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Copywriting Project
Version Number: 1.0
Date of Completion: 28th October 2016
Ben Morris – Copywriter
James Ramsay
Artificial Intelligence: How It’s Changed The Rules of SEO
Artificial Intelligence: How It’s Changed The Rules of SEO
Global technological growth has changed everyone. We were never as plugged in, switched on,
or even accomplished things as fast as we do today. Besides putting us all into 24/7 overdrive,
what good has come out of it? Just how advanced can technology become? And how quickly?
Well Artificial Intelligence looks like it’s here – and here to stay.
What is artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence falls amongst three classifications. These being:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence – The intelligence is designed for one specific purpose.
2. Artificial General Intelligence – It is designed to perform and serve for a variety of
different purposes, meaning human-like.
3. Artificial Superintelligence – This intelligence is capable of performing way beyond any
level or form of human intelligence, meaning superhuman-like.
When it comes to talking SEO and Google’s RankBrain, we’re talking about an ANI learning
about algorithms.
ANI’s have actually been around forever and a day, you just didn’t know it. But in the world of
SEO, Google keeps us guessing, and keeps the AI discussion sparked.
Data scientists examining AI are grouped into five ‘tribes’, as they are known. These are:
Ben Morris - Copywriter
ABN: 589 466 878 39
Copywriting Project
Version Number: 1.0
Date of Completion: 28th October 2016
RankBrain is studied by Connectionists. They live by the concept that knowledge is embedded
between our brain’s neurons. They also say that RankBrain uses a technique called a back
propagation technique, aka deep learning.
Connectionists believe this technique can learn and automate absolutely anything from raw
data, which is also what Google hopes is true. So, we now know what RankBrain as an ANI is
potentially capable of.
So how is all this ‘deep learning’ stuff changing, or hopefully helping SEO?
How have we gotten to this point?
When we try and predict where technology is going, we’re generally all wrong in terms of
underestimation. What feels like slow advancement is actually exponentially more rapid.
Technological advancement, in a sense, compounds over time – the expansion rate multiplies
quicker and quicker as time goes by. This also applies to the laws of artificial intelligence,
which is what we’re starting to see now.
The scariest things about all of this, is that in some point in the future, computational
processing will exceed the capabilities of all humans! This has the potential to happen
somewhere between the years 2040 and 2060. Experts assume we will have the abilities to
achieve AGI approximately somewhere around 2025 – so let’s just focus on that!
Superintelligence is on its way too
Compared to other ANI’s, Google’s RankBrain is a relatively rudimentary version. But
something like this has the potential to learn and grow substantially, and at lightning-fast
rates. We may not be realising it now, but forms of ANI like RankBrain will surpass us in no
time. The questions is, will we be ready for it?
So, how does any of this link to SEO, let alone change it?
Put simply, RankBrain has literally changed SEO forever. RankBrain decides what algorithmic
mixture best-suits a certain search result.
This means that each search entered is integrated within a completely different set of
algorithms. It has now become useless to conduct regression analysis on each site without
having a particular search result’s context available. This means that analysis has to be done by
each particular search result. The bottom line is that RankBrain basically operates on a
keyword level, with each one having a different algorithm set.
Ben Morris - Copywriter
ABN: 589 466 878 39
Copywriting Project
Version Number: 1.0
Date of Completion: 28th October 2016
Assistance with classification
RankBrain is also able to tell what a ‘good match’ or ‘bad match’ website looks like, in terms of
search queries. It is designed to learn what ‘settings’ should be applied to each search entered.
For example, Google knows that is reputable enough to be classed as a ‘good
match’. This means that any other sites with similar structures will also be considered a good
match. That’s one element of RankBrain, but I’m afraid it’s much more complicated than that.
Before separating good from bad matches, RankBrain has to classify each site. Websites like and are easily classified, however websites with multiple categories and
subject matters are more sophisticated. Google oftentimes will select training data at random
to process these types of sites like How-to websites etc. We just have to assume the ANI has an
automated method of attempting to classify the site appropriately. The best way to stay in
Google’s sites is to keep it niche.
How does it affect backlinks?
RankBrain wants you to keep within your ‘linking neighbourhood. You need to keep things as
similar as possible to the other backlink profiles of the same vertical.
Here’s an example:
A shoe website will be compared by RankBrain with the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sites of the shoe
industry. The same goes for the backlink profiles – they’re ranked against these good and bad
sites too.
Sports, health and fashion are the typical linking neighbourhoods of a good shoe site. That’s
where you now need to optimise within. Why?
Because by adding a backlink from a site that has nothing to do with that neighbourhood, you
run the risk of Google seeing this as spam. Google will find out about that odd backlink and
think, “Nike is a reputable website and doesn’t have backlinks like this, hmm, this site must be
a ‘bad’ site”, and doesn’t rank it.
The future of SEO
No one can ever truly predict what Google will do next in terms of ranking algorithms and AI.
But there are three things you can be sure of:
1. Each competitive keyword category will have to be examined independently.
2. Websites will have to keep within their niche to reduce the chance of
Ben Morris - Copywriter
ABN: 589 466 878 39
Copywriting Project
Version Number: 1.0
Date of Completion: 28th October 2016
3. Each site should strive to replicate the structure of the top sites in that same
So, has Google made life easier for us or significantly more difficult?
I would say it depends on who you ask.
Happy SEO-ing!
Ben Morris - Copywriter
ABN: 589 466 878 39
Copywriting Project
Version Number: 1.0
Date of Completion: 28th October 2016
E: [email protected]
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Ben Morris
Ben Morris - Copywriter
ABN: 589 466 878 39