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permissible But
Astronomy is
Muslim scholars of the past referred to the field of
star and planetary calculations collectively as
Tanjeem and they divided it into 3 main categories
for the purpose of analysis and classification
according to Islamic law.
The 3 categories are as follows:
1. The 1st category represents the belief that
earthly beings are influenced by heavenly bodies
and future events may be forecasted by the
observation of the movement of these bodies.
For over two thousand years astrology exacted a
dominant influence on religion, philosophy and the
science of pagan, then Christian Europe. This belief
was also held by Sabians to who the Prophet Ibrahim
(as) was sent.
The Sabians deified the sun, moon and the stars
and prostrated to them. They also built special
places of worship in which statues and pictures
representing the heavenly bodies were placed. It
was their belief that the spirits of the heavenly
bodies descended into the idols, communicated with
them and fulfilled the needs of the people.
This form of astrology is considered kufr
(disbelief) because it destroys Tawheed al-Asmaa
was-Sifaat (the unity of Allah’s names &
attributes). Such belief gives the planets, stars
and the galaxies some of God’s unique qualities.
Those who practice astrology are also in kufr,
because they claim knowledge of the future which
is only known to Allah.
Astrology is also classified as Haraam (forbidden)
based on the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas in which the
Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever acquires knowledge of any branch of
astrology has acquired knowledge of a branch of
magic. The more he increases in that knowledge, the
more he increases in sin”.
[Abu Dawud & Ibn Majah]
2. The 2nd category represents those who claim
that Allah has willed that the movement and
configurations of heavenly bodies indicate the
occurrence of earthly events.
This was the stated belief of Muslim astrologists
who learned and practised the Babylonian science
of astrology.
Astrology was introduced into the royal court by the
later Umayyad Caliphs, as well as the early
Abbaasids. Each caliph used to have by his side a
court astrologer, who would advise him on his day to
day affairs and warn him of impending dangers.
Because astrology in its original form was known by
the masses of Muslims to be kufr, a compromise
was made by those Muslims who wished to practice
it in order to make it appear acceptable Islamically.
Consequently, astrological predications were
attributed to Allah’s will.
However, this form is also Haraam (forbidden) and
those who practice it should also be considered a
kaafir (disbelieiver) as there is no real difference
in essence between this belief and that of the
pagans. Allah’s powers are given to heavenly bodies
and those who claim to interpret their formations
claim knowledge of the future which only belongs to
3. The 3rd and final category is the use of star
formations by sailors or desert travellers in order
to determine directions. It is also used by farmers
to determine the arrival of the seasons in order
that they may know when to plant crops.
Those and similar practical uses represent the only
aspect of astrology which is Halaal to Muslims
according to the Quran and the Sunnah.
The basis for this exception is the following Quranic
ُ ‫َو ُه َو ٱلَّ ِذى َجعَ َل لَ ُك ُم ٱلنُّ ُجو َم ِلتَہۡ تَدُواْ ِب َہا فِى‬
ۗ‫ت ۡٱلبَ ِر َو ۡٱلبَ ۡح ِر‬
ِ ‫ظلُ َم ٰـ‬
“He is the One who made the stars as
guidance for you in the darkness of the land
and the sea.”
[Surah al –Anam 6:97]
َّ ‫َولَقَ ۡد َزيَّنَّا ٱل‬
ِ ‫س َما ٓ َء ٱلد‬
“Verily We have beautified the earthly skies
with lamps and used them for the stoning of the
[Surah al-Mulk 67:5]
Hence Allah made the stars for directional
guidance and for stoning the devils. Muslims are
therefore obliged to refrain from using stars for
purposes other than those clearly defined by Allah.
The Islamic Ruling on Horoscopes
Not only is the practice of astrology Haraam but also
visiting an astrologists and listening to his
predictions, buying books on astrology or reading
one’s horoscope are also forbidden. Since astrology is
mainly used for predicting the future, those who
practise it are also considered fortunetellers.
Consequently, one who seeks his horoscope comes
under the ruling contained in the Prophet’s (pbuh)
“The salaah of whoever approaches a fortuneteller
and asks him about anything will not be accepted
for forty days and nights.”
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the punishment in
this hadith is simply for approaching and asking the
astrologist, even if one is in doubt about the truth of
his statements.
If one is in doubt about the truth or falsehood of
astrological information, he is in doubt about whether
or not others know the unseen and the future besides
Allah. This is a form of Shirk because Allah has clearly
ۚ‫ب ََل يَ ۡعلَ ُم َها ٓ ِإ ََّل ُه َو‬
ِ ‫َو ِعندَهُ ۥ َمفَاتِ ُح ۡٱلغَ ۡي‬
“With Him are the keys to the unseen and none
knows it except Him.”
[Surah al-Anam 6:59]
ِ ‫س َم ٰـ َوٲ‬
َّ ‫ب ِإ ََّل‬
َّ ‫قُل ََّل يَ ۡعلَ ُم َمن ِفى ٱل‬
ِ ‫ت َو ۡٱۡل َ ۡر‬
َ ‫ض ۡٱلغَ ۡي‬
“Say: None in the heavens or earth knows the
unseen except Allah.”
[Surah an-Naml 27:65]
If, however, one believes in the predictions of their
horoscope, whether spoken by an astrologist or written
in books of astrology, he falls directly into kufr
(disbelief) as stated by the Prophet (pbuh):
“Whoever approaches an oracle or fortuneteller and
believes in what he says, has disbelieved in what was
revealed to Muhammad.”
[Ahmad & Abu Dawud]
Like the previous hadith, this hadith literally refers
to the fortuneteller but it is just as applicable to
the astrologist. Both claim knowledge of the future
and hence both oppose Tawheed.
Belief in astrology and the casting of horoscopes are
in clear opposition to the spirit of Islam. These
paths represent a vain attempt to escape Qadr
(fate). The ignorant believe that if they know what
is in store for them tomorrow, they can prepare
from today. In that way they may avoid the bad and
ensure the good. Yet Allah’s messenger (pbuh) was
told by Allah to say:
ۡ َ ‫ب َل َۡست‬
‫سنِ َى‬
َّ ‫ڪث َ ۡرتُ ِم َن ۡٱل َخ ۡي ِر َو َما َم‬
َ ‫َولَ ۡو ُكنتُ أ َ ۡعلَ ُم ۡٱلغَ ۡي‬
َ ُ‫ش ً۬ير ِلقَ ۡو ً۬م يُ ۡؤ ِمن‬
ِ َ‫س ٓو ُ ۚء ِإ ۡن أَنَ ً۬ا ِإ ََّل نَ ِذ ً۬ير َوب‬
ُّ ‫ٱل‬
“If I knew the unseen, I would surely have only
sought the good. But, I am only a warner and a
bearer of glad tidings for believers.”
[Surah al-Araf 7:188]
True Muslims are therefore obliged to stay away
from such practices. Thus, rings, chains etc which
have the signs of the Zodiac on them should not be
worn, even if one does not believe in them.
Nor should he/she read horoscopes or listen to them.
Any Muslim, who allows astrological predictions to
determine his actions, should seek Allah’s forgiveness
and renew his Islam.