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Mr. Ramos
◦ Identify types and sources of nutrients.
◦ Describe how to use the Dietary Guidelines.
◦ Discuss how to use the Food Guide Pyramid.
◦ Discuss how to distinguish between foods that are
healthful and those that do not contain many
Food is the body’s source of energy
Energy in food is measured in units called calories
or Calories.
The body uses nutrients to build and maintain
tissues, help with body processes, or provide
◦ Growth & Repair Body
◦ Animal products, such as meat & eggs offer
complete proteins
◦ Amino acids make proteins
◦ Provide the main source of energy for the body
◦ Simple carbohydrates are sugars: fruit & milk
◦ Complex carbohydrates are starches: bread, rice,
cereal, & potatoes.
Provide long term energy storage
Absorbs certain vitamins
Help maintain healthy hair & skin
Saturated fats are solid at room temperature
Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature
◦ Control processes in the body
◦ Vitamin C helps your heart & muscles
◦ Vitamin C can be found in fruits, meat, & eggs
◦ Involved in many body activities
◦ Iron is essential for building blood & muscle
◦ Calcium helps build strong bones
Regulates body temperature
Helps eliminate waste
Chemical processes in the body occur in water
6 – 8 Ounces of water daily
Nutrition is the process by which the body takes in and uses
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are a set of diet &
lifestyle recommendations for healthy Americans ages two &
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wrote the
Dietary Guidelines.
◦ Aim for fitness
◦ Build a healthy base
◦ Choose sensibly
Aim for a healthful weight
◦ Eat smaller meals
◦ Reduce the risk of diabetes & heart disease
◦ Consume meals rich in vitamins & minerals, & low
in saturated fats
Be physically active each day
◦ 60 minutes of moderate activity each day
◦ Walk, swim, skate, etc.
Use the food guide pyramid
Choose a variety of grains
◦ Good source of fiber
Choose a variety of fruits & vegetables
◦ Good source of fiber
Keep food safe to eat
◦ Refrigerate meat, dairy, & egg products
Avoid foods that are high in fats, sugars, & salts.
Choose a diet low in saturated fats & cholesterol &
moderate in total fat
Choose beverages and foods to moderate your
intake of sugar.
Choose and prepare foods with less salt.
Do not drink alcohol.
Food Guide Pyramid helps you choose healthier
Foods at the bottom of the pyramid are more
Limit foods at the top of the pyramid
Food Groups
Servings Per Day
One Serving Equals
Milk, Yogurt, & Cheese Group
1 cup milk,
1 cup yogurt
I.5 ounces natural cheese
2 ounces processed cheese
Meat, Poulty, Fish, Dry Beans,
Eggs, & Nut Group
2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat,
poulty, or fish
½ cup of dry beans
1 egg
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Fruit Group
1 medium apple, banana, or
½ cup cooked, canned, or raw
chopped fruit
¾ cup 100% fruit juice
Vegetable Group
1 cup raw, leafy vegetables
½ cup other cooked or chopped
raw vegetables
¾ cup 100% vegetable juice
Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta
1 slice of bread or ½ bagel,
regular size
1 ounce ready to eat cereal
½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or
Limit foods that do not contain many nutrients: chips,
cookies, candies, & ice-cream.
Go easy on oils, salad dressings, & buttery spreads.
Cut back on canned foods, instant soups, & lunch meals,
such as bologna & ham. These foods contain a lot of sodium.
Increase your fiber intake by eating whole grain breads.
