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The mission statement of Canadian Academy encourages students to impact the
world in a positive way, but the foods served in Canadian Academy does not
contribute in helping students to act in such a manner. In the modern society the
most significant impact one can make on the world is to contribute in solving global
warming or helping people in poverty to escape from hunger. All those goals can be
achieved through the diet, by eating more foods that require less fossil fuels, by
eating foods that require less money to grow. The best solution for those food is
vegetable, or a vegetarian meal. But, in Cezars Kitchen, mostly beefs are served,
which are foods that take the most fossil fuels to create and cost the most money. A
graph below shows that beef requires about 30 time more fossil fuels to be created.
Also, the second and third most popular meal is Pork and Chicken, which also
requires about 15 to 23 times more fossil fuels to be made. When Canadian
Academy consume those foods, it encourages farmers to grow more meats, which
helps increase the greenhouse affect, and greenhouse affects change the climate,
helping poverty to worsen. Therefore, I thought that Canadian Academy has to be
aware of this fact, and thus decided to create a project regarding this problem and
possibly suggest a solution.
To help Canadian Academy be aware of this fact, there has to be data that proves the
fact that Cezars Kitchen is contributing in global warming and poverty. The best way
to do this is to investigate the foods that Canadian Academy serve, and turn them
into a graphic visualization that shows both the food served and the amount of fossil
fuel that is used to grow that food. First I
looked at the menu and decided to
concentrate on two days, and analyze the
foods served in two days. The result shows
that Canadian Academy served beef and
chicken, with other side menus, which are
mostly all vegetables. Then those menues
served can be created into a graph and show
what the students of Canadian Academy ate
for two days, and the amount of fossil fuels
that was required to create those.
The graphs would be uploaded to a wordpress blog, with explanations below.
Wordpress is the most suitable solution for this project since wordpress blog is
familiar with most CA students, and it is a free blog site.
Day1: Gather data from Cezars Kitchen
Day2: Continue gathering data form Cezars Kitchen
Day3: Transform the data into graph and analyze the graph
Day4: Write the analysis and comment on the affect of Cezars Kitchen
Day5: Continue writing the analysis and proof read the writing
Day6: Upload the writing onto the blog.
The analysis stated that the best solution for Canadian Academy is to develop a
habit of chicken or vegetables. By developing a habit of chicken or vegetables,
Canadian Academy will use about 21 times less fossil fuels for food, and graph
shows that Canadian Academy can become.
This conclusion is written in the wordpress blog, and support the idea that Canadian
Academy is impacting the enviroment and poverty in a negative way. Through the
blog, I wish to achieve the goal of changing the habit of Canadian Academy’s diet,
and help reduce the greenhouse gases, which contributes in global warming.