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Voyage of the Beagle Study Guide
Questions you should answer as you read section 15.2 in the textbook
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1. When did Darwin take his round-the-world-voyage? ____________
2. While on the trip, Darwin read the work of two authors. Who were they and what ideas did they
contribute to Darwin’s thinking on evolution?
1. ________________:
2. ________________:
3. A resemblance between two unrelated species is referred to as ________________ evolution,
which Darwin attributed to organisms adapting to:
4. In the ____________________ islands, Darwin observed many different species of birds called
Darwin believed that each of these different species arrived independently on the islands.
True or False
5. Darwin’s notion of “decent with modification” refers to:
A. modifications observed in fossils as one decends through rock layers.
B. formation of a new species through gradual modification from an ancestral one.
C. modification of a species through acquisition of traits during an organism’s life.
D. the decent of organisms into more primitive forms through convergence.
6. Breeding of dogs and cats is an example of ____________________ selection.
7. _______________________ independently developed ideas about evolution that were similar to
Darwin’s. Why do you think that we remember (and honor) Darwin for these ideas far more than
this other person?
8. What are some of the reasons presented in the text for why Darwin’s ideas on evolution were,
and continue to be, controversial?