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español II
You will have the opportunity to be an exchange student in a Spanish-speaking country. The
sponsoring organization is having a “meet and greet” get together with students from the various
countries on ______________________ . You will need to talk to those students in Spanish, and you
are, understandably, nervous about that. You have the chance to prepare for the kinds of things you
may hear and have to say by writing a conversation (in Spanish, of course) in your Spanish class.
You will work with one other person and you will incorporate the things that you have been reviewing
and practicing in Spanish class these past few weeks. Use the notes you have taken, the handouts
you have received, any worksheets or charts you have collected, and any little “tricks” you have
learned to remember the basic Spanish I material we have reviewed.
Your written practice conversation must include AT LEAST the following:
 10 different regular verbs conjugated in the present tense
 5 different irregular verbs conjugated in the present tense (from blue chart of irregular present)
 2 different stem changing verbs conjugated in the present tense
 2 different “tener que + infinitive” expressions conjugated in the present tense
 2 different “ir a + infinitive” expressions conjugated in the present tense
 1 conjugated form of ser used appropriately
 1 conjugated form of estar used appropriately
 1 conjugated form of conocer used appropriately
 1 conjugated form of saber used appropriately
 3 different interrogative words
 2 different weather expressions
 1 season
 2 different time expressions
 1 date
 2 different countries and their capitals
 2 different greetings appropriate for the participants
 2 different farewells
Each conjugated verb may count in ONE category only (for example, “voy a salir” counts as “ir a +
infinitive, but does NOT count also as “voy,” for a present tense irregular verb.) You should double
check to be sure that you have at least 25 conjugated verbs, all of which will be different (except for
the “tener que” and “ir a” expressions, when the “tener” and “ir” will be conjugated each time).
For the script to be accepted for grading on the rubric, you must meet the following requirements:
 word process the script using 12-point font or equivalent (this paper is 12-point Arial font);
 DOUBLE SPACE the entire script;
 Include all necessary accent marks, punctuation, etc. (see your teacher for information on how to
do this);
 HIGHLIGHT AND LABEL each of the requirements from the list above where they appear in the
script:, for example: ¿Cómo te llamas?
Interrogative regular present
You will have the following time to work on this:
You will submit the completed written script that meets the above criteria WITH the rubric on
español II
You will have the opportunity to be an exchange student in a Spanish-speaking country. The
sponsoring organization is having a “meet and greet” get together with students from the various
countries on ______________________ . You will need to talk to those students in Spanish, and you
are, understandably, nervous about that. To help prepare for the kinds of things you may hear and
have to say, you are writing a conversation (in Spanish) in your Spanish class.
This written dialog will provide a framework for the things you may need to say when you meet the
other students. On that day, you will meet one student at random, and will exchange information with
them about your countries. Much of that spontaneous conversation will be similar to the things you
have already written in the script. You will want to add some other information that you know about
the country (from classroom activities, from the available texts, from people you know who have
traveled to the country, from the internet or other sources). You will want to think about questions to
ask the other person so you can learn about their country and decide if you think it would be a good
place to be an exchange student.
Examples of the additional information you may want to find out in order to share with others or that
you may want to ask others about (this is NOT a checklist of requirements, but some suggestions):
 The weather/season/temperatures of the country
 The money and/or exchange rate of the country
 The flag of the country (colors/symbols)
 The country or the capital
 The population of the country and/or capital
 The most common religion(s) of the country
 The type of government/name of current leader(s) of the country
 The continent where the country is located
 Typical school subjects/schedules/school year/vacations
 Pastimes/sports and activities
 Food(s) and/or meal times
 Where people typically live (city/country/beach/mountains/house/apartment)
 Clothing
Be sure to look at the rubric so you know what to practice. You will need to meet and greet the other
person appropriately, you will need to help keep a conversation going (you will not find out who your
partner is until you are ready to begin the conversation), and you will need to find out information and
offer information. You should practice with other Spanish II students several times, as each
conversation will always be different. Then you will become more comfortable sharing the
responsibility for maintaining the conversation!
You will have the following time to work on practicing the conversations: