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Vocabulary for Pre-Socratics, Athenian Government and Persian Wars
Pre-Socratics: group of Greek philosophers who lived prior to Socrates (500’s400’s)
Monarchy: original and main component of the universe. It could be physical or
Miletus: city located on the coast of Anatolia in Ionia. Crossroads between Greece
and the Near East which allowed ideas of philosophy and science to develop.
Thales: Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, living at Miletus.
Judged by Aristotle to be the founder of physical science, he believed water was
the origin of all things. He is also credited with discovering the principles of
Heraclitus: Greek philosopher. He believed that fire is the origin of all things and
that permanence is an illusion, everything being in a (harmonious) process of
constant change.
Parmenides: Greek philosopher born in Italy; believed that change is an illusion
Pythagoras: sought to interpret the entire physical world in terms of numbers,
and founded their systematic and mystical study; he is best known for the
theorem of the right-angled triangle.
Ontology: study of the nature of reality
Cosmology: study of the nature of origins
Epistemology: study of the nature of knowing
Logos: seen by the Greeks as the divine unifying substance or principle. It could
mean a physical substance? or a metaphysical one like reason.
Telos: the ultimate goal or aim of something (Aristotle would say it was the “final
Theseus: mythical and heroic founder of Athens. Son of King of Athens, he
performed heroic deeds including slaying the Minotaur. After the death of his
father Aegeus, he became king of Athens. He is responsible for the synoecism or
unifying of the villages in Attica to join the city-state of Athens.
Alcamaeonidae: family-line in Athens that became “cursed” after murdering
suppliants of Athena. This family would continue to stir up trouble and be exiled
numerous times in over a hundred years. The unrest would eventually indirectly
cause the First Persian War.
Draco: First legal reformer of Athens. Did not reform the economy. Drakon is
Greek for snake. Called “Draconian” because his punishments were so tough it’s
as if they were written in blood. First time laws were written and elevated the
state over the family.
Solon: legendary law giver of Athens. He was the first to reform both the
economic status of the Athenians and the government. Created the Council of
400 to set the agenda for the assembly. Also allowed the assembly to vote on
Areopagus: Called the council of elders, composed of archons it was also an
advisory board to the archons. They ruled for life and judged the most serious
Archon: a chief magistrate in Athens. There were a total of nine who came from
the aristocracy until later reforms.
Ecclesia: assembly of all Athenian citizen men. It could only elect archons before
Solon’s reforms. After Solon, it could also vote on a few laws.
Boule: Solon made this council. Called the Council of 400 and then later Council
of 500. It set the agenda for the assembly.
Peisistratus: tyrant of Athens who reformed the economy and was followed by
his two unruly sons.
Cleisthenes: Tyrant of Athens who is regarded as the father of Athenian
democracy. All laws had to be approved by the citizen men in the assembly.
Darius I