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Week 3 - Friday
What did we talk about last time?
Vertex shaders
Geometry shaders
Pixel shaders
The Utah teapot was modeled in 1975 by
graphics pioneer Martin Newell at the
University of Utah
It's actually taller than it looks
 They distorted the model so that it would look
right on their non-square pixel displays
Yeah… just what do you know about vectors?
We refer to n-dimensional real Euclidean
space as Rn
A vector v in this space is an n-tuple, an
ordered list of n real numbers
To match the book (and because we are
computer scientists), we'll index these from 0
to n – 1
We will generally write our vectors as column
vectors rather than row vectors
We will be interested in a number of
operations on vectors, including:
 Addition
 Scalar multiplication
 Dot product
 Norm
Addition of two vectors is just element-byelement addition
 u0   v0   v0  u0 
 
 
 u1   v1   u1  v1 
uv 
 
 
u  v  u  v 
 n 1   n 1   n 1 n 1 
Vector addition is associative:
(u  v)  w  u  (v  w)
Vector addition is commutative:
u v  v u
There is a unique vector for Rn which is 0 =
(0,0,…,0) with a total of n zeroes
o is additive identity:
0 v  v
For vector v, there is a unique inverse –v =
(-v0, -v1, … -vn-1)
-v is the additive inverse:
v  (  v)  0
Multiplication by a scalar is just element-byelement multiplication of that scalar
 au0 
 au1  n
au  
 
 au 
 n1 
Rules for scalar multiplication can easily be
inferred from the normal properties of reals
under addition and multiplication:
(ab)u  a(bu)
(a  b)u  au  bu
a(u  v)  au  av
1u  u
The dot product is a form of multiplication
between two vectors that produces a scalar
n 1
u  v   u i v i R
i 0
Dot product rules are slightly less obvious
than scalar product
 𝐮 ∙ 𝐮 ≥ 0 and is 0 only when 𝐮 = 𝟎
 (𝐮 + 𝐯) ∙ 𝐰 = 𝐮 ∙ 𝐰 + 𝐯 ∙ 𝐰
 (𝑎𝐮) ∙ 𝐯 = 𝑎 𝐮 ∙ 𝐯
 𝐮∙𝐯=0↔𝐮⊥𝐯
A norm is a way of measuring the magnitude of
a vector
We are actually only interested in the L2 norm,
but there are many (infinite) norms for any given
vector space
We'll denote the norm of u as ||u||
𝐮 = 𝐮∙𝐮=
𝐮 =0↔𝐮=𝟎
 𝑎𝐮 = 𝑎 𝐮
 𝐮+𝐯 ≤ 𝐮 + 𝐯
 𝐮∙𝐯 ≤ 𝐮 𝐯
Mathematical rules are one thing
Understanding how they are interpreted in
geometry is something else
Unfortunately, this means getting more math
to link up the existing math with geometry
A set of vectors u0, u1, … un-1 is linearly
independent if the only scalars that satisfy
the following identity are v0 = v1 = … = vn-1 = 0
v0uo  v1u1  ...  vn1un1  0
In other words, you can't make any one
vector out of any of the others
A set of vectors u0, u1, … un-1 spans Rn if any
vector v Rn can be written:
n 1
v   v i ui
i 0
In addition, if v0, v1, … , vn-1 are uniquely
determined for all v Rn, then u0, u1, … un-1
form a basis of Rn
To properly describe Rn, the
vectors we give are actually
scalar multiplied by each of
the basis vectors ui
 By convention, we leave off
the basis vectors ui,
because it would be
cumbersome to show them
 Also, they are often boring:
(1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1)
A vector can either be a point in space or an
arrow (direction and distance)
The norm of a vector is its distance from the
origin (or the length of the arrow)
In R2 and R3, the dot product is:
u  v  u v cosφ
where  is the smallest angle between u and
A basis is orthogonal if every vector in the
basis is orthogonal to every other (has dot
product 0)
An orthogonal basis is orthonormal if every
vector in it has length 1
The standard basis is orthonormal and made
up of vectors ei which are all 0's except a 1 at
location i
We can find the orthogonal projection w of
vector u onto vector v
Essentially, this means the part of u that's in v
 u v   u v 
w   2 v  
v  tv
 v   vv 
The cross product of two vectors finds a
vector that is orthogonal to both
For 3D vectors u and v in an orthonormal
basis, the cross product w is:
 u y v z  u zv y 
wx 
 
w   w y   u  v   uzv x  u x v z 
u v u v 
w 
y x
 z
 x y
𝐰 = 𝐮 × 𝐯 = 𝐮 𝐯 sin θ
𝐮 × 𝐯 = −𝐯 × 𝐮
𝑎𝐮 + 𝑏𝐯 × 𝐰 = 𝑎 𝐮 × 𝐰 + 𝑏(𝐯 × 𝐰)
In addition
 wu and wv
 u, v, and w form a right-handed system
More linear algebra
 Matrices
 Homogeneous notation
 Geometric techniques
Keep reading Appendix A
Assignment 1 due tonight by midnight!
Keep working on Project 1, due next Friday,
February 10 by 11:59