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1. If we could travel back to the Sahara earlier than 4,000 B.C., what would we see?
A. The desert was exactly the same
B. The desert was even bigger and drier
C. There was an ocean there
D. It was a region of grasslands with many animals
2. What did Egyptians call their land and why?
A. The Middle Kingdom, because they thought they were in the center of the world
B. The Land of the Black-Haired People, because everyone had black hair
C. Kemet, the Black Land, because of the fertile soil
D. The Land of the Rising Sun, because they worshiped the sun
3. What is silt?
A. Silt is desert sand
B. Silt is rich, fertile soil deposited by a river
C. Silt is the fabric made from reeds
4. What is a delta? Where did the word come from?
A. A bay where there is an inlet to a river; from Latin letters
B. A mountain range; from the an Egyptian god
C. A long river; from the Egyptian
D. A protruding piece of land pushed out by a river; from the Greek letter delta
Why is Upper Egypt south of Lower Egypt?
The curve of the earth only makes it appear to be this way
Upper Egypt is at a higher altitude than Lower Egypt, and the Nile runs north
Egyptians had the compass, but it pointed south
Upper Egypt refers to where the kings and nobles lived
6. What was the significance of the cataracts on the Nile?
A. These formed a barrier for navigation, dividing the regions
B. These made a natural barrier against invaders
C. These were so beautiful that the rulers built their capital city here.
7. A natural salt used to dry out mummies ____NATRON_________________________
8. A plant used to make writing material (our English word “paper” comes from this word)
Our letter “D” is from this Greek letter _____DELTA__________________________
10. The name for the Egyptian ruler __________PHARAOH________________________
11. Greek word for “city of the dead” _______NECROPOLIS_____________________
12. A dark, hard wood, prized by the Egyptians _____EBONY_______________________
13. A religious symbol, representing eternal life _____ANKH___________________________
14. A plant the Egyptians used for fibers to make cloth ____FLAX_______________
15. A shiny dung-beetle the Egyptians admired because of its ability to go inert and then apparently come “back to
life” ____________SCARAB_______________________________
16. A tapering square tower with a pyramid shape on top _______OBELISK_____________
17. Rock-filled rapids ____________CATARACT______________________________
18. The oldest known name of an Egyptian ruler ____SCORPION KING_____________
19. What was the symbol of unified Upper and Lower Egypt?
A. The ankh
C. The scorpion
B. The scarab
D. The two crowns in one
20. If a trader wanted to go from Upper Egypt to Lower Egypt, would they have their sails raised or lowered?
A. Raised to go with the wind upstream.
B. Lowered, to go with the current against the wind.
21. What is a dynasty?
A. The ruler of an empire
B. A series of rulers from the same family
22. What is a monarch?
A. A representative government
B. A single ruler
C. A priest in a temple
D. A new religion
C. Religious government
D. A series of rulers
23. The name of the jars that kept a mummy’s internal organs preserved __CANOPIC____
24. The mysterious people who invaded Egypt ____THE SEA PEOPLES______________
25. A creature with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh ____SPHINX___________
26. A famous Egyptian board game _____SENET___________________________
27. The style of picture writing invented by the Egyptians ____HIEROGLYPHICS___________
28. The fabric Egyptians used to make their clothing ____LINEN____________________
29. Greek word for the stone or gold coffin that held mummies ___SARCOPHAGUS_________
30. Egyptian word for the soul ________KA_____________________________________
31. The pharaoh who built the Step Pyramid, the Bent Pyramid, and the Red Pyramid (second largest)
32. The last Greek ruler of Egypt, famous lover of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, killed herself with a poison snake
(an asp) rather than surrender to the Romans ____CLEOPATRA______
33. People wonder if the Egyptians discovered this, because an ancient medical remedy called for “moldy bread” to
be applied to wounds __________PENICILLIN__________
34. The son of Snefru; the pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid at Giza ____KHUFU_________
35. What is a theocracy?
A. A representative government
B. A single ruler
C. Religious government
D. A series of rulers
36. How did deserts influence Egypt’s development?
A. The deserts allowed more people to invade
B. The deserts made it harder to farm
C. The deserts made it very quiet and relaxing in temples
D. The deserts made it hard for invaders to reach Egypt, leaving them isolated
37. How did Egypt become an empire?
A. They had a king
C. They conquered other people and ruled over them
B. They formed a confederation
D. They elected a ruling council
38. What item did Egypt desperately need to trade for?
A. Stone
C. Iron
B. Wood
D. Food
39. Who was the famous female ruler who controlled Egypt for 22 years?
A. Ramses
C. Snefru
B. Anubis
D. Hatshepsut
40. What did Egyptians believe about the afterlife?
A. They believed that after you die, there is nothing that follows.
B. They believed that it was necessary to preserve a person’s body after death in order for the soul to
exist in the afterlife.
