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BUNGA ANISA (11213815)
Subject is about what or who is spoken in a sentence or clause. The subject can be a
person, animal, object, or an abstract concept. Each complete subject is basically constructed
by one or more noun or pronoun with / without additional modifier (s) that can be either
article (the, an, an), adjective, and prepositional phrase. The gerund and an infinitive can also
occupy the position of the subject.
a. His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant
b. Lia and I were eating our lunch on the kitchen table
c. The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980
1. Type Of Subject
1. Simple Subject
Simple subject is the term used for the single word which is the subject of a verb. A
simple subject will often have modifiers before or after it, but, once these are removed,
the word left is the simple subject.
Subject Noun
The subject is the person, place, thing or idea that the sentence is about. Or, in the
case of a sentence with more than one clause, it is the person, place, thing or idea that the
clause is about.
Example Of Subject Noun :
o I send a message for him.
My mom cooks a deliciuos food.
Jakarta is the city full with the.
b. Subject Pronoun
A subject pronoun is exactly what it sounds like: a pronoun that takes the place of
a noun as the subject of a sentence. Remember, a sentence’s subject is the person or thing
that performs the action of a verb.
Example Of Subject Pronoun :
o She comes to my house thid day.
o We always call him everyday.
It is a luxury car.
o What happened last night?
o Which comes first?
o This is right.
c. Subject Gerund
Example Of Subject Gerund :
o Reading a novel is one of my hobby.
Listening music is my daily activity.
o Making coffee is easy.
d. Subject Infinitive
An infinitive that functions as the subject of the clause refers to an activity in a general
rather than a specific way.
Example Of Subject Infinitive :
o To build a house, we should have much money.
o To make beautiful wedding is interesting thing to do.
o To cook needs skill.
e. Subject Clause
Example Of Subject :
o When you see me, my heart is beat so.
o What I say to you is honest.
2. Combined Subject
Examples :
o My father and my mother are life happily.
o I and you are bestfriend.
o Mira and maya are twins.
o Mango and apple are my favourite fruit
Simple subject in the form of a single noun or pronoun, with the exclusion of
modifier(s) it. While simple predicate verb form of single or compound verb.
Contoh Kalimat
His new car tax has already been
paid by his assistant.
(Pajak mobil baru dia telah
dibayar oleh asistennya.)
The very big boarding school in
this country was built in 1980.
(Sekolah asrama yang sangat
besar di negara ini dibangun tahun
has been
his new car = (pre) modifier
by his assistant = prepositional phrase
was built
the very big boarding= (pre) modifier;
in this country = (post) modifier;
in 1980 = prepositional phrase
Pada kalimat imperative, subjek tidak
ditulis karena dianggap sudah cukup
door = direct object
Open the door!
(Buka pintu!)
His Uncle Cal will not arrive on
(Paman Cal akan tidak akan tiba
tepat waktu.)
Uncle Cal will arrive
There was a hounted house.
(Disana ada rumah berhantu.)
may be
to travel
Running may be hard for
overweight people.
(Lari mungkin sulit untuk orang
yang kelebihan berat badan.)
To travel is a bad idea.
(Bepergian merupakan ide yang
his = possessive;
not = adverb;
on time= prepositional phrase
there = adverb;
haunted = participle;
a = article
running = gerund;
hard = adjective;
for overweight people = prepositional
to travel = infinitive;
is = linking verb;
a bad idea = subject complement
What is a verb ?
A verb can be considered as one of the most important parts of a sentence. You
probably already know that a sentence must be composed of a subject and a predicate, so
what makes a verb so important? Well, the verb is the main component of a predicate.
Without it, there won’t be a sentence, just a bunch of words with an incomplete thought.
Simply defined, the verb is a part of speech which is used to demonstrate an action or
a state of being.
Because action verbs and linking verbs are strong enough to be used in sentences
all by themselves, they are called main verbs.
I love cheese. I turned the page (action verbs)
I am a teacher. I turned green (linking verbs)
Helping verbs always help either an action verb or a linking verb.
I will play the piano. (will = helping verb, play = action verb)
Unction as main I will be a teacher. (will = helping verb, be = linking verb)
Some verbs can function as main verbs or helping verbs, but they will only do
one job at a time in a sentence.
I have a cat. (have = main verb, action verb)
I have been reading a great book. (have = helping verb)
I am a teacher (am = main verb, linking verb)
I am cooking dinner for my family. (am = helping verb)
Physical Verbs – Definition and Examples
Physical verbs are action verbs. They describe specific physical actions. If you
can create a motion with your body or use a tool to complete an action, the word you use
to describe it is most likely a physical verb.