What it does
Some sources
Vitamin A
Maintains healthy teeth, skin, &
Milk, cheese, liver, carrots,
apricots, cantaloupe, sweet
potatoes, dark green leafy
B vitamins
Support heart, nerve cells, brain,
& blood
Lean meats, poulty, fish, nuts,
eggs, some packaged bread
Vitamin C
Promotes healthy teeth & gums
and helps to heal wounds
Citrus fruits, strawberries,
broccoli, collard and mustard
Vitamin D
Helps the body absorb calcium,
essential for healthy
Milk, cheese, butter, fish, some
cereals, sunlight
Vitamin E
Slows again and supports
formation of red blood cells
Wheat germ, corn, nuts,
vegetable oils, green leafy
What it does
Some sources
Builds muscles and transports
oxygen to blood
Beef, poulty, seafood, spinach,
whole grains
Promotes strong teeth and
Milk, tofu, broccoli, some juices
and cereals
Assists nerves and muscles
Nuts, beans, dark green
Heals wounds and aids growth
Meat, liver, eggs, wheat germ,
whole grains
◦ Demonstrate how to analyze a food label to
evaluate and compare food choices.
◦ List and analyze the influences on food choices.
◦ Describe how to plan healthful meals in a variety of
◦ Explain how to plan, shop for, and prepare healthful
meals and snacks.
All processed food packages must have a Nutrition Facts
A processed food is a food that has been specially treated or
◦ Examples: crackers, cookies, frozen dinners, and macaroni
& cheese.
A Nutrition Facts Panel is a label that provides information
about the calories and nutrients that the food contains.
Trans fats are harmful fats found in hydrogenated, or partially
solidified, oils such as margarine and shortening.
◦ Chips, cookies, crackers, & cakes usually have trans fats,
which may provide even more cholesterol than saturated
Availability – teens choose foods that are
available to them
Family Influence – culture, background, &
religion play a role in what people eat
Health Benefits – people avoid certain foods if
they’re allergic, or they may eat broccoli &
other high calcium foods to reduce the risk of
developing osteoporosis
Situation – people choose different foods
depending on who they are with
Mood – people choose certain foods when
they are bored, happy, depressed, or angry
Body Image – worrying about being too fat or
too skinny may cause people to choose
certain foods over others
Cost – the amount of money people have & the
price of the food determines what they will buy
Media – people are influenced to eat what they
see in the media
Vegetarian lifestyle – vegetarians avoid red meat,
chicken, and fish.
Vegan lifestyle – vegans reject all animal
products, such as dairy, eggs, and honey.
Pay attention to Nutrition Facts Panel & avoid
large quantities of fat, sugar, & sodium.
Foods labeled “fat free” have less than ½ of a
gram of fat per serving.
Foods labeled “low fat” have 3 grams of fat or
Try shopping at stores that sell bulk foods. Bulk foods are
often cheaper than foods that come in small packages.
Avoid foods that come in smaller packages.
At grocery stores, the more expensive products are usually
placed at eye level.
Provide steamed vegetables as a side dish.
Use skim or 1% milk for cereal & hot chocolate.
Avoid overuse of salt by adding herbs, such as rosemary,
oregano, or basil to pasta or rice.
Order baked or broiled food instead of fried food.
Choose fruit or sorbet for dessert instead of ice cream.
You can get some of the important vitamins and minerals you
need by eating foods that are fortified.
To fortify is to add vitamins or minerals to a food.
Example: Most milk is fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D
helps the body absorb Calcium.
A nutritional supplement is a nonfood pill, powder, or liquid
that contains vitamins, minerals, or other healthful
substances that some people want to add to their diet.
1. How many calories are
in 4 cookies?
2. How many calories are in
the whole bag of cookies?
3. How many calories are in
12 cookies?
4. How much total fat is in
4 cookies?
5. How much total fat is in
the whole bag of cookies?
6. How much total fat is in
12 cookies?
7. How many grams of protein
are in 4 cookies?
8. How many grams of protein
are in the whole bag of
9. How many grams of protein
are in 12 cookies?
10. How much sodium is in
4 cookies?
11. How much sodium is in
the whole bag of cookies?
12. How much sodium is in
12 cookies?
◦ Describe foodborne illnesses and their sources.
◦ Identify the symptoms and treatments of foodborne
◦ Discuss how to reduce the risk of foodborne
A foodborne illness is an illness caused by consuming foods
or beverages that have been contaminated with pathogens or
toxins produced by pathogens.
