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Ch. 7 Extinction
Why are some species rare?
• Restricted to uncommon habitat
• specialists ~ cave dwelling species
• habitat is rare ~ vernal pools
• poor competitors, can only persist in habitat with few competitors
• Limited to small geographic range
• geographic barriers ~ islands, mountain ranges, lakes
• locally adapted ~ specific soil type
• Occur at low population densities
• big things need more space
• require scarce or dispersed resources ~ apex predators
• fitness increases at lower densities
• Check out the Venn diagram in your book, page 132
• if you are restricted to uncommon habitat, in a small geographic
range, and you need a lot of space, you’ll be really rare.
How rarity increases vulnerability
• More vulnerable to stochastic environmental changes
• a single major change can encompass a narrowly distributed
species’ entire range
• 75% of extinctions since 1600 were island species
• More vulnerable to habitat changes
• habitat specialists more vulnerable than generalists, even in the
same habitat
• can’t seek refuge elsewhere or be “rescued” by neighboring
• More vulnerable to genetic problems
• skewed sex ratios
• genetic drift, inbreeding, bottlenecks
• reduced ability to adapt to changes
What makes species vulnerable
to human-induced change?
• Limited adaptability and resilience
• low reproductive capacity
• limited dispersal capability
• stringent habitat requirements
• Human attention
• tasty
• unpopular and persecuted
• Ecological Overlap
• competing with humans for habitat ~ grasslands, rivers, coasts
• Large Home-ranges
• bound to run into trouble somewhere
• sensitive to fragmentation
• tend to be large and disliked by people
• Evolutionarily unprepared for introduced predators, exotics,
diseases, or over exploitation ~ especially true for island spp.
Population Structure
• Population ~ group of individuals of the same species occupying a
given area at the same time
• arbitrarily ~ political boundary
• demographically ~ age structure and demographic parameters differ
• genetically ~ different alleles, little gene flow
• A population of populations
• Species with patchy distributions
• Each patch of habitat is a different population
• Occasionally, individuals move between patches, but this is
infrequent because non-habitat presents a barrier
• species that will move through non-habitat, or have general
requirements don’t show metapopulation structure because gene
flow too high ~ “patchily distributed populations”
Types of subpopulations
• Sources
• produce a net surplus of individuals
• emigrants disperse to other patches
• Sinks
• do not produce enough individuals to maintain themselves
• rely on dispersers from other patches
• Rescue effect: Sources rescue sink populations from going
• Patch may be a source some years and a sink others
• Ecological traps: Attractive sinks
• Individuals prefer these patches even though they will lose fitness
• Associated with humans manipulating perception of habitat
Metapopulation dynamics
• Turnover ~ Populations appear and disappear, winking in and
out of existence
colonization ~ an appearance
local extinction ~ a disappearance
may be fast or slow
may be patch wide (disturbance or succession) or vary by species
• core subpopulations ~ persist a long time
• generally large patches/populations
• generally sources
• satellite subpopulations ~ those that wink in and out
• generally smaller
• generally sinks
• Particularly useful concept in fragmented areas
Population Viability Analysis (PVA)
• Answer questions about population size, persistence, and
• Model
dependent variables ~ population size
independent variables ~ habitat measures, weather, harvest/take
parameters ~ birth, death, and reproductive rates
accounts for variation in time and space
• model randomly selects a value for each parameter from the range of
probable values
• useful for small populations where chance matters more
• Steps
• Single projection for a specified period
• Repeat 500+ times (each time, different parameter values)
• Calculate proportion of projections that included threshold you are
interested in (75% of the projections predict population of 100
individuals in 10 years)
Stochasticities of Extinction
• Demographic stochasticity results from random variation in
reproduction and survival.
small populations
skewed sex ratios
Allee effects
Population size, sex ratio, age structure, birth and death rates for
sexes and ages
• Environmental stochasticity results from random variation in
habitat quality
• climate and water
• species interactions
• more difficult to model, usually limited to a few key variables
Stochasticities of Extinction
• Catastrophes
• occur randomly
• discrete events
• modeled by killing a proportion of the population outright, rather
than continuously effecting birth/death rates
• Genetic stochasticity results from random variation in gene
not important for short-term PVAs
Be Mindful
• Demographic, environmental, catastrophic, and genetic
stochasticities are interactive
• one may multiply the effects of the other
• feedback loops, or snowballing -> extinction vortex
• Slow, incremental losses can lead to global extinction