Download China - The Shang Dynasty - Springwood Primary School

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Springwood Primary School – Theme Overview
Class: Butterflies
Term: Spring A
Literacy: Key text – The Emperor’s New Clothes
Sharing and turn taking during a
range of activities.
Communicating - making choices, labelling items, showing likes/dislikes,
talking about what they have learned, answering questions.
Colours – clothing/flags/animals
Exploring and attending to a range
of activities.
Reading – tracking objects, matching pictures to objects, matching pictures
to pictures, matching words to words. Reading simple words. Recognising
Number work – Counting activities relating to clothing/animals/Chinese
new year
Independence and organisation skills
– thinking about what tools they
need to complete a task.
Problem solving/pattern making using animlas from Chinese calendar
Shape/pattern work
Problem solving, linked to Maths
and Outdoor Learning
Money – trade/coins/shopping
Learning the key differences
between boys and girls (naming
Where is China? What is it like now compared to the Shang Dynasty era?
What animals are native to China? Sensory work here
Are there Chinese cultures near me?
Who was King Tang? What did he look like? What was his personality?
What were other people like in China? Explore farmers, warriors, slaves.
Explore farming in more detail; animals, crops, tools, contrast to farming now
– possibility to visit a farm.
Explore the types of houses built in Shang Dynasty including mud huts. Look
at brick structure including the Great Wall of China. Build our own (PSHE
Explore a rage of Chinese foods, visit a restaurant to try foods, cook our own,
hold a banquet
Learn about Chinese New Year – dragons, paper envelopes, lanterns,
Explore a range of traditional Chinese clothes and shoes
China – The
Shang Dynasty
Animals, teeth and claws
Explore how Easter is celebrated
around the world
We will learn that: Christians live all
over the world, we use special
symbols to represent Easter, how
would we prepare for Easter time, we
will explore what happens during
Holy Week
Share stories about the Shang Dynasty, King Tang, China today, poetry
Find facts about China
D&T/Food Tech
Religious Education
Writing – manipulating objects, mark making, choosing a picture,
overwriting, copying words, write a sentence to describe something relating
to our class story.
To encounter a range of
different animal foods and
To recognise that different
animals eat different foods.
To know that teeth and
claws are used in different
ways by different animals.
To begin to plan an
Explore patterns/colours eg
blossom flowers, patterns on
Design and make a farmer’s hat
Look at animal prints from the
Chinese calendar
Make a spoon and bowl from clay
for a Chinese banquet
Compare foods then
and now.
Sensory exploration of
Make noodles and
Make fortune cookies
Make dumplings
Design own plate/bowls out of
Design a dragon mask
Design and make a new year
Design own Chinese robes
Basic Invasion skills &
Use equipment to throw,
catch, hit, kick and
bounce and aim at
targets. Send a ball or
Botcha ball to a partner.
Watch a partner play.
Digital camera – taking photos of themselves/each other dressed in traditional
Chines clothing.
Switches/buttons to communicate/take part in stories/role play about China
Using the Internet to search for information.
Use I pads to record video of pupils eg creating dragon dancing, Chinese music
Mark making activities on screen – eg designing/colouring a blossom picture
Use Youtube to listen to/watch videos of Chinese music/dancing/Chinese New
Year actvitie
Use Espresso - section on China
Instruments that were used in Viking times – harp, flute, drum etc.