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Name ______________________________________________________________ Hour _____________ Date _________________________
Chapter 12: Classical Greece
Lesson 2: The Peloponnesian War – p. 398 - 402
Main Ideas
 Government: Athens and Sparta and their allies fought a war over Athens’
growing power.
 Government: Athens lost the Peloponnesian War.
 Government: More than 25 years of war weakened all of the Greek city-states.
(Icon, Picture, Example,
Sentence, etc.)
What learning target does
this term connect to? Why?
The Outbreak of War - p. 399 - 400
1. Athens and Sparta wanted to be the most powerful city-state in the region. The
competition led to clashes between the two city-states and their allies. What were
the three main reasons why the war broke out?
2. Why did city-states resent how Athens spent the money in the Delian League Treasury?
3. City-states who were mad at Pericles for spending money to make Athens more
beautiful tried to break free from Athenian power. What did Pericles do in response
to this uprising?
4. What was the Peloponnesian League? How did it form and who was part of it? Because
of the creation of the new league, what event began?
War Rages – p.400 - 401
5. What happened during the Peloponnesian War? Who won?
6. Comparing and contrasting the war strategies of Athens and Sparta will help you
understand the outcome of the war. Write down the differences between the war
strategies of the two city-states.
Disaster Strikes Athens – p. 402
7. What caused Pericles' strategy to fail?
Consequences of the War
8. How long did the Peloponnesian War last?
9. What was the result of the Peloponnesian War?
10. What were the long-term effects?
Reading Comprehension Choose the word that most accurately completes each sentence below. Write that
word in the blank provided. Note: Some words may be used more than once.
sea power
food supply
Peloponnesian War
naval empire
King Philip II of Macedon
1. The Greek city-state of ____________ had a democratic form of government.
2. The Greek city-state whose culture glorified military ideals was __________.
3. Under the leadership of __________, Athens grew from a city-state to a ________________.
4. The violent conflict between Athens and Sparta became known as the ____________________.
5. Part of Sparta’s war strategy was to cut off the _________________for Athens by destroying crops.
6. Athens’ war strategy relied on ________________.
7. A _____________ killed as many as one-third of the Athenian people and army, as well as Pericles.
8. An agreement to stop fighting is called a __________.
9. __________ surrendered to __________ in 404 B.C.
10. One consequence of the war between Athens and Sparta was that ______________
viewed the weakened Greek city-states as easy to attack in his plan to develop an empire.
Lesson Summary
• The wealth, prestige, policies, and power of Athens caused resentment among other city-states.
• A plague that killed many Athenians helped Sparta defeat Athens.
• The Peloponnesian War weakened all of the Greek city-states for 50 years.
Why it matters now. . .
The Peloponnesian War shows that countries that wage war may lose power and
prestige instead of gaining it.
Historical Interpretation - Understanding Cause and Effect
Read the following passage. Use the passage and your knowledge of world history to answer
the following multiple-choice questions.
The Peloponnesian War
Athens and Sparta had always competed for power. During the Persian Wars they worked
together to defeat a common enemy. After the war, Athens and other city-states formed
the Delian League. It was intended for mutual protection. Sparta did not join the league.
Sparta was Athens main rival. Sparta and its allies formed the Peloponnesian League to
resist Athens. Athens used its strong navy to become the dominant power in the league.
Athens began to treat other city-states like conquered people instead of allies. It also used
the money in the league treasury to beautify the city. As a result, other city-states began
to resent Athens. Some tried to withdraw from the league, but Pericles punished any citystate that resisted Athens. In 431 B.C., Sparta declared war on Athens. The war lasted for
more than 25 years. During that time cities and crops were destroyed, and many people
died. Eventually Athens surrendered to Sparta. Although Athens lost the war, it wasn’t the
only city-state that suffered. All the Greek city-states lost wealth and power because of the
1. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Peloponnesian War?
a. Athens dominated other city-states.
b. The Persians conquered the Greeks.
c. Sparta resented Athens’ increased power.
d. Athens misused money from the Delian League.
2. What happened as a result of Athens’ attempt to dominate other city-states?
a. The Delian League grew stronger.
b. Pericles treated other city-states with respect.
c. The Peloponnesian League was formed.
d. Athens gained more allies.
3. As a result of the Peloponnesian War . . .
a. all Greek city-states became weaker.
b. Athens remained dominant.
c. Sparta was stronger than before.
d. the Persians conquered Greece.
4. How did Athens cause its own downfall?
Homework for the Peloponnesian War - Lesson 2 Activity / Quiz
A. What were the THREE causes of the Peloponnesian War?
B. List / describe 6-8 events that happened in the Peloponnesian War.
C. What was the end result of the Peloponnesian War?