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Chapter 1 Science Study Notes
Physical Properties
-a characteristic or description of a substance that can be used to identify it.
The States of Matter
-a physical property, can be solid, liquid, or gas.
-the physical property of a solid that is the measure of its resistance to being scratched or dented- ex
diamond is very hard , chalk is not very hard
-the physical properties that allows the shape of a solid to be changed (gold is malleable)
-the physical property of a solid that allows it to be pulled into wires EX tungsten .
Melting & Boiling point
-the physical property of when a substance changes state. Melting -solid-liquid-boiling – liquid –gas
-the physical property of a liquid that limits its ability to flow.
-an amount of mass per unit of volume
Kg/m3 , g/cm3 , g/ml
Crystal Form
- the form of many minerals where you can see a regular pattern of blocks or other shape
- the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent(water).
Chemical Properties
-the characteristic behaviour that happens when one substance interacts with another becoming
something new.
-the chemical property of a substance that allows it to burn when exposed to flame and oxygen.
Reaction with Acid
-a chemical property of a substance that describes its ability to react with acid.
Alloys-a metal made by combining two or more different metals or metals and non-metals.
steel = iron + carbon
Gold jewelry = 14 carat = 58% gold
Bronze= copper + tin
1.7 Physical and Chemical Changes
Physical change – a change in the state or form of a substance that does not change the original
Chemical change – the alteration of a substance into one or more different substances with different
Five clues of a chemical change
1. a new colour appears
2. heat or light are given off
3. bubbles of gas are given off
4. a participate forms (solid from 2 liquids)
5. change is difficult to reverse
Chapter 2
Elements and Compounds
2.1 Models of Matter: The Particle Theory
Particle Theory
 All matter is made up of tiny particles
 The particles are always moving. The more energy they have the faster they move.
 The particles are attracted to each other. The forces of attraction are stronger when the particles
are closer
 All the particles of one substance are the same. Different substances are made of different
Pure substance- a substance that contains only one kind of particle
Ex. aluminum foil only has aluminum particles or sugar only has sugar particles
Mixture – a substance that contains two or more different pure substances
Ex. Cookie, or Kool-aid
Solution – a mixture made up of liquids, solids, or gases where the solution looks similar to one
of the substances and the other is hidden in it
Ex Kool-aid or
Alloys- a metal made by combining 2 or more different metals
Bronze = Copper + Tin
Brass = Copper + Zinc
Steel = Chromium + Nickel + Iron
Heterogeneous mixture – a substance in which the different components are identifiable and
can be separated by physical means.
Ex cookie or pizza
Elements – a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances
Compound – a pure substance that contains two or more different elements in a fixed proportion
Ex. Water H2O – 2 Hydrogen with 1 Oxygen
Atom – a particle in an element, from Greek atomos means ‘indivisible’
Molecules – the combination of 2 or more atoms
2.3 Putting Metals to Work
metals – a solid that is usually shiny and malleable and a good conductor of electricity
heavy metals – metals that have a very high density.
2.7 Chemical Symbols and Formulas
Chemical Symbol – an abbreviation for the name of an element. It is made up of 1 or 2 letters. The
first letter is always capitalized and the second lower case
Chemical Formula – the combination of symbols that represents a particular compound
2.8 Atoms, Molecules, and the Atmosphere
Air = 78.02% nitrogen (N2)
21.01% oxygen (O2)
0.94% Argon and other gases (Ar)
0.03% Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
2.9 Building Models of Molecules
Models – a way to represent a thing or process
Bond – represents the forces that hold atoms together
Structural diagrams – a drawing to explain molecules in which atoms are represented by chemical
symbols and bonds by straight lines connecting the symbols.
2.11 Plant Nutrients and Fertilizers
Fertilizers – a chemical substance added to the soil to increase plant growth
Nutrients – a chemical compound necessary for growth
Photosynthesis – a chemical process during which plants combine carbon dioxide from air, water, and
energy from the sun to produce sugars and oxygen gas
Word equation – a concise way to indicate a chemical reaction between substances
2.12 Metal Refining and Extraction in Canada
Minerals – a naturally occurring compound, sometimes containing metal combined with oxygen,
sulfur or other elements
Ore – rock containing a valuable mineral
Metallurgy – the technology of separating metals from their ores
Chapter 3
3.2 Developing Models of Matter
450 BC – Empedocles
Theory that matter made up of 4 elements
 earth
 air
 fire
 water
400 BC – Democritus
 Thought matter was made up of tiny particles that could not be broken down further.
 Called particles atoms – Atomos in Greek for indivisible
350 BC – Aristotle
 Very influential in his time
 supported 4 element model and so
 it was the accepted model for 2000 years.
500-1600 AD
 Four-element model accepted
Alchemists - an experimenter who was a combination of a philosopher, mystic, magician, and
chemist. They attempted to make gold out of cheap metals.
 devised chemical symbols
 invented lab tools
1650 – Robert Boyle
 Redefined the word element
Element – a pure substance that cannot be chemically broken down into simpler substances.
