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Universal City Police Department
For all emergencies, dial 911.
For non-emergencies, dial 658-5353.
Registered Sex Offenders
Police Reports
Accident and Incident
reports can be obtained
at the Police
Department, MondayFriday 8:00am –
*Accidents - $6.00
*Incidents - .10 per page
All solicitors are required
to obtain a city permit
from the Police Dept.
Soliciting hours are
between 10:00am –
6:00pm, 7 days a week.
Call (210)658-5353 to
report a violation or for
more information.
Alarm Permits
Residents and
Businesses with an alarm
system (local or
monitored) are required
to obtain a city permit.
Contact the Police Dept.
(210)658-5353 for more
To find information on any
registered sex offenders in
your area, visit the
Department of Public
Safety web site
Warrant payments are
accepted 24/7 at the Police
Department. You may pay in
person, by mail, by phone
(800)272-9829, or online
No personal or business
checks are accepted. Please
call the Police Dept for more
Juvenile Curfew
Universal City has a juvenile
curfew for persons under the
age of 17, which runs
between the hours of
12:00AM (midnight) and
6:00AM, 7 days a week.
2150 Universal City Blvd, Universal City, TX 78148
Neighborhood Watch
Residents and
neighborhoods that are
interested in learning more
about Neighborhood Watch
can contact the Universal
City Citizen’s Police Academy
Alumni Assoc. (UCCPAAA)
(210)659-0333 ext. 526
(voicemail only) or visit
Citizens Police Academy
The Universal City Citizens
Police Academy is an eightweek course designed to
give citizens and local
business owners an inside
look at the Police
Department. Anyone
interested can contact the
Citizens Police Academy
Alumni Association at (210)
659-0333 ext.526 for more
Extra Patrol
You may request extra
patrol by filling out an ‘Out
of Town’ form at the Police
Dept or online
The Universal City Police Department is
here to provide quality, professional
service to our community by:
Enforcing the law
 Preventing crime, thereby improving the
quality of life
Responding promptly to calls and other
public needs
Conducting thorough investigations
Providing training and continuing
education programs
Leading by example
National Night Out
National Night Out is designed to:
heighten crime and drug prevention
awareness; generate support for,
and participation in, local anticrime
programs; strengthen neighborhood
spirit and police-community
partnerships; and send a message
to criminals letting them know that
neighborhoods are organized and
fighting back. For more information
please visit