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Review Events Leading to Civil War - CHAPTERS 8 & 9
1. What is a key difference between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans?
2. What term was used to describe Andrew Jackson's practice of rewarding his supporters with government
3. What changes were direct results of industrialization?
4. What was the main goal of abolitionists?
5. What were some of the provisions of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
6. *Most of the population lived on scattered farms.
*Plantation agriculture dominated its economy.
These statements BEST describe which region of the United States in 1860?
7. The Kansas-Nebraska Act gave the people of those territories the right to decide the slavery question by
voting. This solution to the slavery debate was known as what?
8. What was one ruling of the Supreme Court in its Dred Scott v. Sandford decision?
9. What marks the start of the Civil War in 1861?
10. What was the major civil rights effect of the Thirteenth Amendment?
11. What was denied to African Americans under slavery?
12. What factor helped Andrew Jackson win the presidential election in 1824?
13. How did the Louisiana Purchase change the borders of the United States?
14. What social movement inspired many reform efforts in the early 1800s?
15. The forced migration of the Cherokee Indians became known as what?
16. What invention by Eli Whitney revolutionized the Southern economy and society?
17. What state threatened to withdraw from the union over federal tarriff laws?
18. Why did Congress pass the Indian Removal Act in 1830?
19. What was the significance of George Washington’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion?
20. What does the principle of nullification signify?
21. What was one effect of the rapid geographic expansion of the United States?
22. What common belief encouraged American expansion westward across the continent?
23. Why did Preston Brooks attack abolitionist and Massachusettes Senator Charles Sumner in 1856?
24. Why were many Southern radicals against limiting the expansion of slavery into new territories?
25. Who formed the Republican Party in 1854?
26. What was one result of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry?
27. Which type of production made up most of the South’s economy in the 1800s?
28. Both Southern and Northern moderates suggested settling new territories using popular sovereignty. Popular
sovereignty would allow what?
29. What were some of the provisions of the Compromise of 1850?
30. After seceding from the Union around 1860 Southern states formed what body?
31. The measure that admitted Missoouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state is known as what?
32. In the 1800s, many Northern moderates favored a Free-Soil position. The Free-Soil position is what?
33. What did the Fugitive Slave Law advocate?
34. Describe the increasing sectional differences between North and South in the mid 1800s. How did these
differences become a major factor in American politics?
35. Evaluate the effect of John Brown’s raid on tensions between the North and the South.
36. Why was the election of 1860 a significant event in the conflict over slavery?
Review Events Leading to Civil War - CHAPTERS 8 & 9
Answer Section
1. The Federalists favored a strong central government with power to control the states; the DemocraticRepublicans did not.
2. spoils system
3. increased worker productivity, the spread of the factory system, the shift to a market economy
4. to end the institution of slavery
5. a ban on slavery in part of Louisiana Territory, the admission of Maine to the Union as a free state, the
admission of Missouri to the Union as a free state
6. the South
7. popular sovereignty.
8. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 is unconstitutional.
9. the Southern attack on Fort Sumter
10. abolishing slavery in the United States
11. marriage, property rights, education
12. expansion of suffrage
13. It added land from west of the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains
14. Second Great Awakening
15. the Trail of Tears
16. cotton gin
17. South Carolina
18. Native Americans occupied many desirable lands inside national borders.
19. He made it clear that the federal government would enforce its laws.
20. states declaring unconstitutional federal laws void
21. Regions developed distinct sectional identities.
22. Manifest Destiny
23. Sumner scorned senators for passing a law that allowed slavery in Kansas Territory.
Sumner ridiculed Senator Butler for his proslavery opinions.
Sumner made a speech that was viewed as libel on South Carolina.
24. They felt it deprived them of their property rights.
25. Free-Soilers against the Kansas-Nebraska Act
26. Federal troops captured Brown and his men.
27. The South’s production was mostly agricultural.
28. voters to determine if slavery was permitted in their territory
29. It admitted Califronia into the Union as a free state.
It split the rest of the Southwest into two territories.
It allowed existing slaveholders in Washington DC to keep their slaves.
30. Confederate States of America
31. Missouri Compromise
32. objection to expanding slavery into new territories and states.
33. requiring escaped slaves to return to their owners
34. The conflict between North and South was a conflict over different ways of life. The North was increasingly
urban with a rapidly growing population that included many immigrants. Its economy relied on industry. The
South was more rural, dependent on agriculture and slave labor to fuel its economy. For that reason, most
Southerners saw abolitionism as a threat to their economy and way of life. These sectional differences led to
debates over the continuation and expansion of slavery.
35. John Brown’s raid increased the tensions and escalated violence between the North and the South. Many
Southerners were afraid of a slave rebellion and saw Brown’s extremism as representative of the antislavery
movement. Many Northerners, on the other hand, saw Brown as a hero and a martyr to the cause of abolition.
36. The election of 1860 drove a final wedge between North and South. Lincoln won with a minority of popular
votes, and slave states feared that with a Republican president, Congress would try to abolish slavery. Though
Lincoln tried to reassure Southerners that he would not interfere with slavery in the South or oppose the
Fugitive Slave Law, Southerners called for secession, and the Civil War began.