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Mr. Allen’s World Civilization Class
Room 212
Franklin-Simpson High School
2015-2016 School Year
“That people do not learn very much
from the lessons of history is the most
important of all the lessons of history.”
-Aldous Huxley
Course: World Civilization, 10th Grade/Sophomores
Instructor: Mr. Justin Allen
Cell Phone: (270)-847-3257
Work Phone: (270)-586-3273
Email: [email protected]
Class Location: Room 212
Office Hours: From 7:15-7:55 (before school) and after 3:30 (by appointment)
Course Description: Mr. Allen’s World Civ. class is a summative course of all historical events
related to the development of the world from 8000 BCE to the present. In this course, students will
become “historians in training” and utilize several tools to better their understanding of historical
events and the evolution of our world. Students will be expected to participate in discussion,
reading/writing activities (in class and at home), and class projects that will incorporate all the
skills taught within the course. This class will also stress the development of reading, writing, and
communication skills to benefit all students no matter their career paths. Overall, the course will
strive to teach world history in a fun/relatable manner so that ALL students may succeed in an
effective learning environment.
Course Goals:
1. Students will be better able to read and analyze documents, infer meaning, and clearly
communicate their understanding of historical events verbally and visually. Overall
building upon literacy basked skills, as to prepare students to be life ready.
2. Students will be able to explain changes in various civilizations in cultural, political,
economical, religious, and ethnic terms.
3. Students will be able to analyze the progression of the world from 8000 BCE to the 21st
4. Students will be able to demonstrate their comprehension of several different topics within
the course in creative and productive ways.
Major Units of Study:
 Course Introduction
 Unit 1: Cradles of Civilization
 Unit 2: Medieval
 Unit 3: Religions of the World
 Unit 4: The Renaissance & The Reformation
 Unit 5: Age of Exploration
 Unit 6: Age of Absolutism
 Unit 7: Scientific Revolution / The Enlightenment
 Unit 8: French Revolution / Rise and Fall of Napoleon
 Unit 9: Industrial & Cultural Revolutions
 Unit 10: Nationalism & Imperialism
 Unit 11: World War I
 Unit 12: Between the Wars
Unit 13: World War II
Unit 14: The Cold War
Unit 15: Modern Conflict & World in Transition
Course Materials:
 Each of the following materials will be needed everyday to ensure student success:
 Pen and/or Pencil
 3-Ring Binder (1” should do)
 Paper for Binder
 Organizer Tabs/Dividers (at least 5). Should be labeled as follows:
1. Class Notes
2. Class Writings
3. Bell Ringers
4. Handouts
5. Graded Items (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests)
Grading Policy:
 Students’ grades will be determined by their performances on a variety of assessments,
assignments, and other activities, all of which will represent the students’
comprehension of the material taught in class.
 Planned and graded activities include:
 10 unit tests (these test will usually cover 1-2 units), 3 EOT (end of trimester) tests,
and 1 cumulative final exam.
 Weekly quizzes over class discussions, activities, and readings.
 Daily homework assignments.
 Class projects (expect 2-3 every month).
 Bi-weekly binder checks (see items checked in Course Materials above).
 The teacher retains the right to Change these activities according to the pace of the
 There are no set points for the class; these points will be accumulated throughout the
 There will be NO extra credit assigned, however students may present possible projects
or assignments that prove their understanding for additional points.
Grading Scale: In accordance with the Franklin-Simpson School District grading policy, the scale
is as follows:
Class Rules:
 To ensure a successful learning environment, the students and myself will adhere to the
following rules:
1. Be respectful and understanding of everyone in the class.
2. Come to class prompt, prepared, and ready to participate.
3. Follow teacher instructions and listen to student comments.
4. Engage yourself in the past to better understand the present.
5. Be good, do good, and have fun!
 Following the rules will ensure your success in the class; however, violating these rules will
be met with appropriate consequences. The following penalties are explained below:
 1st Violation: A warning will be issued to the student, either verbally or written.
 2nd Violation: After class, discussion of what the student needs to do in order to
correct his/her behavior.
 3rd Violation: Contact parent/guardian and discuss the student’s behavior and breach
of the class rules.
 4th Violation: Officer referral, further consequences will be decided by the school
administration (further parental counseling, ISI, suspension, etc.).
Attendance & Make-Up Work Policy:
 Students are expected to be in class and in their seats by the ring of the tardy bell each
period. Students are counted tardy if they walk in after this time and are counted absent if
they do not show up to class at all.
 Students who continually are tardy/absent without an appropriate excuse will face the same
consequences as listed above.
 No work can be made up if an absence is unexcused; however, students are encouraged to
come talk to me to ensure all points are not lost on an assignment.
 Excused absences will allow students to make up their work. My policy allows all students
to make up the work depending how many days they were absent from class (ex: John
missed three days of school, and he is then allocated three days to make up the assignment).
 For more information on school attendance, refer to the FSHS Student Handbook.
Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:
 In accordance with Franklin-Simpson Academic Dishonesty Policy, any acts of
cheating/plagiarism committed in the class will be met with immediate consequences. This
can range from failure on the assignment/assessment, to failure of the course, depending on
the act of academic dishonesty committed by the student.
 For further information of academic dishonesty, refer to the FSHS Student Handbook.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
First, I would like to say that I’m looking forward to teaching your child this school year. I
promise to do my best to ensure that your child leaves my class learning a new aspect of world
history and is better able to read, write, and communicate when they are finished with the course. I
hope that the syllabus described my class rules and expectations clearly, and you are informed that
you may contact me by phone, email, or in person (by appointment) to address any concerns you
might have about your child’s education. I believe together we can guarantee that your child will
be successful in my class.
Secondly, since this is an upper-class Social Studies course, some content shown through
videos, images, and other sources may depict violence and/or profanity. In accordance with
Franklin Simpson School District bylaws, I must obtain parental permission to show this material
to your child. If you refuse to sign this, your child’s grade will not suffer and he/she will be
assigned a substitute assignment if necessary. Your signature documents that you have also read
the syllabus and understand its information.
Finally, I would also like your child to sign below as well. To ensure they have read and
comprehended the class syllabus and its information, I would like them to document their
understanding. This document will be brought forward if any violations of the class rules are
committed; this way, students will see they documented their comprehension of the class rules and
understand the consequences.
****Again, please feel free to contact me if you or your child has any questions regarding the
class. ****
Thank you for support and cooperation,
Mr. Justin Allen
Social Studies Teacher
Franklin Simpson High School, Room 212
I, ________
(student signature)_ , have read over the class syllabus for
Mr. Allen’s World Civ. course and promise to follow the class rules and procedures to the best of
my ability.
I, ___________
(parent/guardian signature), have also read over and understand
the information presented in the class syllabus. I also allow for my child to view content that may
have graphic images or use profanity during the course of the school year (this content will be
directly related to the curriculum).