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3 November 2016
EQ – What is the Old Kingdom & the importance of religion in Ancient Egypt?
• Bellringer:
• 1st of the Three Kingdoms
–Old Kingdom
–Social Pyramid
–Cornell Notes over Ppt.-Open your packets to
page 3-Cornell Notes
• HW: Work on Areas to Study – due Tuesday
– Ancient Egypt “Quest” on Wednesday
The Three
of Egypt
Old Kingdom
• 2700 BC – 2200 BC
• Ruled by strong pharaohs
who were thought to be
both king and god.
• During the Old Kingdom,
the king of Egypt (not
called the Pharaoh until
the New Kingdom) became
a living god, who ruled
absolutely and could
demand the services and
wealth of his subjects
Old Kingdom
• Egypt's Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3–6, ca. 2649–2150 BCE) was
one of the most dynamic periods in the development of
Egyptian art.
• During this period, artists learned to express their culture's
worldview, creating for the first time images and forms that
endured for generations.
• Architects and masons mastered the techniques necessary to
build monumental structures in stone
Khufu, son of Snefru and second ruler of
the 4th dynasty moved the royal necropolis
to Giza, north of modern-day Cairo.
According to ancient Greek historian
Herodotus, Khufu enslaved his people to
build his pyramid. But archaeologists have
since disproved his account.
Egyptian Social Pyramid
(Officials & Priests)
Often related to the
Merchants, Scribes &
Farmers ~ 80% of the population!
---------------------------------------------Servants & Slaves
Old Kingdom
Egyptian social
pyramid consisted
of pharaohs and
nobles on top
with farmers
and slaves on
the bottom.
Old Kingdom
• Egyptians traded
with their neighbors.
• Ex:
– wood
– perfume and medicine
– gold, ivory, and stone
Old Kingdom
• Polytheistic Religion
• Much of the religion focused on the afterlife
• Built large temples and
pyramids for burial and the
afterlife. (It was during this
Kingdom that the pyramids
were built.)
• They symbolized the
pharaoh’s importance & the
shape symbolized the
pharaoh’s journey to the
afterlife….but they were $$$$
2200 BC – 2050 BC
• The building and maintaining of pyramids was
expensive. The pharaoh’s wealth and power
• Nobles gained enough power to challenge the
pharaoh’s authority.
• Without a central ruler, trade was disrupted and
the Egyptian people faced economic hardship and
End of the Old Kingdom
• During the sixth dynasty (2345–2181 BCE) the power of pharaoh gradually
weakened in favor of powerful nomarchs (regional governors). These no
longer belonged to the royal family and their charge became hereditary,
thus creating local dynasties largely independent from the central
authority of the pharaoh. Internal disorders set in during the incredibly
long reign of Pepi II (2278–2184 BCE) towards the end of the dynasty. His
death, certainly well past that of his intended heirs, might have created
succession struggles and the country slipped into civil wars mere decades
after the close of Pepi II's reign.
• The final blow was a severe drought in the region that resulted in a drastic
drop in precipitation between 2200 and 2150 BCE, which in turn
prevented the normal flooding of the Nile.[11] The result was the collapse
of the Old Kingdom followed by decades of famine and strife. An
important inscription on the tomb of Ankhtifi, a nomarch during the early
First Intermediate Period, describes the pitiful state of the country when
famine stalked the land.
• Split to 3
– Ba (soul)
• Human headed bird
– Ka (life force )
• spirit double
– Akh (“effectiveness”)
November 7th, 2016
• Bellringer: Dear History Student….
– Answer the questions from the confused Egyptians.
• Middle & New Kingdom Notes
– How did they Start & End?
• HW: Read Chapter 4.3
– Finish the Areas to Study
– Quest on Wednesday
Dear History Student
• Dear History Student,
The pharaoh says that I must work on the
upcoming pyramid build. I HATE physical labor. I
am thinking of just skipping out. What do you
From, Pyramid Hater
• Dear History Student,
I am so sick of saving up all of my money to be
mummified. I want to use it to buy stuff NOW! I,
mean, what’s the point? I’ll be dead!
From, I Wanna Shop!
Middle Kingdom
• 2050 BC – 1750 BC
• Mentuhotep II
defeated his rivals
and brought unity
back to Egypt.
Middle Kingdom
• Trade resumed, irrigation was repaired, and
writing was rediscovered.
• Cities kept their political independence.
(Pharaohs had little power)
1750 BC – 1550 BC
• But…they began to experience internal
disorder. The pharaohs could not hold the
kingdom together.
• The Hyksos from Southwest Asia conquer
Lower Egypt. (They had horses, chariots, and
advanced weapons.)
• Egyptians have to pay high taxes to the foreign
New Kingdom
• 1550 BC – 1050 BC
• Ahmose defeats the Hyksos and declares
himself pharaoh of all Egypt.
• Period during which Egypt reached its height of
power and glory.
New Kingdom
• Egyptian army
invades and
neighboring land and
turned Egypt into an
• Military conquests
made Egypt rich.
• Recreates old trade
New Kingdom
• Queen Hatshepsut increases the number of
new trade cities.
• The wealth gathered from trade was used to
support the arts and architecture.
End of the New Kingdom
• Ramses the Great was a
great military ruler
• He fought against the
Hittites (from the North
• After Ramses died, the Sea
Peoples invaded Shortly
after the invasions of the
Sea Peoples and Hittites,
the New Kingdom ended
Work/Daily Life
• Scribes were highly honored – they worked for
the government and temples. Many became
very wealthy.
• Most Egyptian women were devoted to their
homes & families, but some had jobs outside
of the home.
• Women had some legal rights – they could
own land, have contracts & divorce their
• – Looking Good Ancient Egyptian Style