curry plant) P ht 60cm bush, with yellow fls. Mdcnl. Not the True
curry bush
25. Hypericum perforatum ( St.John’s Wort ) P creeping rhizome, highly invasive. Mdcnl,
26. Hyssopus officinalis (white hyssop) white fragrant fls
27. Leonurus cardiaca (motherwort) Grown in Golden Bay, ht 60-1m, grows in wasteland, mdcnl,
women’s issues
28. Levisticum officinale (Lovage) P ht 1.5m, salads, tea , good for digestion
29. Lilium spp (White Lily) white fragrant fls
30. Lippia citriodora (lemon verbena) P ht up to 2m, tiny white fls
31. Lunaria annua ( Honesty) A or B ht up to 90cm
32. Lupinus angustifolia ( Common Lupin) P grows wild in NZ
33. Lupinus polyphyllus ( Russell Lupin) P ht 1.5m. Likes light soils.
34. Lychnis coronaria ( Ragged Robin, Campion) A
35. Marrubium vulgare (Horehound) P ht 25-45cm, white fls, mdcnl, lozenges for sore throats
36. Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm, Bee balm) P ht 40cm wt 1m mdcnl
37. Ocimum basilicum (Green basil) A culinary
38. Origanum marjorana ( Sweet marjoram) P sweetest perfume tiny fls
39. Origanum marjorana ( Marjoram) P very mild perfume and taste
40. Origanum vulgare (Oregano) P ht 20 -80cm, full sun, attracts bees, culinary, mdcnl
41. Papaver paeoniflorum ( Poppy double purple) A lilac colour, fls head size of lg cup,
double and frilled edge, 1m
42. Papaver rhoeas ( Flanders poppy)
A Classic red Poppy, single ht 50cm
43. Petroselinum crispum (Curly leafed parsley) B culinary herb
44. Phaseolus vulgaris (Dwarf yellow Beans) A
45. Phormium tenax (Flax)
P lg flax variety, wt 2m ht 1.5m dark green/red lvs
46. Picea spp ( Pine tree) P unsure of variety, NOT edible seed
47. Plantago major (Plantain) P purple leafed form of the common weed, attractive garden
plant, weedy
48. Primula veris (Cowslip) white fls
49. Prunella Vulgaris (Self Heal) P creeping stem that self- roots. Edible lvs and stems
50. Rumex crispus (Yellow Dock, Curled Dock) P fls stalk 1m high, mdcnl, high levels of iron.
Young leaves eaten in moderation due to oxalic acid content
51. Rumex scutatus ( French Sorrel) P ht 1m, culinary, lemony flavour, frost hardy and full sun
52. Ruta graveolens (Rue ) P full sun, bluish leaves, mdcnl, deters cats
53. Salvia officinalis ( Sage) P green lvs
54. Salvia sclarea (Clary sage) B or short lived P stately upright plant, ht 1.3m, source of
aromatic oil, dried lvs used as pot pourri fixative
55. Satureja montana ( Winter savoury) P ht 30-60cm, scent similar to oregano, used in
cooking esp with meat instead of sage
56. Solidago virgaurea (Golden Rod)
woody rhizome mdcnl
57. Stevia rebaudiana (Stevia) P ht 1m tiny white fls culinary
58. Tagetes lucida (Mexican marigold) A ht up to 1.5m, full sun. used as a dye plant, and a
nematode repellent
59. Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew) P daisy type fls, bush to 50cm high, full sun. used to
treat fever and headaches
60. Tanacetum vulgare ( Tansy) P yellow button fls, ht 0.5- 1.5m, camphor smell, toxic when
consumed in large quantities, organic insect repellent, companion planting
61. Tragopogan dubius ( Salsify, Goatsbeard) wild fls
62. Verbascum thapsus ( Mullein) A tall yellow fls spike, lg grey leaves, exc for lungs
63. Veronica filiformis (Veronica) Pink fls
64. Zea mays sp (Indian Red Corn) A Cob is 6cm long 2cm wide
65. Zea mays spp ( Popping corn) A Raw grains are pointed and almost translucent
66. Zea mays spp ( Blue corn ) A Black lg grains, ground to make blue corn chips