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Pathway Title: Chemistry
Chemical Synthesis and Structure (compatible with biology pathways)
A levels: Chemistry
GCSE: Maths
Module Code: CHEM101
Title: Atoms and Molecules
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: M1
exam/test/cwa: 50/25/25%
This module provides an introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry for students with little or no background in the subject. The lectures cover topics such as the elements and Periodic Table,
atomic structure, properties of atoms, molecular shape, types of bonding and the basic principles of spectroscopic techniques.
Module Code: CHEM102
Title: Introduction to Organic Chemistry
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: M2
exam/test/cwa: 50/25/25%
Students will acquire a basic understanding of key concepts in organic chemistry including nomenclature, bonding and structure, shape and isomerism, electronegativity. The concept of the
functional group should also be understood and the students should be able to give examples of chemical reactions in which these groups participate. It is expected that most students will take this
course in conjunction with the CHEM 103 module.
Module Code: CHEM103
Title: Inorganic Chemistry
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L1
exam/test/cwa: 50/25/25%
The aim of the module is to provide students with the basic knowledge understanding and skills in inorganic chemistry. The module will introduce key concepts related to: periodicity and trends
in atomic properties, bond modules and molecular shapes, variation of properties within a p-block use, acid base properties and d-block coordination complexes.
Module Code: CHEM104
Title: Organic Chemistry
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L2
exam/test/cwa: 50/25/25%
This module builds on previous knowledge of foundational organic chemistry. This course will introduce the chemistry of biologically important molecules such as aromatic compounds, amino
acids, sugars, esters, aldehydes and ketones. The ways in which these molecules participate in reactions central to life will be examined.
Module Code: CHEM105
Title: Inorganic Chemistry 2
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: S1
exam/cwa: 50/50%
The aim of this module is to build on the content covered in CHEM104 and provide students with further knowledge, understanding and skills in inorganic chemistry. Specifically, the module will
introduce key concepts that relate to: Chemical behaviour of s and p block elements. Synthesis and reactivity of s and p block compounds. The crystal field theory of bonding and its application to
various geometries. Bonding in transition metal complexes 2nd and 3rd row TM chemistry and differences to 1st row.
Module Code: CHEM201
Title: Chemistry of π-Systems
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: M1
exam/cwa/prac: 60/15/25%
The aim of this module is to build on the organic chemistry covered in CHEM101/102/104 and provide students with knowledge, understanding and skills in the chemistry of carbonyl, alkene and
aromatic compounds. Specifically the module will introduce and/or add to key concepts that relate to: nucleophilic addition and substitution of carbonyl compounds, electrophilic and
nucleophilic addition to alkenes, electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution of aromatic compounds. 10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code: CHEM203
Title: Strategies for Chemical Synthesis
No of Wks:5
Terms Taught: L1
exam/cwa/prac: 60/15/25%
The aim of this module is two-fold in nature: a) to present the versatility of emulate chemistry in organic synthesis; b) to demonstrate the application of enolate and other chemical methods in
retrosynthetic analysis as a way of devising synthesis of complex organic structures. Specifically the first part of this module will introduce the uses and limitations of enrols and emulates in
organic synthesis. Strategies for overcoming these limitations with emulate equivalents will follow, placing particular importance of reactivity, selectivity and mechanism.
The second part of the course will present the concept of retrosynthetic analysis as a means of designing syntheses for complex organic molecules. As such, the notion of a variety of logical bond
disconnections of large molecules to smaller molecular units will be exemplified, and the use of a range of known emulate chemistry and other reactions as a way of devising a practical and
efficient synthesis of any organic molecule. In addition to retrosynthetic strategies, this module will enable the consolidation of chemical information from previous organic modules.
10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
G/books nat sci/n sci handbook/chemistry/synthesis & structure 1415
Module Code: CHEM222
Title: Organometallics Catalysis and Mechanism
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L2
exam/cwa: 50/50%
The module aims to cover the basic concepts and principles of organometallic chemistry and to introduce students to the structures, bonding, synthesis and properties of a representative range of
organotransition metal complexes containing carbon-based ligands of different hapticities. Ligand substitution, oxidative-addition, reductive-elimination, migratory insertion, beta-H elimination
and nucleophilic attack on coordinated ligands are introduced as key reaction types in organometallic chemistry. An introduction to catalytic processes involving transition metal intermediates is
introduced in the final part of the module. The aim is to give students an understanding of how the above reaction types operate within the mechanisms of catalytic cycles.
10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code: CHEM224 Title: Advanced Coordination Chemistry
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L2
exam/cwa/prac: 50/25/25%
The aim of this module is to extend the student's knowledge of the elements and their compounds covering the main body of the period table excluding the f-elements, further than in CHEM105.
