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Discover Your Spiritual Path
April 23, 2017; Sunday; 2-5:00 PM
Davis Hall; Stevens St, Cassadaga
$25.00 - includes educational handouts; free birth chart
The moment you were born the heavens activated your current life from the
accumulated energy of many lifetimes. Experiences, relationships and events are
karmic patterns explained through astrology. You will learn about spiritual
meanings of signs, planets and stars; how to resolve challenges, expand abilities
and restore harmony. Everyone has multiple paths and choices. Even nations
have specific missions. The soul, individually and collectively is on a continuum
of growth through time. Explore your higher purpose and how to fulfill it.
Understanding karmic astrology helps you to take command of your life and
realize your divine propose. For all levels from beginner to advanced.
Presenter: Sandra Helton
Astrologer and columnist for Shirley MacLaine
For a free personal chart send your birth date, time and place of birth to [email protected]
For more information call: 386.228.2880
Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association