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blooming plant of the month
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Regardless of type, size or shape
of orchid, blooms have six
“petals”—actually three sepals,
two petals, and a third modified
petal that forms a lip.
Phalaenopsis (fal-e-NOP-sis) Moth orchid
Photo: Silver Vase
indoor and consumer care
LIGHT Potted orchids require as much
bright indirect light as is available every
day; however, do not expose these plants to
direct sunlight.
WATER The most common mistake with
potted orchids is overwatering. Most
orchid plants (except Cattleyas and
Miltonias) require an evenly moist—but
not waterlogged — growing medium, so
water plants regularly.
n Thoroughly soak the potting medium
during each watering. Problems arise from
frequency of watering, not the amount of
water. Frequency will be affected by temperature, humidity, air circulation, amount
of light, type of pot (plastic or clay) and
type of potting medium. With Cattleyas
and Miltonias, allow the potting medium to
become fairly dry between waterings.
n For best results, water orchid plants in
the morning.
n Water orchids less frequently during
winter months.
n Orchids must have pots with good
drainage so water can flow out and roots
and potting media won’t rot.
TEMPERATURE Most potted orchids prefer
daytime temperatures during the summer
between 70 F and 80 F and nighttime
temps between 60 F and 65 (all orchids
require cooler nighttime temperatures — at
floral retailing
november ’10
Colors vary by genus, but collectively, orchids are available in
virtually every hue except bluegreen and blue (white, cream,
purple, lavender, magenta, red,
pink, orange, peach/coral/apricot, yellow, green, brown and
least 10 degrees lower than daytime temperatures). During the winter months,
daytime temps can drop to as low as 60 F
and nighttime temps to 55 F; however,
cold drafts and prolonged exposure to
temperatures lower than 50 F can damage
orchid plants.
HUMIDITY Orchids require constantly humid
air, so mist leaves lightly but regularly with
distilled water (to prevent spots on leaves),
preferably in the morning; place pots on
pebble trays; place open bowls of water near
the plants; or run a humidifier in the room.
Avoid misting Vanda orchid plants.
AIR CIRCULATION Orchids will not tolerate
hot, stuffy conditions, so make sure there is
good air movement in the room, especially
in warmer environments.
including Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis, are
very sensitive to ethylene while others,
including Dendrobium, are less sensitive;
regardless, it is wise to protect all orchid
plants from exposure to ethylene.
FERTILIZER Fertilize potted orchids that are
in bloom every time you water (less often
during winter months), with an orchid fertilizer. It is best to water orchid plants prior
to feeding. At least once a month, flush the
potting medium with plain water to rinse
away salt buildups, especially with plants
in clay pots. Do not feed orchid plants that
bicolors). Most are bicolors,
with spots or blotches on lips
and/or petals.
With proper care and ideal
environmental conditions, individual orchid blooms can last
for weeks, bloom spikes can last
for months and plants can last
for years.
Most genera of orchids are available year-round from a variety of
sources around the world.
are not in bloom.
GROWING MEDIA Orchid potting media generally include a combination of any or all of
the following ingredients: fir, pine or redwood tree bark; coconut husks/coir fiber;
sphagnum moss and/or peat moss; perlite,
vermiculite or similar material; gravel
and/or sand; and charcoal. These materials
won’t compact around the roots (allowing
air to circulate), and many retain moisture.
REPOTTING Orchids generally like to be potbound, so don’t worry if a few roots grow
outside the pot. Repot these plants only
when growth begins to suffer and/or when
the potting medium begins to decompose—usually every two years. Use only a
potting medium developed specifically for
orchids (see “Growing Media,” above).
GROOMING Remove blossoms from the
bloom spikes as they fade. Periodically,
wipe the topsides and undersides of plant
leaves with warm soapy water to remove
dust as well as insects that may hide on
the plants. Wipe with the grain of the
leaves. Do not use leaf shine on orchid
plant foliage.
REBLOOMING With proper care, most
orchid plants will rebloom although each
genus of orchid has its own flowering frequency, time and “triggers.”
n The flowering of some orchids, including
Phalaenopsis, is triggered primarily by
perature. These plants will initiate bloom
spikes (given enough light) when the
nights start to get cooler.
n Other genera, including Cattleya, are
triggered primarily by light. It is important
that these plants not be exposed to artificial
light at night because it will confuse them
and interrupt flowering.
n Still other genera have internal blooming
clocks and will bloom on their own schedules rather than being triggered by temperature or light.
spots are hard and dry, the plant has likely
been scorched by the sun. Move the plant
out of direct sunlight, and do not try to cut
away the spots. If the spots are soft, the
plant has a fungal disease or viral infection,
and you should immediately remove all
affected parts with a sterilized knife or
other cutting tool.