 He believed air was a mixture not an element.
 Did not believe the 4 element model
1700s – Joseph Priestly
 Isolated oxygen but did not realize it was an element.
Antoine Lavoisier
Using Priestly’s work concluded air is made of oxygen and one or more gases. So air cannot be
an element.
Henry Cavendish
Isolated hydrogen and when burnt in Priestly’s oxygen produced water
So water could not be an element.
now accepted that matter is made of elements
John Dalton
Created an atomic model to explain why elements differ from each other
Atomic Model – A theory proposed to explain why elements differ from each other and from nonelements.
Dalton’s Atomic Model - 1808
- Matter is made up of atoms, particles to small to be seen
- Each element had its own kind of atom, with its own particular mass
- Compounds are made when atoms of different elements join to make molecules
- Atoms cannot be created, destroyed or subdivided in chemical change
1800s – Micheal Faraday
 The current model did not explain the fact that some matter has a charge – static
Charges – a negative of positive quantity of electricity that builds up on an object
Faraday discovered atoms could gain electric charge
Ions – an atom that has become charged by gaining or losing one or more electrons
The model had to change
Modified Atomic Model
- Matter contains positive and negative charges
- Opposite charges attract, same charges repel
- Atoms combine to form molecules because of electrical attractions
1904 – J.J. Thompson
 Discovered the negatively charged part of atom – electron
Modified Atomic Model – Raisin Bun Model - Thompson
- Atoms contain particles called electrons
- Electrons have a small mass and a negative charge
- The rest of the atom is a positive sphere
- Electrons are embedded in the sphere, and the entire atom is neutral or uncharged
Nagaoka - Planetary Model
 His model had a positive sphere with electrons spinning around it like the rings of a
1911 – Ernest Rutherford
 Worked at McGill University in Canada
Did an experiment…
- Fired positive particles at thin gold foil
- Thought they would pass right through
- Some bounced back
- Must be a small strong positive part to atom, he called it the nucleus
Nuclear Model
- An atom has a tiny, dense, positive core called the nucleus.
- The nucleus is surrounded by mostly empty space with fast moving negative electrons
3.3 Inside the Atom
Subatomic Particles – the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up atoms
Protons – particle with positive charge (p+)
- Found in nucleus
- Mass is 1
Electrons – particle with negative charge (e-)
- found in area around nucleus
- mass is 1/2000 of a proton - negligible
Neutrons – particle with no charge, uncharged (n)
- found in the nucleus
- mass is 1
Atomic Number – the number of protons in an atom
Mass Number – the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
Standard Atomic Notation – an internationally recognized system used to identify chemical
Standard notation is not used in the periodic table.
Ion - atom that has become charged by gaining or losing one or more electrons
3.4 Planetary Model of the Atom
Niels Bohr – Planetary Model
- Electrons move around the nucleus in nearly circular paths called orbits
- Electrons in different orbits have different amounts of energy
- The further the electron is away from the nucleus the more energy it has
- Electrons can only be in the orbits, not between, they can move from one orbit to another
- The first orbit holds 2 e-, the second holds 8 e-, and the third holds 8e- Electrons are more stable when they are closer to the nucleus, at a lower energy
Orbit or Energy level – a circular path around the nucleus associated with individual electrons
Excited state – the condition of an electron when it is energized enough to jump to a higher orbit
Ground state – the low-energy state that is the normal orbit of an electron
Bohr Diagrams – represents the electronic structure of an element, it shows electrons in orbits around
the nucleus in the center, a circle with the element’s symbol.
Bohr-Rutherford diagrams – shows the numbers and positions of all the sub atomic particles. It
shows electrons in orbits around the nucleus in the center, a circle with the number of protons and
neutrons in the element.
To draw Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams:
1. Draw the nucleus as a solid circle.
2. Put the number of protons (atomic number) in the nucleus with the number of neutrons
(atomic mass – atomic number) under it.
3. Place the number of electrons (same as protons) in orbits around the nucleus by
drawing circles around the nucleus.
Remember: 1st shell – 2 electrons
2nd shell – 8 electrons
3rd shell – 8 electrons
4th shell – 18 electrons.
When atom gain or lose electrons they do so to have a full outer orbit.
3.6 Isotopes and Radioisotopes
Isotope – any of two or more forms of an element, both have the same number of protons but have
different number of neutrons
Radioactive – the state of an unstable element in which nuclei may break apart, ejecting very high
energy particles
Radioisotopes – an atom with an unstable nucleus
Decay – splitting apart of unstable nuclei to produce radioactive particles
α particle – alpha particle – helium nuclei with 2 protons and 2 neutrons, cannot go through cardboard
β particle – beta particle – high energy electrons, can go through cardboard but not wood
γ ray – gamma ray – high energy electromagnetic radiation with no mass, can go through wood but not