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The Personal “a”
What is the personal “a”?
• Whenever a person is the object of a verb
(a person receiving action of verb) the
personal “a” MUST BE used.
• Personal “a” is written after the verb and
before the person that is the object.
• Most of the verbs must have a personal a.
• In general, verb tener does not take a
personal a.
• I see the teacher.
Yo veo la
a maestra.
• Do you see the personal a?
• Where should we add the personal a?
• Is there an equivalent personal a in
• The personal “a” is only used if the
object is a person. It can be used when
referring to animals, too.
• Verb MIRAR (to see)
• Miro a los estudiantes.
• Miro las ventanas.
• If the noun is masculine, the personal a
changes to “al”.
Which sentences need a personal a?
¿Tienes un perro?
Vemos los estudiantes.
¿Entiendes la lección?
¿Miras el director?
Miro el chico alto.
Veo la cafetería.
No personal a
Needs personal a
No personal a
Change el for al
Changr el for al.
No personal a is
Look around the classroom.
Tell your classmate what you
see. Use personal “a” when
you talk about people.