Specifically the module will introduce the key concepts relating to:-solution behaviour of the alkali metals and alkali earth metals, and the behaviour of icons in solution; borane and related cage
clusters and noble gas chemistry; the coordination chemistry, electronic structure and spectroscopy of the heavier transition metals. 10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code: CHEM233
Title: Solids, Surfaces and Soft Matter
No of Wks: 10
Terms Taught: L
exam/cwa: 60/40%
This module introduces students to the properties of hard and soft solid matter, and examines the behaviour and characterisation of their surfaces. The properties of these materials will be
understood through the application of chemical concepts learned in previous modules. The use of X-ray crystallography as a characterisation tool will be explored and the chemical and
mathematical concepts behind this technique introduced. The properties of soft materials will be understood in terms of structure - property relationships. Typical characterisation techniques
such as GPC and DSC will be introduced. The properties and characterisation of surfaces of both hard and soft matter will be explored. The applications of porous materials and surfaces for
catalysis will be introduced. 10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code CHEM351
Title: BSc Dissertation Project (compulsory for BSc)
No of Wks: 25
Terms Taught: M/L /S
cwa: 100%
A range of potential projects will be offered to students at the start of the Lent term of second year. After discussions with the supervisory staff students will be allocated a project and project
supervisor. Information retrieval and the production of an introductory review will start in the second half of Summer term of second year. A final review which will form the Introduction to the
Dissertation Thesis will be submitted by the end of the third week of Michaelmas term in third year. Experimental work will run throughout the whole of Lent term in third year and the
completed thesis must be submitted by the third week of Summer term. Students will be expected to give a PowerPoint presentation of their work after submission of the thesis. 30 credits
Module Code CHEM361
Title: Biological Chemistry & Chemical Biology
No of Wks:10
Terms Taught: L
exam/cwa: 70/30%
This module will introduce fundamental biological processes and concepts from a chemical perspective. It will build upon the theory of physical, organic and inorganic chemistry, and the
spectroscopic and analytical methods taught in earlier modules, to provide mechanistic understanding of important biological processes including DNA replication, transcription and translation,
protein folding and biocatalysis. Examples will be given of how chemistry can contribute to our understanding of living organisms and the treatment of disease.
10 credits
Module Code: CHEM362
Title: Advanced Techniques for Analytical Separations
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L1
exam/cwa: 50/50%
This module will provide an introduction to the principles that underpin modern techniques of analytical separation, including capillary electrophoreses; gas chromatography (GC) and liquid
chromatography (HPLC). The student will gain an appreciation of how analytical separation systems rely on a combination of components working together and how the performance of any
individual component affects the overall separation process. The module will span the underlying theory through to an understanding of analytical practice that may be optimised to deliver a
separation technique that is efficient. Throughout, practical examples of separation applications will be used to illustrate the principles and practice. The module will also demonstrate the more
general analytical principle that an optimised analytical technique must deliver an acceptable combination of: analytical selectivity (which is resolution in separation techniques); analytical
sensitivity (which is peak shape and detection in separation techniques); and minimisation of analysis time (which defines economy of any analytical technique).
10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
G/books nat sci/n sci handbook/chemistry/synthesis & structure 1415
Module Code CHEM363
Title: The Chemistry of Biomedical Imaging
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L1
exam/cwa: 50/50%
The aim of this module is to introduce the imaging techniques most commonly used in biology and medicine their strengths and weaknesses, and the methods and chemistry behind them.
Specifically the module will introduce key concepts relating to the chemistry behind and the design, synthesis and application of chemical agents in MRI; PET;SPECT; fluorescence microscopy
and other optical techniques. Finally the module will introduce the concept of multimodal imaging and explore the issues involved and prospects for development in this area.
10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code CHEM364
Title: Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
No of Wks: 5
Terms Taught: L
exam/cwa: 50/50%
The aim of this module is to introduce the techniques of polymer synthesis and characterisation, to look at structure/property relationships and to review recent advances in polymer science.
Specifically the module will tell students why polymers are prepared the way they are and why different polymers have different chemical and physical properties. Finally the module will
highlight specific applications of polymers in medicine and electronics 10 credits (Study Abroad 4 credits)
Module Code CHEM401
Title: Green Chemistry & Alternative Energy
No of Wks: 10
Terms Taught: M
exam/cwa: 50/50%
Students will develop an understanding of an important branch of chemical science by examining current research aimed at lowering the impact of existing chemical processes on the
environment. They will also review current research programs that are exploring the use of renewable resources in chemical production. Students will also learn about recent developments in the
area of solar energy conversion and strategies being used to reduce costs and increase efficiencies 20 credits
Content Major Pathway
90 credits
Second year:
Modules to equal 45 credits
Third year:
Modules to equal 45 credits
G/books nat sci/n sci handbook/chemistry/synthesis & structure 1415
60 credits
Modules to equal 30 credits
Modules to equal 30 credits