BROWN LEAF TIPS This is a common sign of
overfertilization and/or improper watering.
PALE FOLIAGE This is either a result of exposure to direct sunlight or not enough bright
indirect light.
leaves being excessively misted or misted
during cool conditions, which prevents the
moisture from evaporating quickly.
orchid to rebloom is due to unfavorable
environmental conditions — most likely
insufficient light (especially if the plant is
healthy) but also improper temperatures,
too low humidity, incorrect watering, too
much fertilizer, not enough air circulation, etc.
LEAVES These masses are mealybug infestations. Remove the mealybug masses with a
cotton swab dipped in alcohol, then further clean the affected areas with a cotton
pad soaked with alcohol. Repeat the procedure weekly until the infestation has been
completely eliminated.
fun facts
FAMILY MATTERS The Orchidaceae (orchid)
family is generally conceded to be the
largest family of flowering plants in terms of
number of species (estimated to be as many
as 30,000). It also is estimated that there
are as many as 800 or more genera of
orchids, many of which are intergeneric
hybrids (crossbreeds).
GROWTH HABITS Orchids have a vast array
of growth habits, which they have adapted
from a variety of habitats. The most common are:
n Epiphytic - grow on the branches or
trunks of trees and other plants, above
the ground. They extract nutrients and
moisture from air, dust, dead bark, leaf
litter and so on. They do not feed on
the living tissue of their hosts.
n Lithophytic - grow on rocks
n Terrestrial - grow on/in the ground
All of the orchids on these pages are epiphytes; however, some species of
Arachnis, Cattleya and Dendrobium
orchids are also lithophytes; some
Cymbidiums are also terrestrial; and some
Paphiopedilums and Phalaenopses are also
lithophytes and/or terrestrial.
POLLINATION Except for the few species
that are self-pollinated, most orchids are
pollinated by insects or hummingbirds.
Arachnis (uh-RAK-nis)
Scorpion orchid, Spider orchid
Aranda (uh-RAN-duh)
Photo: HFT International, Inc.; dba Athena’s Gardens
Aranthera (uh-RAN-thur-uh)
Photo: HFT International, Inc.; dba Athena’s Gardens
Cattleya (KAT-lee-uh)
Photo: Worldwide Orchids
november ’10 floral retailing 19
Colmanara / Odontocidium
(kol-man-ARE-uh /
Cymbidium (sim-BID-ee-um)
Photo: Gallup & Stribling Orchids
Miltonia (mil-TONE-ee-uh)
Pansy orchid
Photo: The John Henry Company
Photo: McLellan Botanicals
Oncidium (on-SID-ee-um)
Dancing lady orchid
Photo: Nurserymen’s Exchange, Inc.
Photo: Northland Floral
Photo: Worldwide Orchids
Miltoniopsis (mil-tone-ee-OP-sis)
Pansy orchid
Photo: Nurserymen’s Exchange, Inc.
Mokara (mow-KAR-uh)
Photo: HFT International, Inc.;
dba Athena’s Gardens
Some information provided by:
Botanica, by R.G. Turner Jr. and Ernie Wasson
Complete Houseplant Survival Manual, The,
by Barbara Pleasant
Chain of Life Network® ,
Dictionary of Plant Names,
by Allen J. Coombes
Flora’s Orchids,
by Ned Nash and Isobyl La Croix
House Plant Expert, The,
by Dr. D.G. Hessayon
Hortus Third, by Liberty Hyde Bailey and
Ethel Zoe Bailey
McLellan Botanicals
New Pronouncing Dictionary of Plant Names
by Florists’ Publishing Company
Worldwide Orchids
Lady’s slipper orchid, Lady
slipper orchid, Slipper orchid
Phalaenopsis (fal-e-NOP-sis)
Moth orchid
Vanda (VAN-duh)
Photo: Rocket Farms
Photo: Nurserymen’s Exchange, Inc.
floral retailing
november ’10
Photo: Worldwide Orchids