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Immune System Intro
Describe and list examples of bacteria. Include at least one
example not mentioned in class.
Describe and list examples of a virus. Include at least one
example not mentioned in class.
Which types of diseases can be cured by antibiotics?
Which has genetic material (DNA or RNA): virus, bacteria, or
Is a virus alive? What does a virus need to reproduce itself?
Why is the skin considered to be a nonspecific defense? In your
response, explain what nonspecific means.
When you get a serious cut, you typically clean off the cut and
put an antibiotic cream over it. Why is it important to do this?
When you get a minor injury, how does the immune system
typically respond? Is this specific or nonspecific? Defend your
Biologically produced proteins called antibodies help the body
fight infections in which of these ways?
a. Antibodies destroy pathogens by engulfing and digesting
b. Antibodies are found in the antibiotic medicines that can
be taken to help the body fight off infections that have
c. Antibodies attach to the surface proteins of antigens,
inactivating the pathogen or signaling other immune cells
to destroy the foreign protein material.
d. Antibodies identify and destroy foreign materials and
pathogens by producing powerful chemicals that dissolve
them, making them harmless.
10. The first time the body gets chicken pox, it gets sick since it is
not prepared to fight off the disease. However, after that first
time the body has antibodies prepared to attack if the chicken
pox virus ever attacks again. Explain how antibodies (and other
cells) will fight off the chicken pox virus. Use the vocabulary
from today, including but not limited to: phagocyte,
antibodies, pathogen, antigen.
11. Based on the article, provide a brief summary of the recent
medical breakthroughs mentioned. Describe in your own words
how these drugs work and how it relates to what we learned in
class. Explain why this research is an important contribution to
the medical community.