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Derived Nouns and
Georgia Center for Language
Part I
Verbal Nouns
Active Participles
Passive Participles
Nouns of Place and Time
Part II
Nouns of Instance
Nouns of Intensity and Profession
Nouns of Instruments, Vehicles, and Vessels
Relative Adjectives (Nisba)
Nouns of Concept (Feminine Nisba)
Derived Nouns and Adjectives
Noun: a word that is the name of something (as
in a person (Bob), animal (cat), place (field),
thing (pencil), quality (goodness), idea
(feminism) or action (spitting).
Adjective: a word typically serving as a modifier
of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named
(the barbarous tribes), to indicate its quantity or
extent (the vast armies), or to specify a thing as
distinct from something else (the Roman legion).
Derived Nouns and Adjectives
Part I
Verbal Nouns
Active Participles
Passive Participles
Nouns of Place and Time
The Verbal Noun
Meaning and Use
In English, we make nouns out of verbs by adding
noun-forming suffixes, of which there are more than
“-tion”: Hibernate/Hibernation; Qualify/Qualification
Gerund suffix “-ing”: Bake/Baking; Cook/Cooking
“-ant”: Defend/Defendant; Claim/Claimant
More Suffixes
The Arabic ‫ مصدر‬serves the same function as the
English noun-forming suffix. Arabic has a small set
of predictable, fixed noun-forming patterns, with one
verbal noun pattern for each measure, with the
exception of measure I.
Verbal Nouns I-X
Measure I (َ‫)فَعَ َل‬
More than 40 forms exist.
Most common forms:
‫ض = َف ْع ٌل‬
ٌ ‫َع ْر‬
ٌ ‫ول = ُف ُع‬
ٌ ‫ص‬
ُ ‫ُو‬
‫ِكتَ َاب ٌة = ِف َعاََل ٌة‬
Measure II (‫ل‬
ََ َّ‫)فَع‬
ِ ‫تَعِليم = تَْف‬
ٌ ْ
‫‪Verbal Nouns I-X‬‬
‫ع َلَ( ‪Measure III‬‬
‫)فَا َ‬
‫ُم َح َارَب ٌة = ُمَفاَ َعَل ٌة‬
‫ِقتَال = ِ‬
‫َ ٌ‬
‫)أفَعَ َلَ( ‪Measure IV‬‬
‫ِإ ْ‬
‫ظ َه ٌار = ِإ ْف َع ٌ‬
‫)تَفَعَّ َلَ( ‪Measure V‬‬
‫تَ َعُّل ٌم = تََف ُّع ٌل‬
‫ع َلَ( ‪Measure VI‬‬
‫)تَفَا َ‬
‫تَ َعاَ ُم ٌل = تََفاَ ُع ٌل‬
‫‪Verbal Nouns I-X‬‬
‫ل( ‪Measure VII‬‬
‫)اِ ْنفَعَ ََ‬
‫ِإ ْن ِسحاب = ِإ ْن ِ‬
‫َ ٌ‬
‫َ ٌ‬
‫)اِ ْفتَعَ َلَ( ‪Measure VIII‬‬
‫ِإرِتَفاع = ِإ ْفِ‬
‫ْ ٌ‬
‫َ ٌ‬
‫)اِ ْفعَ َّلَ( ‪Measure IX‬‬
‫ِإ ْح ِم َرٌار = ِإ ْف ِع ََل ٌل‬
‫)اِ ْست َ ْفعَ َلَ( ‪Measure X‬‬
‫ِإسِتعمال = ِإسِ‬
‫ْ َ ٌ‬
‫ْ َْ ٌ‬
The Active Participle
Meaning and Use
Noun: the doer of the action of the verb
To write = writer
‫كات ّب = َكتَ َب‬
Adjective: attributes the description of the
verb’s meaning to the noun it modifies
To be clear (verb) = clear (adjective)
‫واضح = وضح‬
Active Participles
Measure I
Sound verbs
‫كاتب = كتب‬
Hollow verbs
)‫قائل = قال (قول‬
Assimilated verbs
‫واضح = وضح‬
Defective verbs
‫قاض ٍٍ (القاضي) = قضى‬
Doubled verbs
ّ = ‫مار‬
Active Participles
Active Participles for Measures II-X
Formed by adding the prefix َ‫ م‬and voweling the
second radical of the root with the kesra
II – ‫ُمَد ِّرس‬
ِ ‫م‬
III – ‫قاتل‬
IV – ‫ُمثمر‬
V – ‫ُمتعِّلم‬
ِ ‫ُم‬
VI – ‫تنازع‬
ِ ‫م‬
VII – ‫نسحب‬
VIII – ‫ُمرتفع‬
IX - ‫ُم ْح َم ّر‬
ِ ‫م‬
X - ‫ستعمل‬
The Passive Participle
Meaning and Use
Something that has undergone the action of
the verb
To employ = employee (one who has been employed)
َّ ‫مو‬
ّ ‫ظف = َو‬
