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Parts of Speech
Major source: Wikipedia
An adjective is a word that modifies
a noun or a pronoun, usually by
describing it or making its meaning
more specific.
Articles are sometimes separated
out as a different part of speech.
An adverb modifies any other part
of language except for nouns:
verbs, adjectives (including
numbers), clauses, sentences and
other adverbs.
Adverbs typically answer such
questions as how?, when?, where?,
in what way?, or how often?
 A conjunction is a part of speech that
connects two words, phrases or clauses
 Coordinating conjunctions join two items
of equal syntactic importance. (and, but,
 Subordinating conjunctions introduce a
dependent clause. (after, although, if,
unless, because)
An interjection usually has no
grammatical connection to the rest
of the sentence and simply
expresses emotion on the part of
the speaker.
A noun is a word that names a
person, place or thing.
A proper noun names a particular
person, place or thing and is
A preposition is a word that tells
you where a mouse can go.
It introduces a phrase showing
temporal, spatial or logical
A pronoun is a word that substitutes
for a noun or noun phrase.
They come in different types:
personal, indefinite (both, each, no
one), demonstrative (those),
relative (who, which), interrogative.
A verb is a word that expresses an
action or a state of being.
Action verbs may have direct
objects. (He read the paper.)
Linking verbs may have a
predicate. (He is president. This
tastes good. I feel good.)
Helping verbs: to be, to have.