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Name: ________________________________________
Period: ________
Fertile Crescent and Mesopotamia Study Guide
Fertile Crescent
The region of rich farmland between the Persian Gulf and Asia Minor is
sometimes known as what?
What two land features gave Mesopotamia its name?
Division of labor is best described as the type of arrangement in which each
person specializes in a particular _____________.
__________ was important to the early people of Mesopotamia because it
made the land fertile for farming.
Hunter and gatherer groups settled in Mesopotamia how many years ago?
A food surplus means having more/less food than is needed?
Who were the first people to settle in Mesopotamia?
Who served as the link between the Sumerians and the gods?
The world’s first civilization was called what?
The basic political unit of Sumer was called what?
Sumerians first used cuneiform to do what?
Name: ________________________________________
Period: ________
What are 3 achievements of ancient Sumerians?
Most Sumerians lived in what kind of house?
What is the Sumerian social hierarchy pyramid in order of importance?
A king known as _______________ became a legendary figure in
Sumerian literature.
Sumerian city centers were dominated by ________________.
Sumerians used a sharp ______________ to make symbols on clay
Due to their association with the gods, Sumerian priests often became
Sumerians excelled in math and developed a number system around which
Sumerians created a system of writing called what?
Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar both built up what city?
Hammurabi is best known for his what?
Which famous king rebuilt the city of Babylon?
Hammurabi’s Code included a total of __________ laws.
Name: ________________________________________
Period: ________
Despite the growth of cities, society in Mesopotamia was still based on
According to legend, the grand palace in ___________________ had
fabulous hanging gardens.
The alphabet we used today is based on the _________________
The ancient city of Babylon was located near which modern-day capital
In Hammurabi’s Code, could punishments be different depending on one’s
social class?
Assyrians and Hittites
What technology did the Hittites and Assyrians use in battle?
The Hittites were the first people to master what skill?
How did the development of the alphabet benefit the Phoenicians?
Other than for developing the alphabet, the Phoenicians were well known
for what?
Most of Phoenicia was located in what present-day country?
What was the name of the Phoenician colony located in northern Africa?
Name: ________________________________________
Period: ________
Key Terms to Know
Mesopotamia- Greek word for “land between the rivers”
Pictographs- picture symbols used for written communication
Chariot- a wheeled, horse-drawn battle cart
Scribes- professional writers
Alphabet- a set of letters that can be combined to form words
Fertile Crescent- a large arc of farmland
Cuneiform- the world’s first writing system
Social hierarchy- a division of society by rank of class
Irrigation- a way of supplying water to an area of land
Polytheism- the worship of many gods
***Be sure to study the compare and contrast charts
between ancient Egypt and ancient Sumer***
*Bonus question will have something to do with the
events of November 22, 1963.