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Plate Tectonics Notes
Date __________________
Theory of Plate Tectonics
The Theory of Plate Tectonics states that Earth’s crust and rigid upper mantle (_________________) are broken
into enormous slabs called ____________. Tectonic plates move in different directions and at different rates
over Earth’s surface. There are 3 types of plate boundaries distinguished by the way the plates move (relative
to each other). They are further categorized by the types of crust involved. (Oceanic = ____, Continental = ____)
1) _________________ boundaries are places where two tectonic plates move away from each other. There
are 2 types based on the type of crust involved.
(Draw arrows indicating plate directions in this box)
a) ____-____: found on the seafloor where they form __________ ____________. It is in this rift where
seafloor spreading begins. The formation of new ocean crust at most boundaries accounts for the high heat
flow, __________________ and __________________ associated with these boundaries.
Example: ____________________________________
b) ____-_____: continental crust separates, forming a ____________ _____________. This could lead to the
formation of a new ocean basin. Example: ____________________________________
* Along these boundaries, new crust is formed at ridges
2) _________________ boundaries are places where two tectonic plates move toward each other. There are 3
types based upon the type of crust involved.
(Draw arrows indicating plate directions in this box)
*When one plate moves under another it is called _____________________.
a) _____-_____: subduction creates a _____________________ and an _____________________________.
Example: ____________________________________________________
b) _____-_____: the denser oceanic plate moves under the continental plate (subduction), creating a _______
and a __________________________________. Example: ________________________________________
c) _____-_____: forms when an ocean basin between converging oceanic and continental plates is entirely
subducted; the result is two colliding continental plates that result in a _____________________.
Example: ___________________________________________________
*Subduction destroys (re-melts) old crust
3) __________________ boundaries are places where two plates slide horizontally past each other.
(Draw arrows indicating plate directions in these boxes)
They are characterized by _________________ and shallow _____________________. Most boundaries offset
ocean ridges, but the best known exception is (example): ____________________________________________
*At these boundaries, crust is either deformed or fractured (cracked).
The Exception Is (not at plate boundaries): _______________ - fixed in position as a plate moves over it
(where magma rises up from the interior of a plate); produce ______________________ or seamounts;
Example: _____________________________________________
Causes of Plate Motions
______________________ __________________ in the mantle are thought to be the driving mechanism of
plate movements. Even though the mantle is a solid, part of it, the ______________________, can flow like a
soft, pliable plastic. The currents in this part of the mantle are set in motion by the transfer of energy between
Earth’s hotter ________________ and its cooler _______________. (*Remember what we’ve already said
about convection in the atmosphere: warm air rises and cools, then that cool air sinks and warms up again to
restart the process. The same is true even in liquids like the asthenosphere in the mantle.)
When the weight of the uplifted ridge is thought to push an oceanic plate toward the trench in a subduction
zone, it is called ____________ ____________.
When the weight of a subducting plate helps pull the trailing lithosphere into the subduction zone it is called
__________ ___________.
 It is important to understand how Earth’s layers ~ especially the types of crust ~ affect plate tectonics.
 You will need to know the order and composition of Earth’s layers, the various ways the plates move in
relation to each other, what landforms are created based on the type of crust involved and specific
examples for each.
You must use words and pictures AND be neat AND use color.
This is due by the BEGINNING of next block. I will add 10 points if it is turned in by the end of
this block.
*The “format” does not matter; you just have to use computer paper and fold it so you have a
specific place for each section listed below. (Ex: booklet, layered foldable, study guide, etc.)
1) On the front (10):
Your Name
2) Divergent section (25) - Describe and Draw:
How the Plates Move
Ocean-Ocean Landform
Continental-Continental Landform
3) Convergent section (35) - Describe and Draw:
How the Plates Move
Ocean-Ocean Landform
Ocean-Continental Landform
Continental-Continental Landform
4) Transform section (15) - Describe and Draw:
How the Plates Move
Landform Created
5) Hot Spot section (15) - Describe and Draw:
How they form
Hot Spot Landform
5 points
5 points
5 points
10 points
10 points
5 points
10 points
10 points
10 points
5 points
10 points
5 points
10 points
This may help you get your information together for the plate tectonics foldable.
Use your notes to complete it.
(use arrows)