Download lucky bamboo care

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Dracaena Sanderiana
“Lucky Bamboo”
This dracaena variety is really not related to true bamboo at all. It gets this name because its
stalks resemble bamboo canes when all of its leaves are removed. The plant can be grown for
extended periods of time in only water or can be planted in soil if desired. The use of stones or
marbles may help to position the plant or add to the attractiveness of the display, but is not required by the plant. The stalks which have been curled by turning the plant while it is growing,
will not continue to curl in your home. You can prune the plant like any other houseplant to
encourage shoots to sprout further down the stems. Once the plants have established roots, they can be transferred out
of water for several hours. Yellowing of the stalk may indicate a plant virus, and you should discard any plant whose
stalk has turned yellow. Keep in medium light, clean the leaves often, and change water monthly for best results.
Prefers strong, indirect to bright light. Will tolerate lower light, but growth
will be less robust and leaves may droop. Lower leaves may yellow and
should be removed by peeling downward along the stalk. Avoid full sun.
Low- well away from a bright
window, or close to an
obstructed window. Indirect
light, north facing windows.
Mist frequently to
prevent the
appearance of spider mites and to
keep leaves clean.
Partial Sun– east or west
facing windows, at least
four hours of direct
sunlight per day.
Full Sun– south facing
window. Full exposure,
continuous sun, may be
hot in summer.
Plants are usually grown in water only. The water should always appear
clean and clear, change as necessary. Roots may be trimmed if necessary
and any fertilizer should be very diluted, so as not to burn the roots.
Allow soil to dry thoroughly
between waterings.
Medium- bright but sunless,
some distance from a sunny
window or close to a bright
sunless window.
Water when soil has dried one to
two inches below the surface.
Water when soil has just
dried on the surface.
Not required. Use with extreme care, dilute to quarter
strength of package direc-
Standard good quality
potting soil if desired. Or
grow hydroponically in just
More plant care tips at
Water frequently, never
allowing soil to dry.
Average home temps.