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Name: ________________________
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Ch. 5, Pt. 2 – Prophets
I) Section 3: God Sends Prophets
Main Idea: The prophets God sent to his people warned them to stay faithful to him alone,
challenged injustices, asked his people to repent, & consoled them when they were suffering.
Decline of kingdoms of Israel & Judah and the Babylonian Exile led to Israel’s greatest
Basic message of prophets: __________________________________________
Hebrew word for prophet - __________ - ______________________________________
Time periods of the prophets:
 ___________________: prophets who lived & preached before conquests
(conquering) of northern & southern kingdoms
__________________________: during the exile of southern kingdom
___________________________: after the exile of southern kingdom
Northern kingdom fell more quickly than southern kingdom
o So more prophets for the ____________
A) The Prophets’ Basic Message
 Responsibility - __________________________________________________________
Made them ____________________
Called the people to ____________________
Received call through _____________________________________________________
Preached through _________________________________________________________
o _____________________________________________
o _____________________________________________
o _____________________________________________
o _____________________________________________
B) Pre-exilic Prophets of the Northern Kingdom
1) Elijah
During reign of _____________________________
o Allowed pagan religion to take over Israel
Elijah called down a _____________ - hoped this would shock Israel back into
Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him, so he fled to southern kingdom
After Moses, Elijah was _________________________________________________
Taken to Heaven in a whirlwind
o Jews believed he would __________________________________________
o Saw him as the precursor & ____________ of the ____________
o Many people thought ___________ was Elijah
2) Elisha
Carried on work of Elijah
Performed many ______________
Sided with the ____________
Cured ____________ of _____________
Elijah & Elisha set stage for ___________ & _________
3) Amos
Preached to _________, even though from the south
Basic message: ___________________________________________________________
4) Hosea
Wife abandoned him
o _____________________ symbolizes ________________________
o Used his painful marriage to describe God’s relationship w/Israel:
Thought Israel’s worst sins were ______________&_____________________________
Sin resulted from _________________________________________________________
C) Fall of the Northern Kingdom
 Assyria captured Babylon & went to Egypt
 Israel tried to ally w/Egypt – led to destruction of northern kingdom (722 BC)
King of Assyria deported more than 27,000 Israelites into exile
o These exiles are the famous (KT) Lost Tribes of Israel - __________________
o Northern kingdom was over after this
D) Pre-exilic Prophets of the Southern Kingdom
 Southern kingdom ended in 586 BC at hands of Babylonians
 God sent prophets to warn Israel before the _____________ __________
1) Isaiah
____________ of all prophetic books – 66 chapters
_______________________________ that span 250 years
o Some written by Isaiah, some later by anonymous prophet
Chapters 1-39 - ________________________________________________
Chapters 40-55 - __________________________________________________________
Chapters 56-66 - __________________________________________________________
Isaiah had vision early in life of God in all his glory in Jerusalem Temple
o Convinced him that Chosen People must ________________________________
At end of King David’s reign, Isaiah promised a sign – ___________________________
o This is _____________
2) Micah
 Message of ____________
Warned of coming judgment but also told of time when _________________________
Added to & affirmed hope Isaiah had offered:
o ______________________________________________________________
o ______________________________________________________________
o _______________________________________________________________
II) Sec. 4: Prophets of Hope: The Babylonian Exile
Main Idea: Once the Jews were suffering for their infidelity to the covenant, the prophets &
some of the Jews themselves looked with hope to the future.
Jerusalem & Temple destroyed in 586 BC
Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar deported most of Israelites to Babylon
o Challenging time for faithful Jews
To distinguish themselves from their captors, Jewish exiles ________________________
& _____________________________________________
No Temple, no place to sacrifice
o Met in (KT) synagogues: ____________________________________________
Scribes gathered Israel’s oral traditions & put them in writing
o Many of these texts became part of the Jewish scriptures
A) Southern Pre-exilic Prophets who also spoke during the exile
1) Jeremiah
Consistently preached message of _____________
Proclaimed the love of a God who _________________________________________
Taught by ______________________________
o God as potter – unless people repented, God would break nation as
punishment – shattered clay flask
Resembled _______________________
Also resembles life of Jesus
2) Ezekiel
 Life overlapped w/Jeremiah
Placed great emphasis on _____________________________
Went with Jews to Babylon
Eccentric behavior
o Outrageous visions & symbolic actions
o Meant to ______________________________________________________
After Jerusalem fell, told exiled Jews about a new king, shepherd who would make
covenant of peace & time when God would restore the nation
Famous vision of ___________________
Also prophesied building of new _____________, ___________________,
Considered ________________________________________
B) Prophet of the Exile
Anonymous authors who wrote in spirit & style of _______________
King Cyrus of Persia allowed Jews to return to Judah & Jerusalem
Prophet made it clear it was truly God who delivered Chosen People
III) Sec. 5: The Southern Kingdom after the Exile
Main Idea: The Jews who returned to Jerusalem were serious about rebuilding the Temple &
Babylonian Exile taught Chosen People an important lesson: _____________________
After returning to Judah, Jews were more faithful
Led by Zerubbabel (descendant of King David) & priest Joshua, they rebuilt the Temple
& Jerusalem, reestablished worship of God, & renewed the Covenant
Refused help from (KT) Samaritans in rebuilding temple
o __________________________________________________________________
Many Jewish exiles remained in Babylon & Egypt
o Looked to Jerusalem for leadership, paid taxes to Temple, made pilgrimages to
o But were more open to Gentile ideas
(KT) Rabbi: ____________________________________________________________
A) Postexilic Jerusalem
Time of consolidation, reflection, recommitment
Ezra & Nehemiah helped shape postexilic Judaism
Pentateuch was completed & historical books reached final form
Works of the prophets were organized
1) Ezra
Priest & religious reformer
Helped ____________________________________
Made Torah constitution for Judaism