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First Civilizations
I. First Civilizations
A. Kingdoms of the Nile
In Egypt for thousands of years
Nile River has dominated this area.
The other part in Egypt is the
desert. The river is 4,160 miles long.
The river flows from south to north
and empties into the Mediterranean
Sea. The Egyptians built their
civilization along the Nile River.
The natural resources in this area was
fertile soil, granite, sandstone, and
B. Early Steps
The first type of people were
hunters and gathers and then settle
in to be farmers. This people also
mined copper. These people also
learned how to make bronze. This is a
mixed of copper and tin.
Hieroglyphics- form of writing
Hieroglyphics were a form of
communication for the Egyptians and
they use symbols and pictures to
communicate. This writing use more
than 600 characters.
In 1798 the French found what is
called the Rosetta Stone.
Rosetta Stone- this stone had
hieroglyphics on it and give the
secrets of this writing.
C. Egyptians Kingdoms
The two Kingdoms that formed in
Egypt and they are the Upper Egypt
and the Lower Egypt. The lower lay
to the north in the Nile River delta.
Upper Egypt lay farther south, away
from the Mediterrean Sea.
Menes- king of Upper Egypt and
united all of Egypt
Dynasty- family of rulers
in the dynasty the right to rule
passes within family, usually father to
Pharaoh- means great house but
absolute ruler or unlimited power
since Menes there were 30 dynasties
ruled Egypt
D. Old Kingdom (2680-2180 BC)
during this time there was
developments done in science and art
during this time
some of these are sphinx and
The society was spilt into two classes
of people during this period and they
were lower class(peasants and
farmers) and upper class
( pharaoh, priests, scribes and
government officials)
At the end of the period pharaohs
got weaker and the nobles grew
E. Middle Kingdom (2050-1780 BC)
this was the golden age of Egypt
this marked stability and prosperity
during this time the pharaohs power
came back and the nobles and priests
got weaker
the Hyksos arrived in Egypt
Hysksos- foreigners
these people came from Asia and
they brought new tools for war
chariots and bow
the Hysksos ruled the Lower Egypt
for 100 years
F. New Kingdom (1570-1080 BC)
leaders in Upper Egypt drove off the
Hysksos and the pharaoh reunited Egypt
and begin a strong line of pharaohs
the pharaoh had absolute power and
kept strict control of the government
these pharaohs built a empire
Empire- a form of gov.’t in which an
individual or a single people rules
over many people and their
Hatshepsut- her reigned from 15031482 BC
she was co-pharaoh with her stepson and
gave security to Egypt’s borders
Thutmose III- stepson of Hatshepsut
he continued what his stepmother did
until his death in 1450 BC
Amenhotep IV- reigned 1380-1362 BC
he tried to bring social and religious
change in Egypt
Polytheism- belief in many gods
Monotheism- belief in one god
after the death of Akhenaton the priest
gained power again
Egypt’s decline that there were not many
pharaohs that were strong after
Akhenaton died
Ramses II- ruled (1270-1213BC)
Ramses was the last major pharaoh that
had power
II. Egyptian Life and Culture
A. Achievements in Ancient Egypt
architecture and art
Great Sphinx and pyramids were
the pyramids were built to bury the
pharaohs there are about 80 pyramids
still standing
art had sculptors and paintings show the
way of life in Egypt
B. Education and Religion
Egyptians had a Education system and
to pass their knowledge they use
the scribes learned to read and write
the scribes worked for the government
the schools were attached to temples and
religion was a big part of Egyptian life
In early Egypt there were local god or
the most important god was Amon the
At first the Egyptians believed that
pharaohs had afterlife. Later the
Egyptians believe life after death
for everybody
Mummification- preserve body after
C. Society and Economy
In society the lower class were not
going to be wealthy. Women had legal
rights in Egypt. They were equals as their
husbands in social and business affairs.
Farming- land was divided into large
most of the farming was done by the
peasants with crude hoes and wooden
The main grains were wheat and barley.
Flax was grown and then spun and woven
into linen. Farmers also grew cotton.
Trade- Trade was controlled tightly by
the government. Peasants grew the
food and a merchant class emerged to
trade the Egyptian products. These
merchants used donkeys and then later
used camels to move long distances.
They moved in caravans.
Caravans- groups of people traveling
together for safety over long
These caravans traveled to western
Asia and deep into Africa.
The Egyptians also traded by sea. The
Egyptians were some of the first
people to have seagoing ships. The
Egyptians sailed the Mediterranean
and Red Seas and traveled the
African coast.