Physical Verb Examples
The physical verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy
Let’s run to the corner and back.
I hear the train coming.
Call me when you’re finished with class.
Run, jump, dance, write, kick, etc.
Mental Verbs – Definition and Examples
Mental verbs have meanings that are related to concepts such as discovering,
understanding, thinking, or planning. In general, a mental verb refers to a cognitive state.
Mental Verb Examples
The mental verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy
I know the answer.
She recognized me from across the room.
Do you believe everything people tell you?
Think, ponder, guess, imagine, wonder, etc.
States of Being Verbs – Definition and Examples
Also known as linking verbs, state of being verbs describe conditions or
situations that exist. State of being verbs are inactive since no action is being performed.
These verbs are usually complemented by adjectives.
States of Being Verb Examples
The state of being verbs in the following sentences are in bold for easy
I am a student.
We are circus performers.
Please is quiet
Various kinds and Example Verb
a. Transitive dan Intransitive: Transitive followed direct object (example of sentences:
The boy kicked the ball), whereas not intransitive (example of sentences: Cheryl
often sneezes while cleaning).
b. Regular dan Irregular: Pada bentuk regular, past tense dan participle didapat dengan
menambahkan suffix–ed pada base form sedangkan pada irregular, caranya lebih
c. Action dan Stative: Action (eat, play) menyatakan bahwa sesuatu terjadi, sedangkan
stative (love, need) menyatakan kondisi yang cenderung tetap.
d. Finite dan Non-Finite: Finite dipengaruhi tense dan subject-verb agreement,
sedangkan non-finite tidak.
e. Linking Verb: menghubungkan subject of a sentence dengan deskripsinya (contoh
kalimat: She is young and beautiful).
f. Causative: Kata kerja untuk menunjukkan bahwa subjek tidak bertanggungjawab
langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi (contoh kalimat: I had my house renovated last
Complements are words that come after linking verbs and modify nouns. The most
common noun complements are adjectives and nouns, but can be many other parts of speech
as well.
Sarijon bought a cake yesterday
o What did Sarijon buy yesterday? –> a cake.
He saw Tony at the movie
o Whom did he see at the movie? –> Tony
I explain pharmacology to my students
o What do I explain to my students? –> pharmacology
In short, a modifier is a describer. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that
describes another word, phrase, or clause.
Example of Grammatical Modifier:
He is a cute baby.
In this sentence, “cute” is an adjective modifying the noun, “baby.” The adjective
“cute” is a modifier. “Cute” modifies the type of baby.
Types of Modifiers
Several different types of modifiers exist in English. The following is a list of
modifiers with explanations and examples.
1. Adjective Modifiers
Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. They modify in that they answer the
following questions in relationship to the nouns they modify,
What kind?
 cute baby
 What kind of baby? A cute baby.
Which one?
 that baby
 Which baby? That baby.
How many?
 three babies
 How many babies? Three babies.
How much?
 enough fruit
 How much fruit? Enough fruit.
Adverb Modifiers
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They modify in that they
answer the following questions in relationship to the nouns they modify,
a. When?
 arrive tomorrow
 Arrive when? Tomorrow.
b. Where?
 dance everywhere
 Dance where? Everywhere.
c. How often?
 dance frequently
 Dance how often? Frequently.
d. How much?
 answer completely
 Answer how much? Completely.
3. Participle Phrases
A participle phrases is a groups of words that function as adjectives to modify nouns.
Participle phrases begin with a present or past participle.
Participle Phrase Examples:
 The boy riding up and down the street is tired.
 The underlined participle phrase starts with the present participle “riding”
 The participle phrase modifies the noun, boy
 The cabinets stuffed to the brim needed to be organized.
 The underlined participle phrase starts with the past participle “stuffed”
 The participle phrase modifies the noun, cabinets
Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases are groups of words that function as adverbs or adjectives to
modify. Prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and end with a noun.
Prepositional phrases modify,
 by the lake
 on time
 with you
 besides the dog
Phrases and Clauses as Modifiers
Single words are not the only types of modifiers. Phrases and clauses act as
Clause Modifier Examples:
The boy who was at the store bought cookies.
This is an example of an adjective clause.
The adjective clause is a group of words that modifies “boy”
Phrase Modifier Examples:
Please take a seat near me.
This is an example of a prepositional phrase.
The prepositional phrase is a group of words that modifies “seat”