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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
TheTributeSystem (1)Thetheologyoftribute (2)Theprac9ceoftribute (3)Themappingoftribute (4)Tributeandlegi9macy (5)Asymmetry Koreantributebearer(15c?) Mingdynasty 1368-1644 Qingdynasty 1644-1911 (1)Thetheologyoftribute Heaven Human Earth 天 9an 人ren 地 di (1)Thetheologyoftribute Heaven SonofHeaven Human Chinese non-Chinese Earth 天 9an 天子9anzi 人ren 華 夷 地 di Concentric model of the tribute system China proper Peripheral China Foreigners Animals Concentric model of the tribute system Hierarchic model of the tribute system China proper Peripheral China Foreigners Animals (2)Theprac9ceoftribute Mingdynasty,1368-1644 Qingdynasty,1635-1911 Koreantributebearer(15c?) (2)Theprac9ceoftribute Foreigntributebearers,mid-6thcentury Pictures of auspicious signs for the people of the Ming dynasty 瑞應圖 1414 “Envoys from ten thousand states” 萬國來朝圖 1761 “Envoys from ten thousand states” 萬國來朝圖 1761 Foreigntribute bearersintheouter courtoftheForbidden City,18thcentury Foreigntribute bearersintheouter courtoftheForbidden City,18thcentury TributeembassiestotheQing: Korea, 435 times Annam (Vietnam), triennially or more Ryukyu (Okinawa), 122 times Siam (Thailand), 48 times Burma, 17 times Laos, 17 times Dzungars (Western Mongols), 10 times Nepal, 7 times Sulu (Philippines), 7 times Kokand (Uzbekistan), several times 1774–1798 Sikkim, several times since 1791 Kyrgyz, 1757, 1758 Turfan (Xinjiang), 1673, 1686 Korla (Xinjiang), 1762 Portugal, 1670, 1678, 1752,1753 Holland, 1663, 1686, 1795 “Italy,” 1667 Great Britain, 1793 Persian depiction of Chinese Grooms. 15th century. Topkapi Palace Museum. MogultributebearersintheForbiddenCity,1656(asdepictedin JohanNieuhof,AnEmbassyfromtheEast-IndiaCompany,1669) (3)Themappingoftribute Koreantributebearer(15c?) MapofChina: Yujitu [Mapofthetracks ofEmperorYu], ca.1136 Mapoftheworld: Huayitu [MapofChinese andbarbarians], ca.1136 WhiteMap (1600-40) depositedinthe BodleianLibrary, Oxford,in1684 Beijing Korea India Japan Vietnam Okinawa WhiteMap (1600-40) depositedinthe BodleianLibrary, Oxford,in1684 Withintheseasthere arecountriessuchas Baihua,Yingheng, andRiluothatall submittributebut cannotberecorded intheiren9rety. Beijing Korea Japan Okinawa 1593 ca.1743 (4)Tributeandlegi9macy EmperorHongwu(r.1368-98), founderoftheMingdynasty EmperorYongle(r.1402-24), hisson(andnothissuccessor) (4)Tributeandlegi9macy , EmperorYongle(r.1402-24), whodespatched6ofthe7 voyagesoftheeunuchZhengHe (4)Tributeandlegi9macy , EmperorYongle(r.1402-24), whodespatched6ofthe7 voyagesoftheeunuchZhengHe Giraffepresentedto YonglefromBengal,1414 (lookslikeaqilin?) (5)Asymmetry LordMacartney’smissiontoEmperorQianlong,1793 (5)Asymmetry LordMacartney’smissiontoEmperorQianlong,1793 (5)Asymmetry BrantlyWomack,“asymmetricnormalcy”: “bothsidesmanagetheiraffairswiththeconfidencethatthe powerofthelargersidewillnotbechallengedandthe autonomyofthesmallersidewithnotbethreatened”