C. They believed that the rich would be punished and the poor would be rewarded.
41. What has recent research shown about the building of the pyramids?
A. It took fewer people than previously thought, it was done in a shorter time, and the workers were not
B. It took more workers than previously thought, it was done over a longer time, and the workers were
all slaves.
C. The pyramids were actually built a thousand years earlier than previously thought.
D. Aliens built the pyramids.
42. What were the builders of the pyramids obviously worried about?
A. Erosion
C. Thieves
B. Earthquakes
D. Floods
43. Were they right to worry about this?
A. Yes, almost all ancient treasures were stolen.
B. Yes, earthquakes destroyed most pyramids.
C. No, floods never threatened the pyramids.
D. No, erosion was not a serious problem in Egypt.
44. What did Moses do with regards to Egyptian history?
A. He led the Jews out of their slavery in Egypt
B. He led the Jews into slavery in Egypt
C. He made the Egyptians believe in one God
45. What did Akhenaton do in Egypt?
A. He made the Egyptians polytheistic
B. He tried to make the Egyptians monotheistic
C. He tried to make the world’s largest empire
46. What was special about King Tutankhamen?
A. He was the pharaoh who met Moses
B. He was the most powerful pharaoh ever
C. His tomb was found with many of its treasures still present
D. His pyramid was the largest of all the ones at Giza
47. Where were many Egyptian tombs located?
A. The Well of Souls
C. the center of Memphis
B. The Valley of the Kings
D. inside Nubia
48. What did the Egyptians put on their head in cones to melt a perfume smell over their bodies?
_______SCENTED FAT_______________________________________
49. What common animal did the Egyptians domesticate and consider magical? _CAT___
50. Belief in one god ____MONOTHEISM_____________________________
51. The first empire to stretch from Mesopotamia to Egypt ___ASSYRIAN_______
52. The person who conquered the Persian Empire _____ALEXANDER THE GREAT_______
53. Belief in many gods ____POLYTHEISM______________________________
54. Jackal-headed god of the underworld, inventor of mummification __ANUBIS_____
55. The empire that conquered Assyria and ruled all the land from India to Greece to Egypt; the largest the world had
ever seen until then ____PERSIAN____________________
56. The sun-god, ruler of the gods, god of the sky, father of the gods, most important god
57. The god of the living and the dead, judge of the dead, god of the afterlife _OSIRIS___
58. Wife of Osiris, mother, protector of children __ISIS______________________
59. Son of Isis and Osiris, god of war, god of vengeance. Head of a falcon ___HORUS_____
60. What has the social structure of ancient Egypt been compared to?
A. A pyramid –the pharaoh on top, peasants and slaves on the bottom
B. An oasis – the rich at the water, the poor in the desert
C. A city with both fancy temples and ghettos
61. What was the name of the artifact that allowed archaeologists to decode ancient Egyptian writing?
A. The pyramids
C. The Sphinx
B. The Rosetta Stone
D. The Book of he Dead
62-63. How was Egypt different from Mesopotamia? (Circle Two)
Egypt was polytheistic
Egypt became an empire
Egypt had a monarch
Egypt had more stone for building
Egypt was in a river valley
Egypt invented her own writing system
Egyptian farmers grew a surplus
Egypt’s deserts protected her from invasion
TRUE OR FALSE? (write T or F for each)
64. Mummies were ground up into powder for medicine
65. Pets were sometimes mummified
66. There are no pyramids outside of Egypt
67. Some American cities are named after Egyptian cities T
68. History teachers will sometimes “walk like an Egyptian”
69. The brain was kept in a jar to preserve it
70. Dancing in New Orleans funerals is an African tradition that may have its roots in ancient Egypt
71. They still speak Egyptian in Egypt
CHALLENGE questions:
Who was the crocodile-headed god who was patron god of the military?
Who was the mystery-animal-headed god who murdered Osiris?
Who was the god of writing (with an ibis head)?
What was the Egyptian book of spells and stories of the gods?