Bacteria are tiny one celled organisms.
Some bacteria are beneficial and others cause disease.
Bacteria can contaminate food.
To contaminate is to make dirty or impure.
Bacteria can spread easily from food to
your hands or to other foods.
Bacteria can be destroyed through pasteurization.
Pasteurization is a process by which a food or
liquid is heated to kill harmful organisms.
Campylobacter jejuni
Contaminated water, raw or
undercooked meat
Clostridium botulinum
Improperly canned food, homecanned vegetables, smoked or
raw fish, honey or corn syrup.
Escherichia coli
E. coli infection
Raw or rare ground beef,
unpasteurized apple juice or
cider, contaminated water.
Listeria monocytogenes
Hot dogs, cold cuts, soft cheese,
unpasteurized milk
Raw or undercooked eggs or
poultry, owning a pet iguana,
turtle, or lizard
Contaminated water, improper
food handling, especially of
salads or leafy vegetables
Staphylococcus aureus
S. aureus food poisoning
Food handling by someone with
a skin infection, keeping food at
room temperature.
Fever, nausea, vomiting, cramps, & diarrhea are typical
symptoms of foodborne illness.
You should rest and drink plenty of fluids.
It’s easy to transfer bacteria from one food to another,
especially if you use the same knife or cutting board to
prepare different foods without washing them in between.
Hygiene is healthful behaviors, such as cleanliness, that
promote health & prevent disease.
◦ Example: washing hands after using bathroom
More foodborne illnesses occur in the summer, when the air
is warm and bacteria grow more quickly, than in any other
Select your cold & frozen foods last when grocery shopping.
Rinse the top of cans and the can opener as well.
Wash your hands before preparing food with soap for at least
20 seconds.
Don’t chop salads on the same cutting board you used for
raw meat without washing the board first.
Always wash fruits & vegetables before eating them.
Store meats and fish in heavy plastic containers in the
refrigerator so that the juices don’t drip onto other foods.
Keep raw poultry, fish, eggs, and meat away from other
foods, utensils, or plates.
Always cook foods well.
Microwaves do not heat food evenly, so stop the microwave &
stir the food.
Use a microwave-safe container & loosely covered. This
produces steam inside the container to kill bacteria.
Freeze all fish or meats that you cannot use in a few days.
Cut large chunks of meat into slices. Bacteria can grow in big
portions of food because they take long to cool
Defrost food in the microwave or fridge; do not leave food to
defrost on counter.
Use leftovers in fridge within 3 to 4 days.
Never leave meat, poultry, fish, or eggs at room temperature
for more than two hours, or one hour if temperature is 90°F
or above. Bacteria grow quickly when temperature is between
40°F and 140°F.
◦ Determine healthful weight and body composition.
◦ Assess the health risk associated with being
overweight or underweight.
◦ Identify strategies for healthful weight
Some tests
are not 100%
The healthful weight range for a person depends
on many factors: height, build, muscle mass, & fat.
Body composition is the percentage of fat tissue
and lean tissue in the body.
◦ Skin-fold measurement Test
◦ Electrical Devices
A Height-Weight Chart can determine if your weight falls
within a healthful range.
However, these charts do not take into account whether most
of your weight is from fat or muscle.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a formula used to determine
whether a person’s body weight is healthful.
There is a BMI scale for adults, children & teens ages 2 to 20.
Some people whom the BMI classifies as overweight may
simply have more muscle tissue than others and may not be
Underweight BMI = under 5% BMI
Appropriate BMI = 5% - 85% BMI
Overweight BMI = 85% - 95% BMI
Some tests
are not
Being too fat or too thin can pose health risks.
Excess calories result in weight gain.
Female teens need about 2,200 Calories/day.
Male teens need about 2,800 Calories/day.
About 60% of these calories meet the body’s basic needs, such as
tissue growth & heart & lung function.
Being overweight means weighing more than is healthful for
your height according to set standards.
