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What are different types of political ads?
Political ads are a form of propaganda. Propaganda is information designed to make you
think, feel, or act a certain way about an issue/person. Propaganda is usually considered a
negative thing because it does not tell you the full story- it only includes the information from a
person/group that helps make their side look good.
Propaganda can exaggerate the good points of a person/group/idea they like or the negative
points of some person/group/idea they don’t like.
Political ads have a clear purpose; they are designed to make someone want to vote for their
candidate. There are three different types:
Biographical: These ads hope to make the viewer want to like the candidate by highlighting
their life, accomplishments, and values.
Issue ads: These ads focus on a candidate’s view/actions on a certain issue. Obviously, the
candidate hopes voters feel the same way.
Negative Ads: These ads say something negative about a candidate, hoping you will vote for
someone else.
Note: Sometimes groups that like a particular candidate will put out a negative ad to help a
candidate they like. They hope people turn against the candidate the group dislikes without
blaming the candidate they do like for being mean.
Political Advertisement Analysis
Name of Advertisement: ______________________________________
What candidate/group created it? _____________________________________
What type of ad was it?
If combo, what was the combination? _____________________________
Summarize the message of this ad in ONE sentence: ____________________________
What images/symbols do you see used?
How effective do you think this ad was? ( 1= not at all to 5= very effective) ___ Why?
Political Advertisement Analysis
Name of Advertisement: ______________________________________
What candidate/group created it? _____________________________________
What type of ad was it?
If combo, what was the combination? _____________________________
Summarize the message of this ad in ONE sentence: _____________________________
What images/symbols do you see used?
How effective do you think this ad was? ( 1= not at all to 5= very effective) ___ Why?