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6th Grade Science
Quarter 2, 2016
Ms. L. Luckasavitch
Room SS15
Email: [email protected]
Course Description:
The goal of Science 6 is to provide students with the foundation of knowledge to understand, construct, and
reinforce scientific concepts. The topics covered will include an overview of science and the scientific method,
plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, minerals and rocks, weathering and erosion, geologic time, freshwater
systems, the ocean, weather and climate, human impact on the environment, and our solar system. To this
regard, students will actively engage in hands-on exploration of these topics. Students will learn how to think
like scientists while applying the concepts of observing, measuring, communicating, classifying, predicting,
inferring, hypothesizing, and experimenting.
Science Explorer: Inside Earth. Vogel, Carole Garbuny and Michael Wysession. Prentice Hall. 2007
Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing Surface. Wysession, Michael. Prentice Hall. 2007
Ringed Binder
Pens, pencils, erasers
Units of Study:
Unit 3 – Minerals and Rocks (3 weeks)
Ch. 4: Minerals and Ch. 5: Rocks
Essential Questions: What makes a mineral a mineral, and a rock a rock? How do rocks change over time?
Why are minerals and rocks important to us?
Objectives: Students will understand the characteristics, formation, and use of minerals and rocks. They will
also explain how rocks change form as they move through the rock cycle.
Desired outcomes: The students will be able to…
1. Define what a mineral is.
2. Explain how minerals form.
3. Relate the location of mineral deposits to past and current geological process.
4. Discuss the use of minerals in society.
5. Explain how minerals and rocks are related and how they are different.
6. Describe the formation, characteristics, and classifications of the three main types of rocks.
7. Discuss how the three main types of rock are used in society.
8. Using the rock cycle, explain how rocks are able to change form over long periods of time.
9. Explain the role of plate tectonics in the rock cycle.
Unit 4 – Earth’s Changing Surface (5 weeks)
Ch. 2: Weathering and Soil Formation and Ch. 3: Erosion and Deposition
Essential Question: How does nature affect the shape of Earth’s surface?
Objectives: Students will understand how the forces of erosion and deposition reshape Earth’s surface by
wearing it down and building it back up. They will understand that some forces act over a short period of time,
while others take much longer.
Desired outcomes: The students will be able to…
1. Describe how weathering and erosion affect Earth’s surface.
2. Discuss the causes of mechanical and chemical weathering.
3. Explain the factors affecting the rate of weathering.
4. Explain how weathering, erosion, and deposition combine forces to wear down and build up Earth’s
5. Explain the cause of the different types of mass movements.
6. Describe the cause and effect of water erosion, both on Earth’s surface and underground.
7. Describe the landforms caused by water deposition.
8. Differentiate between the different types of glaciers in terms of their location, formation, and movement.
9. Explain how glaciers cause erosion and deposition.
10. Describe how wind causes erosion and the features it forms through deposition.
Unit 5 – History of Earth (4 weeks)
Ch. 4: A Trip Though Geologic Time
Essential Questions: How has the Earth changed over time, what caused those changes, and how did it affect
both the geology of Earth and the biology present?
Objectives: Students will understand how fossils and rock strata are used to determine Earth’s past
environments and organisms. They will also understand the major events that took place within Earth’s
geological time scale.
Desired outcomes: The students will be able to…
1. Describe the different types of fossils and explain how they formed.
2. Explain how the fossil record is used to describe organisms and environments of the past.
3. Use the law of superposition, rock changes, and index fossils to explain how scientists determine the
relative ages of rocks within a layer.
4. Explain how and why scientists use the geological time scale.
5. Describe the structure of the geological time scale and how the time periods are defined.
6. Describe what took place during early Earth, Precambrian time, and the 3 eras in terms of geological
events and development of life.
Formative Assessments
(homework, quizzes, textbook assignments, labs, projects, presentations)
Summative Assignments
(tests, scientific literature assessments, labs, projects, presentations, etc.)
Next Generation Science Standards Performance Expectations
MS-ESS2-1. Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth's materials and the flow of energy that drives this
MS-ESS3-1. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how the uneven distributions of Earth's
mineral, energy, and groundwater resources are the result of past and current geoscience processes.
MS-ESS2-2. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth's
surface at varying time and spatial scales.
MS-ESS1-4. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time
scale is used to organize Earth's 4.6-billion-year-old history.