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Plate Tectonics
Day 1:
• B: Pre-test
• D: Vocabulary and “Reteach” or “Review”
earth’s layers
• A: Exit Slip
1. convection- transfer of heat by movement of a fluid
2. convection currents- movement within hot fluids, when the heat source is
on the bottom, such as in a boiling pot of soup on the stove. Convection
currents happen because the hotter material is less dense and rises; when it
reaches the surface, it cools and becomes less dense, so it sinks. This rising
and sinking creates a circular motion within the fluid.
3. convergent plate boundaries- where two tectonic plates move toward each
4. divergent plate boundaries- where two tectonic plates move away from
each other
5. transform plate boundary- where two tectonic plates slip past each other,
moving in opposite directions
6. seafloor spreading- the process by which new oceanic crust forms when
magma rises up and solidifies at the mid-ocean ridges. The newer crust
pushes the older crust out to each side, which is why the age of the sea floor
increases with distance away from the mid-ocean ridges.
7. subduction- the process by which one tectonic plate sinks below another,
returning to the mantle, where the rock is re-melted. Subduction takes place at
convergent plate boundaries. Oceanic crust, which is denser, will always
subduct under the less dense continental crust.
8. tectonic plates- large pieces of the lithosphere that slowly move on top of the
asthenosphere. There are seven primary plates and many smaller ones. The
seven primary plates are the African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasian Plate, IndoAustralian Plate, North American Plate, Pacific Plate, and South American
9. tectonic plate boundary- a place where two tectonic plates meet
10. mid-ocean ridge- a system of connected underwater mountain ranges that
run throughout the world's oceans. There is a rift valley in the center of the midocean ridge, where magma rises up from the mantle, and pushes out to either
side, producing seafloor spreading.
Exploring Inside the Earth
Geologists- are scientists who study the forces
that make and shape planet Earth. They have
used evidence from rock samples and evidence
from seismic waves to learn about Earth’s
Geology - is the study of planet Earth.
Studying Surface Changes
Constructive forces
shape the surface by
building up mountains.
Destructive forces are
those that slowly wear
away mountains and,
eventually, every other
feature on the surface.
The Crust
The crust is a layer
of solid rock that
includes both dry
land and the ocean
Three main layers make up
Earth’s interior: the crust,
the mantle, and the core.
Each layer has its own
conditions and materials.
The Mantle
Earth’s mantle is made up of rock that is very hot,
but solid. The mantle is divided into layers
based on the physical characteristics of those
The Core
The core is made mostly of the metals iron and
nickel. It consists of two parts–a liquid outer
core and a solid inner core.
Quick Assessment of Earth’s
1) What are the four layers of the Earth?
2) The Earth’s crust is very ______?
3) The mantle is the largest layer of the
Earth? True or False
4) Is the Outer Core a liquid or a solid?
Day 2:
• Topic: What happens at plate boundaries?
(Divide, collide, and slide)
• Before: Teacher/student demonstration
(divide, collide, slide)
• During: Notes/PowerPoint
• After: Rate your understanding 1-5.
The Plates and How They Move
The lithosphere is
broken into
separate sections
called plates.
The theory of plate
tectonics explains
the formation,
movement, and
subduction of
Earth’s plates.
Heat Transfer
There are three types of heat transfer:
radiation, conduction, and convection.
Heat transfer – the
movement of
energy from a
warmer object to a
cooler object
Radiation – the
transfer of energy
through empty
Conduction –
heat transfer by
direct contact of
particles of
Convection & Convection
Heating and cooling of the fluid, changes in
the fluid’s density, and the force of gravity
combine to set convection currents in
– heat
transfer by
of a heated
currents –
the flow
heat within
a fluid
Convection Currents in Earth
Heat from the core and the mantle causes
convection currents in the mantle. This is
how the heat is transferred, and how the
earth’s plates are able to move.
Plate Boundaries
At the locations where two tectonic plates interact,
a boundary between these plates exist. There
are three types of boundaries that geologist
observe. (Draw these pictures into your notes)
Plate Boundaries
There are three kinds of plate boundaries:
1. divergent boundaries – when the plates divide/ seperate and create
a rift
2. convergent boundaries – two plates collide
3. transform boundaries – when two plates slide past each other
A different type of plate movement occurs along each type of boundary.
Exit Slip: Plate Tectonics
What does a geologist study?
How do constructive and destructive forces differ?
What are plates, and how do they move?
What is heat transfer? What are the 3 ways in which heat
What are plate boundaries ? What are the 3 types that
geologists observe? Briefly describe each type.
• 1. They study Earth.
• 2. Constructive forces build and destructive forces
• 3.The pieces of the Earth that move by transform,
convergent, or divergent movements.
• 4. Heat transfer is the movement of heat . Heat is
transferred by radiation, convection,and conduction.
• 5. A plate boundary is the parameter of the plate.
• Geologist observe the movement of the plates through
transform, convergent, and divergent movements.
• Link to INTERACTIVE: Plates and
Day 3:
• Before: AMSTI Lesson 6
• During: AMSTI Lesson 6
• After: AMSTI lesson 6
Day 4: (Optional)
Topic: How the PLATES move
B: Milky Way activity
D: Latitude/longitude plate activity
A: Exit slip
• **Lesson attached to email
Day 5: Plate tectonics test