Download American Academy of Dermatology Shade Structure Program

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Template Letter – American Academy of Dermatology Shade Structure
Note: Please place this letter on your office letterhead.
Principal/Executive Director Name
School Name/Organization
City, State Zip
Dear Name:
With warm, sunny weather heading our way, no one wants to be cooped up indoors,
especially children and teenagers. But heading outdoors without adequate sun
protection can lead to a sunburn that lingers long after the outdoor fun has ended.
Sunburns are known to have a cumulative effect and can lead to future skin cancers
including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In fact, dermatologists are
seeing younger and younger people with skin cancer, making it more important than
ever to protect young people from the dangerous rays of the sun.
To help make it safer to have fun outdoors, the American Academy of Dermatology
(Academy) offers a Shade Structure Program that provides grants for the installation of a
shade structure for any type of outdoor location, including playgrounds, baseball dugouts
or eating/recreation areas. Name of school/organization is eligible to apply, so I wanted
to bring this opportunity to your attention because applications for the grants are
available now.
As a dermatologist in the community and to help your organization meet the eligibility
requirements of the program, I am interested in working with you and your colleagues to
raise awareness about the importance of sun safety among children and teenagers.
Dermatologists specialize in protecting the skin and as a member of the Academy, I can
provide a variety of age-appropriate resources, programs and curriculum that can
educate children, teenagers and their parents about skin cancer and melanoma, and the
steps they can take to prevent and detect this serious condition.
I will call you soon to determine your interest in working together to develop a sun-safety
program. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact me at insert number or e-mail
address if you have any questions or require any additional information.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your Name, MD, FAAD (any additional titles you may hold)