Overweight adult has a BMI of 25 to 29.9
Obesity is having a BMI of 30 or more.
Overweight & obese individuals are at greater risks for heart
disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some
Overweight Problems
Low self esteem
Bullying & Teasing
Avoid Social Gatherings
Hard time making friends
Underweight is weighing less than is healthful for your height
according to set standards.
Some teens may be slightly underweight because their bodies
are developing more slowly than those of their peers.
Those who do not consume enough calories might become ill
more often than others their age, & have a poor immune
Weight management is a combination of healthful eating and
regular physical activity.
Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food to
Physical activity increases your metabolism.
What to do if you are overweight
◦ Eat smaller portions
◦ Eat a nutritious breakfast
◦ Don’t skip meals or rely on snacks for energy
◦ Aim for a loss of ½ - 2 pounds per week
◦ Perform physical activity for at least 1 hr each day
◦ Use stairs instead of elevator
What to do if you are underweight
◦ Aim for highest number of servings recommended from
each food group in the Food Guide Pyramid
◦ Choose calorie-rich foods in each food group
◦ Eat three meals a day & include 2 or 3 healthful snacks in
◦ Ask your doctor if you should drink a liquid supplement.
Some shakes & smoothies can give you extra calories.
Fad diets promise quick results but usually do not work.
Fad diets often lead to more weight gain.
Remember that healthful weight loss or gain takes time,
involves eating right, and exercising.
◦ Discuss what body image is and what influences it.
◦ Identify signs and symptoms of eating disorders.
◦ Describe prevention and treatment for eating
Body image is the way a person feels about his or her
appearance and perceives that others view him or her.
Factors that affect body image include opinions, culture, and
the media.
Television, movies, and magazines sometimes portray the
ideal female as much thinner and the ideal male as much
The average female model is 23% thinner than the average
American female.
Females are more likely to dislike their bodies than males.
Some male teens have a negative body image, and they take
physical activity & exercise to an extreme.
An eating disorder is an emotional disorder in which a person
chooses harmful eating patterns.
◦ More common in women than men.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person
starves himself or herself and has a weight of 15% or more
below normal.
1. Malnutrition
2. Organ damage
3. Irregular heartbeats
4. Fatigue
5. Stomach pain
6. Constipation
7. Yellow skin
8. Hair loss
9. Growth of excess body
10. Absence of
Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person eats a
great deal of food in a short period and then rids the body of
the food.
◦ Purging, laxatives, or diuretics
People who have bulimia may be at a healthful weight, unlike
people with anorexia.
1. Damaged tooth enamel
2. Swollen cheek/face
3. Sore gums
4. Dry & brittle hair
5. Irregular bowl movements
6. Heartburn
7. Stomach cramps
8. Increase in blood pressure
9. Damage to organs
10.Rupture of esophagus
Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder in which a person
engages in uncontrollable eating.
◦ They may eat in secret even if they are not hungry.
◦ No purge
Up to 40% of people who are obese may have binge eating
1. Overweight or
2. Premature
heart disease
3. High blood
4. Diabetes
5. Certain
Each disorder is associated with a specific behavior.
Teens with anorexia may make excuses to avoid meals.
Teens with bulimia may excuse themselves to go to the
bathroom after meals.
Teens with binge eating disorder eat regularly and gain
excessive amount of weight.
If you suspect that you or a friend has an eating disorder, talk to a parent,
guardian, or health professional as soon as possible.
Medical doctors may treat physical ailments associated with the disorder.
Mental health professional may help the victim discover the source of the
People with eating disorders may access the Web site of the National Eating
Disorder Organization for information and help.
Registered dietitians have knowledge of eating disorders and
experience with helping people who have them.
Registered dietitians can make responsible eating decisions.
Appreciate what your body can do
◦ Running, laughing, and dreaming
Carry yourself with a sense of pride
◦ People will respect you if you have confidence
Wear clothes that make you feel good about your body
Treat your body well
◦ Listen to music, dance, and take scented baths