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Facial Bones
___________________ make up the face.
12 of these bones are pairs
Maxilla (right and left)
The two maxillae bones_________________________________________________________.
The maxilla _________________________________________
Part of the maxilla forms the anterior part of the hard palate of the mouth
All facial bones except the mandible join the maxilla
Palatine Bones (right and left)
Paired bones that lie posterior to the palatine processes of the maxillae.
Form the____________________________________________________________________.
Failure for these bones to fuse result in a ____________________________.
Zygomatic Bones (right and left)
Commonly referred to as the___________________________.
They form part of the ____________________________________________________(eye sockets).
They fuse with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone.
Lacrimal Bones (left and right)
Finger-nail sized bones that form part of the_____________________ of the _____________.
Each lacrimal bone has a small groove that houses a duct so that tears can drain into the nasal cavity.
Nasal Bones (left and right)
Small rectangular bones that form the___________________________________________.
The anterior part of the nose is made up of cartilage.
The ______________________
The _______________________________________________________________________________.
Forms the only movable joint in the skull
The ________________ part forms the __________
The _________________________ connect with the temporal bone for articulation
_____________________________ are found in alveoli
Vomer Bone
The single bone in the median line of the nasal cavity
“vomer’ means plow.
Inferior Conchae
Thin curved bones __________________________________________________ of the nasal cavity
Sinus Cavities
_____________________________ of bones surrounding the nasal cavity
Functions of paranasal sinuses
- ___________________________________
- Give resonance and amplification to voice
Hyoid Bone
Not really a facial bone.
Is located ______________________________________ on the neck.
The only bone in the body that _____________________________________with another bone
Serves as an attachment site for the muscles of the tongue
The Vertebral Column – The Back Bones
Vertebral Column Function
Serves as the ____________________________ of the body.
Extends from the skull to the coccyx
Is formed from _____________________ bones.
Surrounds and protects the ____________________________.
At birth, the vertebrae has 33 separate bones, but 9 of them eventually fuse. (sacrum and coccyx)
Of the 24 vertebral bones:
________________________ (neck) vertebrae
________________________ (lower back) vertebrae
Single vertebrae are separated by ____________________________which cushion and absorb shocks.
What type of cartilage are they made up of? ________________________
In young people the disks are about 90% water and are spongy and compressible.
In older people, the disks become harder and ________________________.
Normally, the vertebral column has an _______________.
Anterior curve at the cervical region
Posterior curve at the thoracic region
Anterior curve at the lumbar region
Posterior curve at the sacrum
The thoracic and sacral curvature is referred to as ____________________________, because they were
present at birth.
Secondary curvatures developed in the cervical region when the _________________________________
______________________ and in the lumbar region when the __________________________________.
Abnormal spinal curvatures can occur:
_____________________ – a posterior curvature in the thoracic area that usually results from bone
_____________________– an exaggerated anterior curvature in the lumbar area (sway back)
_____________________– any lateral pull on the spine
Typical Vertebral Structure
All vertebrae bones have similar structures. The following features are common to all:
1. body or centrum – the disk-like, flattened, _____________________________; faces ___________
2. vertebral foramen – the ____________ through which the _____________________ passes
3. transverse process – 2 lateral projections from the vertebral arch (in the thoracic area, ribs articulate
4. spinous process – a single projection from the posterior part of the vertebral arch
Cervical Vertebrae
Identified as _____________
Form the neck region of the spine. The first two bones have special names.
The _________(C1) has no body, has depressions to receive the occipital condyles; allows you to nod
The __________(C2) has a large upright process that hooks into C1 (the pivot for the rotation of the atlas);
allows side to side motion
Thoracic Vertebrae
Identified as ____________
Typical shape, but has a _______________________________________________________________
Lateral view looks like a giraffe’s head
Lumbar Vertebrae
Identified as ___________
Have very large block-like bodies, are the _____________________________________________
Has a ______________________________________________
Lateral view looks like a moose’s head
Sacrum and Coccyx
The sacrum is formed by the ___________________________________________ (median sacral crest is
where fusion occurred)
Has a sacral canal where spinal cord ends
Forms the _________________________________________________
The coccyx is the tip or the _____________________ made up of 4 fused bones
The Bony Thorax
Bony Thorax Function
Made up of the ____________, the _______, and the ______________________________
Referred to as the “thoracic cage”, it _________________________________ of the thoracic cavity:
Major blood vessels
The Sternum
AKA the _____________________
Is attached to the first 7 pairs of ribs
Is formed from the fusion of 3 bones:
There are ______________________________ (both ♂ and ♀)
___________________– ribs 1 -7, attach to the sternum with costal cartilage
___________________– ribs 8 -12 either attach indirectly to the sternum with shared cartilage, or are not
attached at all
Floating ribs – the ____________________________________________, not attached to sternum at all