To write = written (something that has been written)
‫َم ْكتوب = كتب‬
Passive Participles
Measure I
Sound verbs
Hollow verbs
Assimilated verbs
Defective Verbs
Doubled Verbs
‫َم ْكتوب = كتب‬
)‫َمزور = زار (زور‬
)‫َمبيع = باع (بيع‬
‫َم ْوجود = وجد‬
‫َمقضي = قضي‬
‫عو = دعا‬
ّ ‫َم ْد‬
ّ = ‫َم ْحقوق‬
Passive Participles
Passive Participles for Measures II-X
Formed by adding the prefix َ‫ م‬and voweling the
second radical of the root with a fatha
َّ ‫م‬
II – ‫وظف‬
III – ‫مناقَش‬
IV – ‫معَلن‬
V – ‫متَ َكلَّم‬
VI – ‫متَقابل‬
VIII – ‫قترح‬
َ ‫م‬
X – ‫مستعمل‬
َ ُ
The Noun of Place and Time
Meaning and use
Show the location or time of the action of the verb
Patterns for Measure I
‫َمْق َعٌد = َمْف َع ٌل‬
‫َم ْجِل ٌس = َمْف ِع ٌل‬
‫َم ْد َرَس ٌة = َمْف َعَل ٌة‬
Patterns for Measures II-X follow the pattern of the
passive participle
‫ُم ْختََبٌر‬
‫ُم ْستَْقَب ٌل‬
Other Derived Nouns
Part II
Nouns of Instance
Nouns of Intensity and Profession
Nouns of Instruments, Vehicles, and Vessels
Relative Adjectives (Nisba)
Nouns of Concept (Feminine Nisba)
The Noun of Instance
Meaning and Use
Nouns of Instance are used to indicate one
occurrence of the meaning of the verb.
To strike = a strike or hit
‫ض َر َب‬
َ = ‫ض ْربة‬
To punch = a hit or punch
‫َل ْكمة = َل َك َم‬
To sit = session
‫َجْلسة = َجَل َس‬
The Noun of Intensity and
Meaning and Use
Nouns of Intensity and Profession denote intensive
meaning of the active participle.
Verb = Active Participle = Noun of Intensity/Profession
To do = Doer = Effective (Done very well)
ِ ‫َف َّعال = َف‬
‫اعل = َف َع َل‬
To cook = one who is cooking = chef (professional cook)
‫طَب َخ‬
َ = ‫طاِبخ‬
َ = ‫طَّباخ‬
To steal = thief = professional thief
‫س َّراق = سارِق = س َر َق‬
To shoot = shooter = sharpshooter
َ ‫َقَّناص = قانص = َقَن‬
Nouns of Intensity and Profession
ٌ ‫َف‬
 ‫ خبير‬,‫زعيم‬
 ‫ حديث‬,‫كبير‬
Other patterns Schulz pg. 74
The Noun of Instruments, Vehicles,
and Vessels
Meaning and Use
The feminine form of the Nouns of Intensity and Profession often
denote Instruments and Vehicles.
Verb = Noun of Intensity/Profession = Noun of Instrument/Vehicle
‫َف َّعالة = َف َّعال = َف َع َل‬
To dive = professional diver = submarine
)‫َغَّواصة = َغَّواص = غاص (غوص‬
To wash = launderer (profession) = washing machine
‫َغ َّسالة = َغ َّسال = َغ َس َل‬
Nouns of Instrument, Vehicles and
Other patterns
َ‫ِم ْدفَ ٌعَ= ِم ْفعَ ٌل‬
ٌَ ‫ِم ْفتَا ٌحَ= ِمفَعا‬
َ َ‫ِم ْج َرفةٌَ= ِم ْفع‬
َ َّ‫َج َّرافةٌَ= فَع‬
For more examples and patterns see Schulz pg. 77-79
The Relative Adjective
Meaning and Use
By adding the suffix ‫ي‬
َّ or ‫ يّة‬to nouns, the noun
becomes an adjective related to the noun’s original
‫بغدادي = بغداد‬
‫يكية امريكي = امريكا‬
‫اردنية اردني = االردن‬
‫قاهرّية قاهر ّي = القاهرة‬
‫وطنية وطني = وطن‬
‫جامعية جامعي = جامعة‬
The Noun of Concept
Meaning and Use
The Feminine Nisba is formed by adding the suffix ‫يّة‬
to a noun, and it is often used to denote an abstract
idea or concept.
Expression = Expressionism
‫تعبيرّية = تعبير‬
Capital = Capitalism
‫أسمالية = رأسمال‬
ّ ‫ر‬
Nation = Nationalism
‫وطنية = وطن‬
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