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Protein is part of every tissue, including your organs, muscles and skin, and plays a
major role in your body—from building, repairing and maintaining tissues, to making
important hormones and enzymes, to transporting nutrients. Since an adequate protein
intake is important throughout our lives, especially as we age, it’s smart to know about
the different types of protein, how much you need to consume and what foods provide a
good source of this nutrient.
The Building Blocks of Protein
Amino acids are organic compounds that combine together in long chains to make
proteins. Considered the building blocks of protein, there are 20 different amino acids
needed by the body. Some amino acids are considered essential because the body
doesn’t make them and you need to get them from food. Other amino acids are made by
the body, so they’re considered nonessential.
Types of Protein
There are two types of protein: complete and incomplete. Complete proteins have the
right proportions of all the essential amino acids. They come from animal sources
like eggs, milk, meat, poultry and fish, as well as foods made from soy, such as tofu.
Incomplete proteins are low in one or more essential amino acids. This includes most
plant proteins, such as beans, rice and nuts. You can combine some incomplete proteins,
including beans and rice, to get a protein that is considered complete.
How Much Do You Need?
The amount of protein you need each day varies based on your age, gender and activity
level. For healthy adults, the recommendation for protein intake is 0.75 grams for every
kilogram of body weight each day.
This is equal to about 56 grams of protein for someone who weighs 75 kilograms.
However, current research and expert opinion show that 0.75 grams of protein
per kilogram of body weight per day may not be enough as we age. The current
recommendations were made based on research in young adults and do not promote
optimal health or protect older adults from sarcopenic muscle loss (loss of muscle and
function with aging). Experts now estimate that older adults need 1.0 to 1.2 grams
of protein per kilogram of body weight or higher per day. Additionally, researchers
recommend that adequate protein intake with each meal is important to promote protein
anabolism (or protein building). These recommendations state that an intake of 25
to 30 grams of high-quality protein per meal is necessary for optimal muscle protein
synthesis, which is particularly beneficial for older adults trying to maintain muscle
Good Sources of Protein3
170 grams,
packed in water
40 grams
170 grams,
cod or salmon
40 grams
113 grams,
35 grams
Lean red meat
113 grams
35 grams
Lean pork
113 grams
35 grams
Cottage cheese
120 grams,
1% or 2% fat
28 grams
120 grams,
frozen, prepared
17 grams
1 container, 170
grams, Greek,
plain, low fat
17 grams
225 millilitres
of skimmed,
8 grams
or full fat
28 grams
6 grams
1 Department of Health. Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for
the United Kingdom. London 1991. pp80
2 Gaffney-Stomberg E, Insogna KL, Rodriguez NR, Kerstetter JE. Increasing
Dietary Protein Requirements in Elderly People for Optimal Muscle and Bone
Health. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Jun;57(6):1073-9.
3 United States Department of Agriculture. National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference. December 7, 2011.
Information provided is for general background purposes and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or advice from a
qualified healthcare professional.